Jacto PJB-16U Manual Del Operador página 13

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Possible cause
Panel and pump connec-
tors disconnected or in
bad contact.
Pressure switch is un-
Panel turns on, but
the pump does
not work.
Wire solder and pump are
Pump with shaft locked.
Tank suction or suction
filter clogged.
Assembly of hoses or
components inverted.
Panel turns on,
pump turns on,
but there is no
Lance, hose, or nozzle filter
clogged or damaged.
Sphere glued.
Equipment work-
Pressure switch is un-
ing with intermit-
tent spraying.
Sudden interrup-
tion of spraying
Battery discharged.
during use.
Charging is irregu-
Bad contact with plug
lar or interrupted.
Spraying is
Nozzle wear.
How to find
How to verify
Visual check by
opening the equip-
Visually analyze if the connectors are
ment base lid and
connected or if there are differences in
analyzing all connec-
the shape of the terminals.
tions and terminals.
Visual check using a
Using a calibrated pressure gauge and
calibrated pressure
the blue adjustable nozzle installed,
gauge and practical
start the machine at maximum pressure
spray test where
and press the trigger. Spraying should
intermittent spraying
be regular and continuous.
can be found.
Visual check by
opening the bottom
Visually analyze if the solder between
lid of the equipment
the wires or connectors is firm and well
and checking for any
disconnected wires.
Turn off the panel. Wait 30 seconds and
turn on the panel at maximum pressure.
Visual check.
Press the trigger. If there is no spraying,
check if the pump is heated.
Disconnect the base lid of the equip-
Visual check or
ment and check if the suction hose is
practical test.
clogged. Remove the filter lid and check
if it is clean.
Open the base lid of the equipment
and check if there is consistency of the
Visual check.
indicative arrow on the pump head with
the flow of hoses (inlet/suction and
Check if the lance, hose, filter or nozzle
Visual check.
is clogged or damaged.
The equipment turns on, but does not
Visual check.
pressurize the liquid.
Install pressure gauge and blue adjust-
able nozzle, turn on the equipment at
Visual check using a
maximum pressure, press the trigger
calibrated pressure
and check the spraying pattern. It
gauge and practical
should be uniform. After closing the
spraying test.
lance trigger valve and the machine
shuts down, the pressure should be
between 60 and 70 psi.
After the interruption, the panel light
Visual check.
(LED) will flash.
When connecting the plug, the light
Visual check.
will switch on / off when the plug wire
With the equipment working, make sure
Visual check of
that there are no irregularities in the
spraying pattern.
spray coming out of the nozzle.
How to solve
Connect them if they are dis-
Using an allen wrench and the
trigger pressed, adjust the
pressure switch by turning the
screw until continuous spraying is
achieved. When we stop spraying,
we should find a pressure between
Solder or adjust the wires and
Replace the pump.
Position and assemble hoses or
valves correctly as specified in the
service manual.
Unclog or change lance, hose or
Using a hose with a continuous
water flow, place it over the suc-
tion tube with the machine turned
on and the trigger lever pressed
for a few seconds.
Install the blue adjustable nozzle,
turn on the equipment at pressure
5, press and lock the trigger, adjust
the pressure switch by turning the
allen wrench until uniform spraying
and pump running continuously.
Stop spraying and check pressure
gauge until pressure is found
between 60 and 70 psi.
Charge the battery.
Replace charger.
is moved.
Change full nozzle.
How to check if the
problem was
Pump should work normally.
Spraying should have a contin-
uous flow without interruption,
and the pressure found when
spraying is stopped should be
between 60 and 70 psi, which
should be quantified by using a
60 and 70 psi.
calibrated gauge.
Pump should work normally.
Spraying should occur normally.
Clear or clean.
Spraying should occur normally.
Spraying should occur normally.
Spraying should occur normally.
spraying filter.
The equipment will start spray-
ing after a few seconds.
Spraying should have a contin-
uous flow without interruption,
and the pressure found when
spraying is stopped should be
between 60 and 70 psi, which
should be quantified by using a
gauged gauge.
The sprayer should work by
turning the potentiometer
When connecting the plug, the
charger light should change
With the equipment working,
observe the spray coming out of
the nozzle. Uniform and continu-
ous spraying should be found.