Dress properly with clothes adapted for the job. Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery. They could be
caught up in moving parts.
Secure the machine on a workbench or into the ground in order to work safety.
Check if your machine is damaged. Before using the machine ALWAYS check that no parts have been
damaged in order to be sure that it can perform its intended function. Check for alignment of moving parts,
binding of moving parts, breakage of parts, mounting, and any other conditions that may affect its
The recommendations are about personal protection equipment. They are only applicable for the described
machines used in this manual. Any requirements of additional equipment resulting from outside ambient
conditions or the closeness of other machines are not taken into account.
These recommendations do not resign in any way the agency responsible for its statutory obligations
regarding health and regarding safety at work to his employees.
If the power cable is damaged, a direct contact could cause
an electric discharge.
Fatal electric shock!
Do not abuse the cable. Never carry the machine by the
cable or yank it to disconnect it.
Keep the cable away from heat, oil and sharp objects
Damaged insulation
Fatal electric shock
Do not drop or hit the machine
Hold the machine exclusively from the isolated sides of it.
Damaged power outlet
Fatal electric shock
Do not abruptly unplug the power outlet.
Store proprely the power outlet when it is unplugged.
Elements/security parts are damage or faulty.
Default of security elements could provoke serious
Do not use the machine if any part of it is damaged.
Before using the machine again, carefully verify if the moving
parts work correctly.
Involuntary action on the ON / OFF button of the machine.
Various physical injuries or material damage.
Stay awake and attentive to the work to be done.
Respect the mandatory break times.
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