Dual Cuff application
The EV1000 clinical platform NI and HemoSphere advanced
monitor offer the possibility to connect two finger cuffs and
alternate the measurement between two fingers. It is
recommended to apply an additional finger cuff to a second
finger on the same hand when continuous monitoring
is expected to last longer than 8 hours, or to increase patient
comfort. Continuous measurement on one finger is limited
to 8 hours.
Single Patient Use
The ClearSight finger cuff is designed for single patient use.
Upon starting a measurement, the finger cuff can be used
and re-applied for up to 72 hours on one patient.
Do not apply the ClearSight finger cuff on injured skin as this
may cause further injury.
To reduce the risk of skin irritation and tissue damage, do not
monitor longer than 8 hours continuously on a single finger.
To continue to monitor beyond 8 hours, apply the ClearSight
finger cuff to another finger or use two cuffs to measure.
Do not use two ClearSight finger cuffs simultaneously on the
same finger.
Measurement on one finger in contradiction with the
instructions for use may affect patient comfort and/or lead
to minor injuries.
Do not apply ClearSight finger cuff(s) on a hand/finger when
external constriction (that may prevent circulation to the
hand/finger) is present.
Do not apply ClearSight finger cuff(s) on a hand/finger when
a second blood pressure measurement device is actively
monitoring on the same arm (or hand/finger).
Do not overtighten the ClearSight finger cuff(s).
Do not use the nger cu with magnetic resonance imaging.
Improper ClearSight finger cuff placement or sizing can lead
to inaccurate monitoring.
Do not use a damaged ClearSight finger cuff. This may result
in inaccurate measurements or may damage the EV1000
clinical platform NI or HemoSphere advanced monitor.
Never bend a ClearSight finger cuff to a flat shape, it will
damage the finger cuff and affect measurement accuracy.
Excessive ambient light may interfere with ClearSight finger
cuff measurements.
Always disconnect the ClearSight finger cuff when it is not
wrapped around a finger, to prevent damage by accidental
The effectiveness of the finger cuffs have not been
established in pre-eclamptic patients.
Instructions for Use
Refer to pages 82 to 83 of this instructions for use to show
figures corresponding to the instructions.
Select finger
1. Select the middle, ring or index finger.
Note: Do not apply the finger cuff on the thumb or
previously fractured fingers.
Define Finger Cuff size
2. Take a ClearSight finger cuff sizing aid and wrap the
sizing aid around the middle phalanx of the finger by
pulling the color coded smaller end through the slot
to create a snug fit (Fig 1).
3. The black arrow indicates the suitable finger cuff size
(Fig 2). Match the indicated color with the correct finger
cuff size.
Apply Finger Cuff
4. Open the finger cuff and place the finger between the
lines, with the finger cuff centered between the knuckles
(Fig 3).
5. Gently lead the cuff cable in between two fingers to the
other side (back) of the hand (Fig 3).