Conf. alarm P=y
Confirm rs Z=xx
Confirm Zone=xx
CP reset
Date set C=xx
Day Away:P=y
Day disarm:P=y
Day stay: P=y
Disarm:P=y C=zz
Disarm: P=y KF=zz
Duress C=xx
Enter program
Exit Error Zn=xx
Exit program
False code
False restore
Fire Keypad=y
Fire ok Zone=xx
Fire trbl Zn=xx
Fire Zone=xx
Foil ok Z=xx
Foil Zone=xx
Forced P=y
Found Zone=xx
Gas Alarm Zn=xx
Gas Rst. Zn=xx
GSM:IP Trouble
GSM:Mdl comm.OK
GSM: Module comm.
GSM:NET avail.
GSM:NET avail.OK
GSM:NET quality
GSM:PIN code err
Confirmed alarm occurred in partition Y
Restore zone confirmed alarm
Confirmed alarm occurred from zone XX
The control panel has reset
Date defined by user no. XX
Daily arm on partition Y
Daily disarm on partition Y
Daily STAY arming in partition Y
Partition Y disarmed by user ZZ
Partition Y disarmed by remote control ZZ
Duress alarm from user no. XX
Entering installer programming from keypad or configuration
Exit error event from zone XX
The zone was left open at the end of the exit time
Exiting installer programming from keypad or configuration
False code alarm
False code alarm restore
Fire alarm from wireless keypad Y
Trouble restore in fire zone no. XX
Trouble in fire zone no. XX
Fire alarm in zone no. XX
Restore in foil (Day) zone no. XX
Trouble in foil (Day) zone no. XX
Partition Y is force armed
Wireless zone found, zone no. XX
Gas (natural gas) alert from zone XX defined as a gas detector
Gas (natural gas) alert restored from zone XX defined as a gas
IP connection OK
IP address is incorrect
Communication between the GSM/GPRS Module and the Agility is
Internal GSM/GPRS BUS module trouble
GSM network is not available
GSM Network is available
GSM Network quality is acceptable
The GSM RSSI level is low
PIN code entered is incorrect
PIN code is correct
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