Craftsman 917.28690 Manual De Instrucciones página 4

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Slopesare a majorfactor relatedto loss of
controlandtip-overaccidents,which can
resultin severeinjury or death. Opera-
tion on all slopesrequiresextra caution. If
you cannotback up the slope or if you feel
uneasyon it, do not mowit_
. Mowup anddown slopes,not across.
• Watchfor holes,ruts,bumps,rocks,or
otherhiddenobjects. Uneventerrain
couldoverturnthe machine°Tallgrass
can hide obstacles°
• Choosea lowgroundspeed so that you
will not haveto stop or shiftwhile on the
• Do not mowon wet grass.Tires may
Alwayskeepthe machinein gearwhen
goingdown slopes,Do not shift to neu-
tral and coast downhill.
• Avoidstarting,stopping,or turning on a
slope, tf the tires losetraction, disen-
gagethe bladesand proceedslowly
straightdownthe slope°
• Keepall movementon the slopes slow
andgradual. Do not makesudden
changesin speedor direction,which
couldcausethe machineto roll over.
• Useextra carewhileoperatingmachine
with grasscatchersor otherattach-
ments;they can affectthe stabilityof the
machine.Do no use on steepslopes.
• Do not try to stabilizethe machineby
puttingyour foot on the ground,
• Do not mowneardrop-offs,ditches,
or embankments,The machinecould
suddenlyrollover if a wheel is overthe
edge or if the edge cavesin
Tragicaccidentscan occur if the operator
is not alert to the presence of children,
Childrenare often attractedto the machine
and the mowing activity. Never assume
that children wit! remain where you last
• Keepchildrenout of the mowingarea
and in the watchfulcareof a responsible
adultotherthan the operator.
• Be alert andturn machineoff if a child
entersthe area.
• Beforeandwhile backing,look behind
and downfor small children.
• Nevercarrychildren,evenwith the
bladesshut off, They mayfall off and
be seriouslyinjuredor interferewith
safe machineoperation.Childrenwho
havebeen givenridesin the past may
suddenlyappearin the mowingareafor
anotherrideand be run over or backed
over by the machine,
• Neverallowchildrento operatethe
• Useextracare when approachingblind
corners,shrubs,trees,or otherobjects
that may blockyour viewof a child.
• Towonlywith a machinethat has a
hitchdesignedfor towing,Do not attach
towedequipmentexceptat the hitch
• Followthe manufacturer'srecommenda-
tion for weightlimitsfor towedequip-
mentandtowingon slopes.
, Neverallowchildrenor othersin or on
• On slopes,the weight ofthe towed
equipmentmay causelossof traction
and lossof control.
• Travelslowlyand allowextra distanceto
Toavoidpersonalinjuryor property
damage,use extremecare in handling
gasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammable
andthe vapors are explosive.
• Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars,pipes,
and othersourcesof ignition.
• Useonlyapprovedgasolinecontainer.
• Neverremovegas cap or addfuel with
the enginerunning_ Allow engineto cool
• Neverfuelthe machineindoors.
• Neverstorethe machineor fuel con-
tainerwhere thereis an openflame,
spark,or pilot lightsuchas on a water
heateror other appliances.
• Neverfill containersinsidea vehicleor
on a truck or trailer bedwith plasticliner.
Alwaysplace containerson the ground
awayfrom your vehiclewhenfilling.