The carriage moves
slowly, jerks,
making unfamiliar
noise, fails to split
Oil leaks around
cylinder ram
Oil leaks around
rear of motor or
other points
As soon as the
motor starts, the
carriage begins
to move without
pressing the lever.
Carriage moves
without pressing
the lever and the
splitter fails to split
No power to motor
or motor won't
FMX4 (Models D & TW)
Log splitter pointing downhill
Low oil level
Air sealed in hydraulic system while
Bleed Screw is not tightened before
moving the log splitter.
Oil Drain Bolt with Dipstick is not
Seals worn or pump leaking
Operating valve sticking and not
springing back out
Operating valve sleeve misaligned
Fuse blown or RCD tripped
Check that the front (fixed blade end)
of the log splitter is not pointing
downhill, the splitter should be level
or pointing uphill.
Check oil level or raise the front foot
on a block of wood, if the splitter
works normally then the oil level is
low, top up.
Loosen Bleed Screw by 3 ~ 4 rotations
before operating the log splitter
Tighten the Bleed Screw up before
moving the log splitter.
Tighten the Oil Filler Bolt.
Locate the oil leak. Clean the area
around the rear of the motor and
log splitter with white spirit and dry
it. Dab around the area with kitchen
towel which should pick up spots of
oil from the source of the leak. It may
help to operate the pump.
After locating the leak contact the
Check that end of the valve stem is in
contact with the face of the lever, if
Remove the nut holding the lever and
remove the lever. Remove the valve,
check the O-Ring and clean the valve
with lint free cloth. Replace the valve
and the lever.
Remove the valve as above. Loosen
the grub screw in the angled hole
below the valve sleeve then use a
wooden drift to tap in the sleeve and
tighten the grub screw.
Check fuse in plug. Check RCD for
the ring main has not tripped.
If the RCD has tripped, try the
machine on a separate ring main. If
it repeatedly trips, unplug all other
equipment from sockets on the ring
main and switch these sockets off.
Try to start the motor.