Maytag 74007065 Guia Del Usuario página 12

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

_- It is normalfor parts of the rangeto
becomehotduring a cleancycle.
>- To prevent damageto oven door, do
not attemptto open the door whenthe
LOCK indicatorwordis displayed.
>- Do nottouchcooktop,door,window, o r
oven ventareaduring a cleancycle.
Do not use commercialoven clean.
ere on the self-cleanoven finish or
around anypartoftheovenas theywill
damagethefinish orparts.
ing temperaturesto automaticallyclean the
entireoven interior.
It is normal for excessive flare-ups,smoking
andflamingto occurduringcleaning ifthe oven
is heavilysoiled.It is betterto cleanthe oven
regularly ratherthan to wait until there is a
heavybuild-upof soilin the oven.
Duringthecleaning process, t hekitchenshould
be well ventilated to help eliminatenormal
odorsassociated with cleaning.
Thecleaningtime canbe varied dependingon
the amount of soil. Pressthe appropriate
numberpads to set any amount of time be-
tween two and four hours. '_:00" hours of
cleaningfor light soil, up to "4:00" hours of
cleaning for heavysoil.
Turnoff the oven light beforecleaning as the
lightmay burnoutduringthe clean cycle.
Remove broilerpen,allpansandtheovenrecks
fromthe oven. Theoven racks will discolor
and may not slideeasily afler a self.clean
Clean oven frame,
door frame (area
outside the door
gasket)and around
the opening in the
door gasket with a
ing agent such as Bon Ami* or detergentand
water. T hese areasare not exposedto clean-
ingtemperatures andshouldbe cleaned to pre-
vent soil from bakingon duringthecleancycle.
Toprevent damage,do not clean or rub the
signedto sealin heatduringthecleancycle.
Wipeup excess greaseor spillovers fromtheoven
bottomto prevent e xcessivesmoking,flare-ups
or flaming duringthecleancycle.
Wipe up sugary and acidicspilloverssuch as
sweet potatoes,tomato or milk-basedsauces.
The porcelain finish may discolor if acidic
spills are not wipedup prior to a self.clean
Usetoset a self-clean cycle. (Only one oven
may be cleanedat a time. Both ovens will
lock when eitheris being cleaned.)
1. PressCLEAN pad.
2. Press the AUTO SET pad for 3 hours of
cleaning time,pressagainfor 4 hours and
again if2 hours ofcleantimeisdesired.
3. CLEANINGandLOCplusthecleantimewill
appear in the displayand both ovenswill
Whentheclean cycleiscomplete, CLEANED
willbe displayed. LOC willremainon until
the oven has cooled(approx. 1 hour).
Whentheoven is cool,LOCwillno longerbe
displayedand bothdoors may be opened.
Wipeouttheoveninteriorwitha dampcloth.
If soil remainsitindicates the cyclewas not
long enough.
To Cancel Self-CleanCycle:
1. PressCANCELpad.
2. If LOCis NOTdisplayed,open ovendoor. If
LOC is displayed, allowovento cool.
To Delay the Startof a Self-CleanCycle:
1. Followsteps 1-4 above.
2. Press theSTOPTIMEpad. STOPTIMEwill
3. As STOPTIME flashes,pressthe ap-
proprlate number pads to enter the
time youwish the oven to stop.
4. DELAY CLNandLOCwillbedisplayed.
5, When the delay period is completed
andcleaningbegins,CLEANING, L OC
and the cleantime will be displayed.
WhentheLOCKindicator lightislit,thedoor
cannotbe opened.To preventdamageto
door, do not force door open when the
LOCKindicator lightis lit.
Somesmokeandodor maybe detected the
firstfew times the ovenis cleaned. T his is
normalandwill lessonin time.Smokemay
alsooccurifovenisheavily soiledorifbroiler
pan wasleftin oven.
As oven heats, you may hear sounds of
metalpartsexpanding a ndcontracting. This
is normalandwillnot damageoven.
Aboutonehouraftertheendofthe clean
cycle, theLOCKindicatorwordwillturn
off.Atthis point,thedoorcanbe opened.
Somesoilmayleavea light gray,powdery
ash whichcan be removedwith a damp
cloth. If soil remains,it indicatesthat the
cleancyclewas not long enough.The soil
willbe removed duringthe nextcleancycle.
If the ovenreckswere left in the ovenand
do not slidesmoothly after a cleancycle,
wiperacksandembossed recksupports with
a smallamountof vegetableoil to restore
easeof movement.
Awhite discoloration m ayappearafterclean-
ing if acidicor sugaryfoodswerenotwiped
up beforethecleancycle.Thisdiscoloration
is normaland will NOTaffectperformance.
Fine linesmay appear in the porcelainre-
suiting fromthe heating and cooling of the
finish. This is normal and will not affect
* Brand names for cleaning products are registeredtrademarksof the respectivemanufacturers.