2.4 Description of function
The PARI nebuliser is part of a PARI inhalation system.
When compressed air is supplied,
the nebuliser generates an aero-
sol from the liquid, for example
the medication with which it is
filled. This aerosol is breathed
into the lungs through the mouth-
piece or optionally a mask.
The size of the aerosol droplets is determined by the nozzle in-
serts. The smaller the droplets are, the farther they can penet-
rate into the deeper and smaller regions of the lung:
– The blue nozzle insert produces droplets for the central lung
region in adults and children aged 4 and older.
– The yellow nozzle insert produces small droplets for the
small airways of children and infants.
– The red nozzle insert is used to produce the smallest
droplets for the small airways in babies and premature
This nozzle insert is also designed for use by adults and
children to reach either deep lung regions or regions which
are severely constricted due to disease.
The LC interrupter makes it possible to interrupt aerosol
generation while the patient breathes out, thereby optimising
medication use.
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Ambient air