: that yoursaw chain could hit while
under thefront handlebar.Keep your
leftarm straight withthe elbowloh.,ked.
• Keep saw chainsharpano propeny
• PosPJon yourleft handon the front
tensioned. A looseor dullchaincan
handlebarso it isIn a straightline with
increase the chance of kickback.Fot-
YOUr r ight hand on the rear handle
low manufacturer' s chainsharpening
when makingbuckingcuts. Stand
and maintenanceinstructions.Check
slightlyto the lelt side ofthe saw to
tensionat regularintervals,but never
keep _our =.body f rom being in a direct
with engine running. Make sure the
line withth_ cuffing:chain.
bar clamp nutsare securelytight-
• Standwtth yourweightevenly bai-
ancea on both feet.
• Begin and continuecuttingat full
• Do not overreach. You could be
speed. Ifthe chainis movingat a
_ drawnor thrown offbalance and lose
slowerspeed, there is= greaterchance
of kickbackoccurring.
° Do not cut above shoulderheight. It
° Use extremecautionwhen re-enter-
is difficultto maintaincontrolof saw
ing a cut.
• Do not attemptcutsstartingwith the
tip of the bar (plungecuts).
• Watch for shiftinglogsor otherforces
that could closea cutand pinchor fall
• Use the specifiedReduced-Kickback
Guide Bar and Low-KickbackChain.
Avoid Pinch-Kickback:
• Be extremelyaware of situationsor
obstructionsthat can cause material
to pinch the top of or otherwisestop
the chain.
• Do not cut more than one log at a
° Do not twistthe saw as the bar as with-
drawnfrom an undercutwhen buck-
A,_n_€l Pull-In:
• Alwaysbegin cuttingwith the engine
at ful/speed and the saw housing
• Use wedges made of plasticor wood.
Never use metal to hold the cutopen.
Stand to the left of the saw
Thumb on
Never reversehand posiUons
• A good, firm grip on the saw with both
handswill heap you maintaincontrol.
Don't let go. Gnp the rear handle with
your right hand whetheryou are dght
or left handed.Wrap the fingersof
your left hand overand aroundthe
front handlebar,and your leftthumb
above shoulderheight.
WARNING: The following features are
includedon yoursaw to help reduce
hazard of kickback; however,such fea-
tureswill nottotallyeliminatethis dan-
ger.Do not rely onlyon safety devices.
Followall safety rulesto help avoid
kickbackand otherforces which can
resultin seriousinju_.
• Handguard:designedto reduce the
chance ofyour lefthand contacting
the chain _your hand slipsoffthe
• Positionof front and rear handlebars,
designedwithdistancebetween han-
diesand "in-line" with each other. The
spread and "in-line • position of the
hands providedby this design work
togetherto give balanceand resis-
tance in controllingthe pivot ofthe
saw back towardthe operatorif kick-
back occurs.
• Reduced-Kickback Guide Bar,de-
signed with a small radiustip which
reducesthe size ofthe kickback dan-
get'zone on the bar tip. This type bar
has been demonstratedto si_]nificant-
lyreducethe numberand senousness
of kickbackswhen tested in accor-
dance withANSI B175.1.
Reduced _3ckba, c_metrica!
Symmetrlcall Guide___Ik
LargeRadius Tip