User''s manual
asked for (of the last 60 days). You have to indicate the first day ("E") and the last one.
The foot of all the options is always the same:
The last 7 battery ends
Spaces for observations, establishment, street, and town.
Explanation of the different counters.
When you are more than a minute without pushing a key the LCA-02 goes out automatically
of print option.
If you want to uninstall the limiter and store it for a long period of time, you should use the
TRANSPORT option of the programming menu, with the battery completely charged (typical
charging time: 4 hours, connected to the mains)
The LCA-02 is equipped with an internal memory fed by a 3.6 V rechargeable battery, which
allows it to keep all the measured data and configurations in the limiter even if the 12 V
battery runs out. The average life of the 3.6 V battery is approximately 5 years according to
the manufacturer of the battery.
When this battery runs out, all data saved until that moment is lost. When this happens,
contact your official
dealer to replace it.