1. Putthe hoseclampoverthe end of the auto-pump drainagehose bysqueezing the 2
tabs of the clamptogether, t his willopentheclampto slideontothe hose.
2. Pushthe drainagehoseoverthe auto-pump drainageoutlet.
3. Pushthe hoseclampoverthe outletto securethe hose.
4. Putthe drainingend of the hoseoveranysuitableareawherewatercan be emptied:
a sink,drainor window. Besurethe waterflowsawayfrom the buildingor any other
objectsthat couldbe damaged.
Note: The draininghosemustnot be put morethan 10feet abovethefloor onwhichthe
unit is standing.
1. Takeoutthe rubber stopperonthe manual d rainhoseoutlet.
2. Positionthe manual d rainoutletdirectlyabovea floor drainif possible.If not,use a 1/2-inchdiameterhoseto drain into a placelowerthanthe unit.
If there is a steelor plastictip on you 1/2-inchdiameterhose,it shouldbe removed.
1. Puta 11/16-inchdiameterhoseclampoverthe hose
2. Then,pushthe hoseoverthe manual d rainoutlet.
3. Pushthe clampoverthe outletto securethe hose
4. Putthe drainingendof the hoseovera drainor suitableplacefor waterto empty
Nete: Manual d rainhoseand 11/16-inchhoseclampnot included.