Frequency compensation
Check the compensation of the probe before taking any measurements
and always adjust it to match the oscilloscope input channel. Connect
the probe head needle to a 1 kHz square wave of ~2 V pk-pk. Most
oscilloscopes have a signal generator output with a test signal that can
be used. Adjust the trimmer at the BNC until you see a flat-top square
wave on the oscilloscope display* by rotating the adjustment tool
*The probe can not meet the full specification if under or over
compensated or incorrectly adjusted. The better compensated, the flatter
the frequency response and higher bandwidth one will obtain
Ground loop
Try to use a grounding point as close as possible to the component
being measured. A small ground loop injects less noise. Do not increase
the length of the ground cable. Making it shorter will only affect the
measurement in a positive way with higher bandwidth and less noise.