With an emission thermometer which operates by
detecting infrared radiation accurate measurement
is possible, irrespective of the air temperature or the
measurement distance.
6.3 Structure of Emission Thermometer
Infrared radiation which has been emitted from the
object is focused upon an infrared radiation sensor,
via an optical system. This includes a lens which is
transparent to infrared radiation. And 5.3µm cut off
filter. The output signal from infrared radiation sen-
sor is input to an electronic circuit along with the
output signal from a standard temperature sensor
6.4 Emissivity
All objects emit invisible infrared energy. The amount
of energy emitted is proportional to the object's tem-
perature and its ability to emit IR energy. This ability,
called emissivity, is based upon the material that the
object is made of and its surface finish. Emissivity
values range from 0.10 for a very reflective object
to 1.00 for a black body. Factory set emissivity value
of 0.95, which cover 90% of typical applications.