purpose, hold tightly the cylinder so it does not move due to the
pressure applied.
8. Pour hydraulic oil into the chamber until its level reaches the upper edge of the opening. Oil
chamber A should be completely free of air bubbles. To accomplish this, stir the oil gently with
a clean prick, and refi ll again to reach the level stated above if it were necessary. The hydraulic
oil to be used should feature a viscosity of 6,5 E/50º C., type.
9. Now introduce gently small piston (0012) into cylinder (0003) by its chamfered end pushing
it and creating a twisting movement at the meantime. Small piston (0012) must be absolutely
clean so as not to damage small seal (0011).
10. Hold tight cylinder (0003) and then screw in the threaded cylinder (0013). The hole practized
through the threaded cylinder has to match with the oil chamber slot, but if they did not, then
unscrew threaded cylinder (0013) and give it a 180° turn for it features a double entry thread. If
the threaded cylinder is screwed in through the proper thread entry, the openings shall certainly
match with each other. Once the matching has been accomplished, replace allen set-screw
(0004), (0014) on size 090) and tighten it fi rmly.
11. The belleville springs (0007) are to be replaced as shown in the corresponding drawing.
12. Screw in threaded spindle (0001) with pushrod (0002) and preset tension spring (0006)
into cylinder (0003) until this group can not be driven ahead any more by hand. Followingly,
threaded spindle (0001) shall be advanced by screwing it into cylinder (0003), until the second
slot on the spindle matches with the hole tappered in the cylinder. Screw (0004), is now to be
replaced and tightened so as to keep everything assembled properly.
13. After having fi lled up the hydraulic spindle with the proper oil, it should be actioned several
times before it is reassembled for service routines
D.- The Hydraulic Spindle Unit Applied to Other Fixtures
If the hydraulic spindle unit were to be applied to any other fi xture, the following important points are
to be remembered:
The less the fi xture strains elastically, the greater shall be the pressure obtainable from the spindle
whose hydraulic travel comes only to about 1.8 mm. Such a short distance needs obviously a very rigid
support to fulfi ll its purpose.
There is available a bush for the hydraulic spindle which can be acquired by the user if the spindle is
applied to other fi xtures.
If the fi xture the Hydraulic spindle unit is to be applied on is provided with a connecting pin, the said pin
should move freely in its guides or bushes.
As not all fi xtures are constructed so they feature rigid walls or supports, we suggest the use of a 0.2
to 6 Ton dynamometer to check the pressures it is able to stand.
With a standard hydraulic spindle unit it will not be possible to stack tight metal sheets or similar parts
it they are strained, since the spindle travel features only 1.8 mm. It either the hydraulic spindle or
the vice will be used mainly for this purpose, we suggest the hydraulic spindle with presetting power
If by any chance it were necessary to disassemble the spindle sleeve (0122), ((0022) on size 090),
before removing it, it shall be necessary to INTRODUCE locking pin screw (0124), ((0024) on size
090) inside the threaded housing featured by part (0123), ((0026) on size 090). After the previous
procedure, the sleeve can be removed and then unscrewed the mentioned locking pin screw (0124),
((0024) on size 090).
Whenever requiring spares for the said spindle, both the names and the reference numbers given to
ºthem in this instruction handbook are to be stated.