Excell NHP Serie Manual De Instrucciones página 5

Electrobisturíes y electrobisturíes con gas argon para alta cirugía
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The two bipolar outputs can always be activated independently
from the monopolar ones, by three modes:
• For the cut or the coagulation, by the double pedal
• For the coagulation, by selecting the Micro Auto current,
through the automatic Auto Start / Auto Stop Impedance
Sensing , with a starting delay adjustable from 0 to 5 sec.
• For the coagulation and the sealing of the big vessels, by
selecting the Seal HC current, with activation by the pedal
foot-switch and automatic Auto Stop Impedance Sensing .
The Excell models are equipped with an auto-check system at
double microprocessor that is the Master / Sleeve System
with two Microprocessors at 32 bit . It is characterized by an
interconnection in feed-back, a serial communication, as well
as a double memorization of the functioning data with validity
control CRC at 16 bit, which has got a big operational capacity
and can optimize the execution rapidity of all the different
functions, which are necessary to guarantee the maximum
safety and functionality.
Auto-Chec k, complete auto-check of the hardware /
software by:
• Main Auto-Check , main auto-diagnosis procedure at the
• Standard Auto-Check , continuous check of all the
functioning parameters during the usage.
• Immediate interruption of the functioning with contemporary
alarm signal for the operators through specific Error Codes ,
just in case the auto-diagnosis systems find out some
problems or damages to the General Error Control , that is
the general functioning / activation errors, or to the Output
Error Control , that is the delivery of the powers, in order to
avoid the risk of a sudden and dangerous output of a power
which is higher than the selected one.
• Memorization of the last 32 Error codes , to favour the
checks and the technical assistance.
Output Power Control , the complete auto-check of the
output powers (see above).
HF Leakage Control, check of the high frequency leakage
currents to earth.
The system, through a specific circuit, always verifies the
leakage currents to hearth, and, just in case of dangerous
situations - like the contact between the patient and the
metallic parts of the operating table -, it keeps them within the
safety limits, by automatically decreasing the output powers
and by giving an alarm signal.
Argon section Auto-Check into the models
Excell NHP-400/DA and Excell NHP-250/DA
At the switching on, the Argon section performs a complete
auto-diagnosis on its circuit about what follows: mains supply,
pressure, loss or absence of gas.
The models Excell NHP-400/D , Excell NHP-350/D and Excell
NHP-250/D can be used with an external module for the Argon
gas, while the models Excell NHP-400/DA and Excell NHP-
250/DA are already complete with all the necessary functions
for the electro-surgical cut and coagulation with this type of
gas; therefore, they guarantee big advantages if compared to
the systems composed by the electro-surgical unit and the
separate Argon module.
The absence of interface devices, a bigger simplicity of
functioning, the possibility to connect and use at the same
time the accessories for electro-surgery and electro-surgery
with Argon gas, the automatic output of the right modulated
and pulsed spray coagulation when the Argon gas coagulation
is activated independently from the type of coagulation
selected for the simple electro-surgery, as well as the self-
compensation of the gas flow Constant Flow System
according to the diameter of the electrodes, with a perfect
control of the penetration depth, make this technical "solution"
very efficacious and appreciated by all the operators who, in
general or specialist surgery, in laparoscopy or in flexible
endoscopy, ask for those particular effects that are typical of
the Argon gas coagulation. Among them, we can remember
the rapid haemostasis of big bleeding areas without any
contact nor sticking of the electrode on the tissues, a minimum
deep effect (max. 3mm), a low risk of perforation of the tissues,
and finally the absence of smokes and smells.
The Excell models are equipped with a circuit that can verify
the connection / contact of the neutral electrodes " non Split "
type with a single section and " Split " type with a double
With the " non Split " electrodes, the system checks the right
connection of the cable: if it is broken / non well connected,
the circuit interrupts the delivery of the power and gives a
luminous acoustic alarm signal.
With the " Split " electrodes, the system also checks the quality
of the contact between the electrode and the patient tissues,
by giving progressive alarm signals. If only 80% of the adult
standard electrode surface is well connected, it gives the first
luminous alarm signal; if the good contact of the electrode
decreases to 50%, it gives another luminous alarm signal and
automatically reduces the output power to max. 200W. Finally,
if the contact is dangerous or the cable is broken / non well
connected, the circuit interrupts the delivery of the power with
a complete acoustic and luminous alarm signal.
The control panels, which are completely smooth to guarantee
the maximum cleaning, are divided into coloured areas that
identify all the different functions and contain the selection /
regulation devices, the luminous signals of activation or alarm,
as well as all the visible displays which show the selected
powers to the operators.
In order to favour the connection of the accessories, all the
outputs are equipped with luminous indicators that light
according to the selected functioning modes.
The manufacturing technology has been studied with extreme
care, in order to guarantee the maximum reliability. The
generator of the high frequency currents is Mosfet powered
damped oscillator with switching supply type; it has no
problem of heating for a usage without limits of time. The unit
has got interchangeable boards to favor the technical
assistance, and before entering into the market it must follow
severe test procedures, with 100 functioning hours at
maximum power. In order to facilitate the maintenance, the
machine memorizes the 32 last Error Codes, and it is
equipped with a state-of-the-art software system which allows
its on-site calibration by using the front panel only.
Thanks to the new software system, the units can be calibrated
on-site, by using the front panel only; moreover, they have
been studied to allow an eventual future updating of the
software technology, through a simple serial port connected to
a PC.
The choice of the pedal foot-switches is extremely flexible,
according to the operators' preferences. As a matter of fact,
the Excell units can be used with one double pedal foot-
switch, which allows the activation of the monopolar or bipolar
functions, and with a second double pedal foot-switch, which
is indicated for the independent activation of the bipolar
functions only.
The units can be equipped with automatic activation aspirators
that guarantee the efficacious and silent elimination of smokes
or electro-surgical aerosol; they reduce not only the risks of a
viral and bacterial contamination into the whole operating
theatre, but they also solve the big problem of the visibility on
the operating field, which is fundamental for the surgeons,
notably during the laparoscopic procedures.
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