urmet domus Digivoice 1138/18 Manual De Instrucciones página 7

Idiomas disponibles
  • ES

Idiomas disponibles

This is the number of voice lines connected between
main and secondary. Permissible values are 1 or 2.
LED (11) will fl ash once to indicate that the data has
been stored.
A (
A )
Set 0 the terminal will never be activated. Set 1
the terminal will be on for all the entire rin from a
callin station or a switchboard. Set 2 the terminal
will be on for the entire rin from other door hones.
Set 3 the terminal will be on for the entire rin for
any call.
hen enabled (o tion 1 2 or 3) it will also
be for a fl oor call rin . LED (11) will fl ash once to
indicate that the data has been stored.
Enter 3 to set the "FREE" callin method. Enter 2 to set
the "PROGRAMMED" callin method. Enter 1 to inhibit
callin . The confi uration cycle will end after ste 7.
You will need to carry out the "EXTENDED
PROGRAMMING" procedure if 2 is programmed.
ro rammin
rocedure is required when
confi ured
"PROGRAMMED" call method. The
consists in associatin
a function call s ecial
service request or wake-u
from main station to
each of the 20 buttons (1-0 A-J).
To start the EXTENDED PROGRAMMING confi uration
cycle hold SHIFT (5) ressed
ress (6) re eatedly
until the LED (11) li hts u
with red and
alternatin li ht. This o eration will only be effective in
"PROGRAMMED" callin method confi uration.
At this oint associate the buttons to the functions.
Press a button 0-9 or A-J. LED (11) will fl ash faster.
Pro ram the function to be associated to the ressed
button. LED (11) will start fl ashin
slowly a ain.
Proceed in a similar fashion for all the other buttons to
be ro rammed. Quit the ro rammin
rocedure by
re eatin the sequence used to start the rocedure.
unc i n pr gramming
One of the followin functions can be associated to
a button
1) call to a user
2) s ecial service request
3) wake-u from main station.
ro ram call to user select the button to be
ro rammed enter the user code (not startin with
0) and ress ( ) to confi rm.
To ro ram a s ecial service request select the
button to be ro rammed enter the s ecial service
code (startin with 0) and ress ( ) to confi rm.
To ro ram wake-u from main station select the
button to be ro rammed enter the main station
code (not startin with 0) and ress (13) to confi rm.
To delete a programmed button, simply
program a function which is not effective in
the system (e.g. special code 0JJJ).
The s ecial door hone factory default settin s are
the followin
allin method
20 re- ro rammed
call 1000.
The door hone will rin with the characteristic tone
of the callin device when a call is received. Lift
the handset to establish a communication with the
caller. The conversation is immediately ended when
the handset is hun u .
door EFORE han in u the handset.
The s ecial door hone can receive and if required
store calls from other door hones in the system.
This function can be disabled by the user by
ressin SHIFT-DOOR (5)-(15). LED (12) will fl ash
every two seconds. Any calls will be i nored and
stored. To enable rece tion sim ly ress SHIFT-
DOOR a ain.
hen the s ecial door hone receives a call from other
door hones you will hear the characteristic tone and
LED (12) will li ht u for u to ten seconds. Answer
within ten seconds to establish the communication.
The LED will o out. If you do not answer the call will
be stored and LED (12) will start fl ashin .
To call back a stored call sim ly lift the handset and
ress ALL (6). If the user does not answer the call
is not cancelled from memory. The ne t queued call
can be dealt with sim ly by han in u the handset
and re eatin the rocedure. A tone will be heard
when the handset is ut on hook if the entire call
memory was not scanned. All the stored calls can
be deleted by ressin SHIFT-X (5)-(3).
p to ten calls are stored.
The s ecial door hone accordin to the way it is
confi ured can be used to call users by enterin the
code ("free" call) or by callin a restricted number of
redefi ned users (u to 20 - " ro rammed" call). If
required calls can only be made to stored users.
Re ardless of the confi ured callin method - "free"
or " ro rammed" - remember that
1) The handset must be off hook to make calls.
alls can be made rovidin that that voice call
is not in ro ress. Otherwise han u and ick
u the handset a ain.
3) Three one-tone bee s will be heard when the
call is made. No bee s will be heard if a non
e istent code is dialled.
) A series of one-tone bee s (similar to the busy
tele hone tone) will be heard if the line is busy.
In this case han u and try a ain later.
5) A conversation can last for u to ten minutes.
The conversation is cut off after this time or
followin other calls in the system.
Dial the code of the door hone to be called (not
startin with "0" u to four characters) with buttons
(2) and ress the call button ( ). Press SHIFT (5) to
enter letters as on a com uter keyboard.
onsequently o en the
In this mode a call to a user or more in eneral a
ro rammed function (wake-u or s ecial code) is
associated to each button 1-0 and A-J (i.e. SHIFT-1
- SHIFT-0). In this way u
functions can be achieved.
To select the function ro rammed under the button
sim ly lift the handset
button ( ) to confi rm.
Press button (6) to enter a call to switchboard code.
A courtesy tone will be heard on the s eaker if
the switchboard is on. The conversation with the
switchboard will start directly if the switchboard o erator
answers by ten seconds. Otherwise the call will be
stored in the switchboard and an additional courtesy
tone will be heard on the s eaker. Han u the handset
and wait for the switchboard o erator to call.
A two-tone rin er is fi tted. The tone frequency is
hi her for door hone calls and lower for fl oor calls.
The fl oor call time is customised (re eatin the time
for which the res ective button is ressed) in any
case not lon er than fi ve consecutive seconds.
The call from main station tone is continuous and
lasts for the time ro rammed at the callin station.
The call from secondary station tone is intermittent
(ON-OFF) for the time ro rammed at the secondary
The call from switchboard or other s ecial door
hone is intermittent and formed by sequences of
three ulses followed by a brief ause for the time
ro rammed at the callin device.
The call from door hone 1138 2 tone consists of two
sequences of three ulses followed by a lon er ause.
The volume of the calls and all the courtesy tones
can be ad usted by means of the slider (8) on low-
medium-hi h values.
The calling tones and courtesy tones will be
inhibited when the power voltage is too low
or too high and will be restored as the faults
to 20
ro rammed
ress the button and ress