Picture 3
natively one eye after the other. To correct this defect you should adjust the dioptric ring to
zero. Looking through the right eyepiece you have to focus the sample using the macro and
micrometric controls, once you have focused the sample, look through the left eyepiece and
then adjust the dioptric adjusting ring until you can obtain a clear bright image. If the obser-
vant needs glasses, he must keep his glasses on, taking into account previously that the
observation distance is far enough from the lens to avoid that it rubs on the glasses.
When the values are found out it will be very easy to learn them by heart, above all if the
microscope is shared with other users. This is advisable in order not to repeat the location of
the suitable values each time the microscope is used.
Picture 4
IMPORTANT: Starting always the observation with the lower magnifying objective
makes the focusing easy, makes impossible that the preparations break or the objectives
become dirty. Besides this is essential to regulate the illumination previous to a higher mag-
nifying observation.
Operating the nosepiece it will pass to another higher magnifying objective, and you will
only have to retouch the focusing with the micrometric control.
Page 22
In those models provided with binocular observation
systems, the two observation tubes must be regulated
correctly. This regulation will depend on:
The interpupillary distance (pic. 3): regulate the interpupi-
llar distance separating or joining the eyepieces. It is achieved
when there is a total fusion of the two images.
Dioptric compensation of the tubes: You will appreciate a
difference in the focusing more or less marked, closing alter-
Before placing the preparation on the slide, the slide must
get down to a higher distance than the working distance of
the lower magnifying objective. Then the preparation is pla-
ced on the slide, fitting it in the square and fastening it with
the moveable clip. The sample must be centered with respect
to the slide aperture.
Looking with the eyepiece and the lower magnifying
objective, raise the slide with the macrometric control until
the image appears, at this moment operate the micrometric
control until obtaining a correct focusing (Pic.4).
Instruction manual 50137XXX
Version 1 January-00