The default unlock code for the lock is:0-0-0-0
1. Unlock the anti-theft device (default code 0000)
2. Slide the reset button to the right (SET mode)
3. Set a new code by turning the wheels
4. Slide the reset button to the left
To attach the scooter to a fixed support:
1. Pull the cable of the anti-theft device
2. Press the unlock button
3. Insert the cable head into the lock
4. Turn the wheels to lock the device
To remove the scooter from a fixed stand:
1. Enter the unlock code
2. Press the unlock button
3. Pull the cable out of the lock
4. Store the cable in the stem
After use, push the anti-theft cable upwards to pull it up into the stem
and secure the cable head in the storage stand to prevent it from hanging
and getting caught in the wheel.