We , Madeira & Madeira, SA, Zona Industrial da Pedrulha, Lote 13, 3050-183 Casal
Comba, Mealhada, Portugal, hereby declare that the product:
Machine Type: Cordless impact screwdriver
Machine Model: KWID1801-20
M&M Ref.: 63101
Produced in the Year: 2019
Complies with the following EC directives:
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU
RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU
Complies with the following norms:
EN 60745-1:2009+A11:2010; EN 60745-2-2:2010; EN 55014-1:2017; EN 55014-2:2015;
IEC 62321 1:2013; IEC 62321 2:2013
Certificate Nº: 1866AS12IXO30407
Test Report Nº: IXO-18OC1899TCSHP
Notify Body: Laboratoire Central Des Industries Electriques, France
Nº of Notify Body: 0081
Mealhada, July 2019
EC Declaration of Conformity
(Directive 2006/42/CE)