Troubleshooting (continued)
Sudden drop ingas flowor
low flame.
Flamesblow out.
, Checkfor gas in LPcylinder.
, Turnoff knobs,wait30 secondsand lightgrill. If flamesare still low,turn off knobs
and LP cylindervalve. Disconnectregulator.Reconnectregulatorandleak-test.Turn
on LPcylinder valve,wait 30 secondsand then light grill.
, Turnoff knobsand LP cylindervalve. Disconnectcoupling nutfrom cylinder.
Reconnectand retry.
, Turnfront of grill to face wind or increaseflame height.
, RefillLP cylinder.
, Referto "Suddendrop in gas flow" above.
, Out of gas.
, Excessflow valvetripped.
, Vaporlockat coupling nut/LPcylinderconnection.
, Highor gustingwinds.
, Low on LPgas.
, Excessflow valvetripped.
, Greasebuildup.
, Excessivefat in meat.
, Excessivecookingtemperature.
, Grease trappedbyfood builduparound
, Burnerand/or burnertubes are blocked.
, Greasebuildupor foodparticles in end(s)of
, Clean burnersand insideof grill/firebox.
, Trim fat from meatbeforegrilling.
, Adjust (lower)temperatureaccordingly.
, Turnknobsto OFF.Turngas off at LP cylinder.Leave lid in positionand letfire
burn out.After grill cools, removeand cleanall parts.
Flashback (fire in
, Turnknobsto OFF.Clean burnerand/or burnertubes. See burnercleaning
burner tube(s)),
section of Use andCare.
One burner does not light
, Clean carry-overtube(s)with wire brush.
from other burner(s).
Troubleshooting - ElectronicIgnition
No sparksappearat any
electrodeswhen Electronic
IgnitionButton is pressed;
no noise can be heardfrom
spark module.
No sparksappear at any
electrodeswhen Electronic
IgnitionButton is pressed;
noise can be heardfrom spark
Sparksare presentbut not at
all electrodesand/or notat
full strength
, Battery not installedproperly.
, Dead battery.
, Button assemblynot
, Faulty spark module.
, Outputlead connectionsnot
, Outputlead connectionsnot
, Arcingto grill awayfrom
, Weak battery.
, Electrodesare wet.
, Electrodescrackedor broken
"sparksat crack".
, Check batteryorientation.
, Has batterybeenused previously?
, Check to insure threadsare properly
engaged.Button shouldtravel up and
downwithout binding.
, If no sparksare generatedwith new
batteryand goodwire connections,
module is faulty.
, Are outputconnectionson and tight?
, Are outputconnectionson and tight?
, If possible,observegrill in dark
location. Operateignition systemand
look for arcing betweenoutputwires
and grill frame.
,All sparks presentbut weakor at
slow rate.
, Has moistureaccumulatedon electrode
and/or in burner ports?
, Inspectelectrodesfor cracks.
, Installbattery(makesure that "+"and "-" connectorsare
orientedcorrectly,with "+" on cap end.)
, Replacebatterywithnew alkalinebattery.
, Unscrewbuttoncap assemblyand reinstall,makingsure
threadsare alignedand engagedfully.
, Replacespark module assembly.
, Removeand reconnectall outputconnectionsat moduleand
, Removeand reconnectall outputconnectionsat moduleand
, If sparksare observedotherthan from burner(s),wire insulation
may be damaged.Replacewires.
, Replacebatterywitha new alkalinebattery.
, Usepaper towelto removemoisture.
, Replacecrackedor brokenelectrodes.