Once the alignment is correct you can start using your followspot.
This fixture features a variable beam angle from 8° to 22°. The variable beam is modified by
adjusting the front and rear zoom lenses in relation to each other.
The front lens defines the beam spread, the rear lens defines the focus degree of 'softness' or
'hardness' of the beam edge or shutters.
Your followspot is fitted with an adjustable mechanical dimmer (dowser) to dim and finally black-
out the light. The black-out mechanical dimmer is located in between the two zoom lens-groups.
To ensure maximum performance of the product, a regular maintenance service should be carried
out. Please make sure the product is cold and disconnected from power supply when doing this.
General maintenance
* Clean all reflective parts such as reflectors, mirrors and lenses opening the product, if necessary.
* Check the lamp and the lenses and replace any visibly damaged component.
* Clean air ducts and fans in order to allow proper ventilation activity on the product.
* Check internal and external wiring and replace any cable which should be damaged by heat or
mechanical agents.
Cleaning of optical components
• Lamphouse lenses:
• Open the lens compartment door by removing the two M4 cross head screws on the
top of the lamphouse tube.
• Remove the lens/mirror assembled block by removing the two M5 cross head screws.
Tel. +39 0376 771 777 – fax +39 0376 772 140 – email
LDR Canto 1500msr FF 230V MK2 User's manual – 1.0
Luci della Ribalta srl, Via Berna 14, 46042 Castel Goffredo (MN) Italy
– web www.ldr.it