Craftsman 247.37110 Manual De Instrucciones página 4

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

The bladecontrolhandleis a safetydevice.Neverattemptto
bypassits operation.Doingso makesthe safetydevice inopera-
tive and may resultin personalinjurythroughcontactwith the
rotatingblade.The bladecontrol handlemustoperateeasily
in bothdirectionsand automaticallyreturnto the disengaged
Neveroperatethe mowerin wet grass.Alwaysbe sureof your
footing. A slip and fall cancause seriouspersonalinjury.If you
feelyou are losingyourfooting,releasethe bladecontrolhandle
immediately and the bladewill stop rotatingwithinthreeseconds.
Mowonly in daylightor good artificiallight.Walk,neverrun.
Stopthe bladewhencrossinggraveldrives,walksor roads.
If the equipmentshouldstart to vibrateabnormally, s top the
engineand checkimmediately for the cause.Vibrationis gener-
allya warningof trouble.
Shutthe engineoff and wait untilthe bladecomesto a complete
stop beforeremoving the grass catcheror uncloggingthe chute.
Thecuttingblade continuesto rotatefor a few secondsafterthe
bladecontrol is released.Neverplaceany partof the body in the
bladearea untilyou are surethe blade hasstoppedrotating.
Neveroperatemowerwithoutpropertrail shield,dischargecover,
grasscatcher,bladecontrolhandleor othersafety protective de-
vicesin placeand working.Neveroperatemowerwith damaged
safetydevices.Failureto do socan resultin personalinjury.
Mufflerand engine becomehotand can causea burn.Do not
Neverattemptto makea wheelor cuttingheightadjustmentwhile
theengine is running.
Onlyuse partsand accessoriesmadeforthis machineby the
manufacturer as listedin the Partspagesof this Operator's
Manual.Failureto do so can resultin personalinjury.
Whenstartingengine,pull cordslowlyuntil resistanceis felt,then
pull rapidly.Rapidretractionof startercord (kickback)willpull
handand arm towardenginefasterthanyoucan let go. Broken
bones,fractures,bruisesor sprainscould result.
If situationsoccurwhich are not coveredin this manual,usecare
and goodjudgement.Contact1-800-4MY-HOME® for information
and assistance.
Slopesare a majorfactor relatedto slipand fall accidents,whichcan
result in severeinjury.Operationon slopes requiresextra caution.If
youfeel uneasyon a slope,do not mowit. Foryour safety,usethe
Slope Guideincludedas partof this manualto measureslopesbefore
operatingthis machineon a slopedor hillyarea. If the slopeis greater
than 15degrees,do not mowit.
Mowacrossthefaced slopes;neverup and down.Exercise
extremecautionwhenchangingdirectionon slopes.
Watchfor holes,ruts, rocks,hiddenobjects,or bumpswhich can
causeyou to slip or trip. Tallgrass can hideobstacles.
Alwaysbe sureof yourfooting.A slipand fall can causeserious
personalinjury.If you feelyou are losingyourbalance,release
the blade controlhandleimmediately and the blade willstop
rotatingwithinthree (3) seconds.
Do Not:
Donot mow neardrop-offs,ditchesor embankments, b ecause
you couldloseyourfooting or balance.
Donot mow slopesgreaterthan 15degreesas shownon the
Donot mowon wet grass.Unstablefootingcouldcauseslipping.
Tragicaccidentscan occur if the operatoris not alertto the presence
of children.Childrenare often attractedto themowerand the mowing
activity.They do not understand the dangers.Neverassumethat
childrenwill remainwhereyou last saw them.
Keepchildrenout of the mowingarea and underwatchfulcareof
a responsible adultotherthan theoperator.
Be alertand turn moweroff if a child entersthe area.
Beforeand whilemovingbackwards,look behindand down for
small children.
Useextremecare whenapproachingblindcorners,doorways,
shrubs,trees,or otherobjectsthat mayobscureyourvision of a
child whomay run intothe mower.
Keepchildrenawayfrom hot or runningengines.They can suffer
burnsfrom a hot muffler.
Neverallowchildrenunder 14yearsof age to operatethis
machine.Children14and overshouldreadand understand the
instructionsand safeoperationpracticesin this manualand on
the machineand be trainedand supervisedby an adult.
Safe HandlingOf Gasoline:
Toavoid personal i njuryor propertydamageuseextremecare
in handlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammableand the
vaporsare explosive.Seriouspersonalinjurycanoccur when
gasolineis spilledon yourselfor yourclothes,whichcan ignite.
Washyour skin and changeclothesimmediately.
Useonly an approvedgasolinecontainer.
Neverfill containersinsidea vehicleor on a truck or trailer bed
with a plasticliner.Alwaysplacecontainerson theground away
from yourvehiclebeforefilling.
Removegas-powered equipmentfrom thetruck or trailerand
refuelit on the ground.If this is notpossible,then refuelsuch
equipmenton a trailer witha portablecontainer,ratherthanfrom
a gasolinedispensernozzle.
Keepthe nozzlein contactwith the rimof the fueltank or
containeropeningat all timesuntilfuelingis complete.Donot use
a nozzlelock-opendevice.