In case of malfunction of the equipment the installing technician and the relevant authorities
must be contacted immediately.
If this is not possible, and the musical output is required to continue, the equipment can be
neutralised in the following way:
Disconnect the equipment from the power source.
Remove the rear cover of the input output cables of the equipment, disconnect them and
connect them directly to each other (1) in order to able to continue the programmed musical
output. Then advise the relevant authorities and the official technician immediately to have
the equipment serviced and repaired.
Given that the equipment is not connected it is essential to control the volume of the music
very strictly to avoid exceeding the permitted levels
(1) For further details consult the section on installation in the Manual.
As all equipment can at some time break down we recommend that a spare one be available
This manual is applicable as from 8.5 version.