Precise recommendations for grinding degree settings cannot be provided due to
various factors.
Beans / types of beans react differently (oily, old, freshly ground et cetera).
The personal taste plays a role as well.
Choose a ner grndng degree settng or Espresso.
Choose a medum grndng degree settng or lter coee.
Choose a coarse grinding degree setting for French Press.
Room temperature / air humidity have an effect on the coffee beans.
The following serves as standard values: When the correct setting of degree of
grinding has been made, the coffee grounds start clumping slightly. Smaller to
medium-sized balls are formed which spread again when dropping out. The cof-
ee grounds have a ne eel.
It s very mportant to nd the rght grndng degree or preparng coee (ex-
traction time). In case of a wrong grinding degree, the coffee cannot be extract-
ed in an ideal way and is then either under or over extracted.
However, there s no "perect grndng degree". Everyone should nd hs or her
grinding degree according to his or her taste preferences.
The setting of the grinding degree should also take into consideration the con-
tact pressure and the dosage as well as the roasting degree of the bean used.
Some test grinds are necessary here. For this reason the contact pressure and the
dosage should be kept constant; the grinding degree should be attuned.
It may happen that the grinding degree has to be corrected after some time
because the quality, the moisture content and the freshness of the bean de-
pends very much on the surroundings. This can be corrected quickly by trying
out and adapting the grinding degree and/or contact pressure if the Espresso
runs into the cup too quickly or too slowly, for example.
After-sales service
If your unit is defective, please contact your specialist dealer or the Graef customer
service on +49 2932 9703688 or write