Reversingthe doorswing.
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
Important Notes
NOTE:Doorson dispensd modelsdo not reverse,
When reversing tim door swing:
Read the instructions all the way through befbre
Handle parts careflllly m avoid scratching paint.
Set screws down by their related part_sto avoid
using theln in the wrong places.
Provkte a non-scratching
work surface fbr
the doors.
These instructions are for changing the hinges
from the right side to the leR side--if
you ever
want to change the hinges back to the right side,
follow these same instructions and reverse all
references to left and right.
IMPORTANT.. Once you begin, do not move the
cabinet until door-swing reversal is completed.
Tools Required
Phillips screwdriver
Masking rope
T20 or T25 Totxdfiver, whichever your model
Put W knife or thin-blade screwdriver
3/8" socket and ratchet (a (;-point socket is
Removingthe doors.
Removing the Doors
[--_Unplug the refiigerator
from its electrical outlet.
all door shelves, including tt_e dai U compartment.
CAUTION: Do not let either door drop to the floor. To do so could damage the door stop.
Remove the Freezer Door
[--_Tape tt_e door shut wid_ masking tape.
a Phillips screwdriver, remove dm hinge over on top of tt_e fl'eezer door
n some models). With a Totxdriver, remove dm 2 Totx screws tt_at hold
dm top hinge to tt_e cabinet.
the hinge smlight tip to fi'ee tt_e hinge pin fi'om dm socket in dm
top of din d'_)or.
rim tape and tilt tt_e door away from tt_e cabinet. Lift it offdm
bottom socketl
-Set the door on a non-scratching
suK_lce xdd_ the outside