2.3 Guarantee and manufacturer's responsibility
Frucosol guarantees you the excellent Qualityand performance of the new product you havepurchased for a period of 3 years from its
Purchase, subject to the registration of theproduct in our website www.frucosol.com duringthe First three (3) months after Purchase (*).
Thewarranty conditions and coverage offered byFrucosol as manufacturer are independent of therights you have against the official seller /
distributor, derived from the sale of your newequipment. Please read carefully this documentand in case of any doubt or question contact
[email protected] The warranty of theproduct cannot be extended in case of sale /transfer to a third company or user.
(*) In case of not registering according to the indicated conditions, thewarranty period will be 2 years.
This warranty includes the right to replacement orrepair of that component or part of the new productyou have purchased whenever the
defect and / orbreakdown is caused by a manufacturing fault thatsupposes a deficiency in its normal operation.
In case that the defective part belongs to a set ofpieces, only the first one will be replaced with theexception of those consumable parts a
nd thosethat should be replaced during periodicmaintenance. In order to make this warrantyvalid, Frucosol will have to check, through the
corresponding purchase invoice, the date of thepurchase, the model and serial number. For thispurpose, and thinking about a better service,
werecommend you to register your product in ourwebsite www.frucosol.com during the first threemonths of use; just visit the site, the
Service /Registry section and fill in the form. It is a simpleprocess that will make easier the management ofyour warranty and will allow us to
offer you fasterand more personalized service, taking intoaccount your needs. Frucosol may require you atany time to send the defective part
whosereplacement you are requesting in order to verifythe part in our factory. Its delivery will be acompulsory requirement for the validity
of thiswarranty. In the event of a delay in the supply ofspare parts for reasons not attributable toFrucosol, it will not be possible to demand
anycompensation and in no case an extension of thewarranty period.
It is excluded from the warranty coverage, andtherefore it will be the responsibility of the user:
• The cost of the hours of repair, transport andtravel.
• Faults produced by incorrect assembly orinstallation due to not following the tasksdescribed in the official Frucosol User Manual, by
the application of chemical products for cleaningand maintenance not recommended in the UserManual and Cleaning Instructions, by the use
ofproducts or tools not recommended in theCleaning Instructions, as a consequence of theaccumulation of residues due to lack of cleaning
and / or maintenance, not following the tasksdescribed in the User Manual and in the CleaningInstructions, breakages and / or operatin
ganomalies due to the use of fruit sizes other thanthe juicing system recommended in the UserManual.
• Parts and / or consumables subject to wearduring the normal use of the machine and thosethat can be replaced during periodic
•Loss of parts.
•Replacement of complete sets (those pieceswith available parts that can be found separately).
•Faults caused by negligence or misuse of theuser that are derived from experiments or tests inthe course of which the equipment has
beensubjected to a greater effort than normal,incorrect installation, modification ormaintenance of fasteners, sockets or electricitysystems
and / or Water.
•Incorrect assembly, manipulation or repairs,when they have been carried out by personnelother than Frucosol or its authorized
services, including incorrect installation of themachine on surfaces that are not adequate for itsweight, dimensions and operating c
•Faults produced by acts of God, force majeure(atmospheric or geological phenomena),accidents, fire, explosion or fire extinguishing,
theft, plunder or theft, by the action of electricalenergy as a result of short circuits, cuts,atmospheric discharges, voltage peaks,harmonics
or other disturbances.
•Blows, overturns, falls, scratches, wear oraesthetic deterioration including subsidence orlandslides, floods or atmospheric phenomena.
Frucosol will not be responsible for any defect,inconvenience, loss, cost or any otherconsequential damage, arising from the use orinability
to use the product or the breach of anyexpress or implicit guarantee.
* Warranty conditions applicable to products sold from 01/01/2022. Thewarranty extension is subject to product registration within
3 months ofpurchase.