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TANQUE DE HUBBARD MANUAL DE USUARIO Última revision 18/06/2019 Ortotecsa,s.l. C/Peña de Francia,8 – 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid), España. Tlf.: +34918719132 / Fax: +34918719323 – email: [email protected], www.ortotecsa.com...
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Contenidos Introducción ................................3 1.1. Sobre este manual ............................3 1.2. Información importante ..........................3 Fabricante ................................4 Propósito del producto ............................4 Modelo y dimensiones ............................4 Clasificación a la Directiva de dispositivos médicos 93/42/EEC y normatica EN 60601-1:2006 ......5 Habilidades y formación del usuario ........................
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➢ La turbina es muy pesada. Manejar la turbina con precaución. ➢ Conectar artículos indebidos a los tanque de hubbard puede causar lesiones personales y daños a los equipos. Use solo los artículos aprobados por Ortotecsa. ➢ Nunca sumergir el producto en agua.
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2. Fabricante Nombre: ORTOTECSA S.L Dirección: C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey Madrid. España. Tlf.: +34 918 719 132 Fax: +34 918 719 323 E-mail: [email protected], Web: www.ortotecsa.com. 3. Propósito del producto El tanque Hubbard es una clase de baño de remolinos, consistente en un tanque para sumergir el cuerpo entero del paciente, cuya agua se mantiene en agitación constante por una o dos turbinas.
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No hay materiales o componentes que puedan dañar a las personas o bienes. Ortotecsa siempre sugiere ponerse en contacto con las entidades de gestión de residuos de su país para desechar correctamente el producto cuando este en el final de su ciclo de vida.
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➢ Inspeccionar el embalaje. ➢ Inspeccionar el contenido. Si hay daños visibles en el instrumento al recibirlo, informar a la empresa de transporte y a Ortotecsa inmediatamente. LEER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DE TRABAJO No intente utilizar este equipo si hay evidencia de daños durante el transporte o si sospecha que el equipo está deteriorado. Un equipo dañado puede presentar riesgos adicionales para usted.
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Contactar con el servicio de atención al cliente de Ortotecsa, en la parte inferior de la página, para la instalación adicional no contemplada en este manual. Confirmar que el tanque ubbard funciona correctamente. Ver el apartado Inspección del tanque ubbard.
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10. Instrucciones de instalación y uso LEER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DE TRABAJO Este producto está destinado a ser usado en procedimientos de hidroterapia. Siempre tiene que ser usado siguiendo las instrucciones de este punto. Adicionalmente usted debe saber que: El producto está diseñado para ser usado por personas con conocimiento y experiencia en procedimientos de terapia física acuática.
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11. Limpieza y desinfección Limpieza y desinfección del tanque ubbard Para desinfectar Ortotecsa recomienda desinfectar el tanque después de cada paciente. Limpiar todas las superficies del tanque y el termómetro con un desinfectante de superficies duras, siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante del desinfectante.
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Dejar arañazos en la superficie de metal (la tierra puede acumularse en estos, impidiendo a las superficies de su “curación”) Dejar posada el agua dura (evaporándose) durante largos periodos de tiempo, permitiendo acumularse a los depósitos minerales. 12. Mantenimiento y resolución de problemas NO MODIFICAR ESTE PRODUCTO SIN EL PERMISO DEL FABRICANTE 12.1.
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➢ Dejar tomar el tiempo necesario para enfriar la unidad. ➢ La unidad tiene que ser desconectada de la red eléctrica. 12.4. Etiquetado The labels below are for the models G.18957/A(230V) and 18957/A(115V) Marca: ORTOTECSA Marca: ORTOTECSA Model: G.18957/A (230V) Model: G.18957/A(110V)
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Toma de tierra Corriente alterna Producto de Clase IIa 13. Informaciónn relativa a EMC EMC EN 60601-1-2-2007 Emisiones La unidad usa solo energía RF para su funcionamiento interno. Por lo tanto, sus emisiones RF son muy bajas y no es probable que causen interferencias en los equipos electrónicos cercanos.
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ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSIONS GUÍA DE DECLARACIÓN DE ORTOTECSA – EMISIONES ELECTROMAGNÉTICAS The hubbard tank is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the unit should assure that it is used in such an environment.
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GUIDANCE AND MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION – ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY GUÍA Y DECLARACIÓN DE ORTOTECSA – INMUNIDAD ELECTROMAGNÉTICA The hubbard tank is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the unit should assure that it is used in such an environment.
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AC mains voltage prior to application of the test level. GUIDANCE AND MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION – ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY GUÍA Y DECLARACIÓN DE ORTOTECSA – INMUNIDAD ELECTROMAGNÉTICA The hubbard tank is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer...
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NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people. Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy.
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14. Garantía ORTOTECSA, S.L. proporcionará una garantía por dos años contra cualquier defecto de fabricación desde la fecha de compra. Nuestra garantía incluye la reparación, sustitución o cambio del producto y/o componentes, incluyendo mano de obra efectuada en nuestras instalaciones. Para tener efecto la presente garantía, se requiere la factura de compra.
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Hubbard Tank Operation and Maintenance manual Operation and maintenance manual Rev2...
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Contents Introduction ................................. 21 1.1. About this manual ............................21 1.2. Important information ..........................21 Manufacturer ............................... 22 Purpose of product .............................. 22 Model and general dimensions ..........................22 Classification according to Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC ..............23 Operator skills and training ..........................23 Patient evaluation ..............................
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The turbine is top-heavy. Improper handling can cause injury or damage. Handle the turbine with care. Connection improper items to the tank can cause injury to persons and damage to product. Use only Ortotecsa approved items in tanks. Never immerse the product in water or use in close proximity to it.
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2. Manufacturer Name: ORTOTECSA S.L Address: C/Peña de Francia,8 28500 Arganda del Rey Madrid. España Tlf.: +34 918 719 132 Fax: +34 918 719 323 email: [email protected] WEB: www.ortotecsa.com 3. Purpose of product The Hubbard tank is a class of whirlpool, consisting of a tank to immerse the whole body of the patient, whose water is kept in constant agitation by one or two turbines.
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No materials or components could damage to people or goods. Ortotecsa always suggest to get in contact with the Wastes Management Entities in your country to dispose correctly the product when it is in the end of the life cycle According to it is clearly stated that:...
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Inspect the packaging for external signs of damage. Inspect the contents for damage. If there is visible damage to the product upon receipt, inform the shipping company and Ortotecsa immediately. Read Working Instructions Do not attempt to operate this product if there is evidence of shipping damage or you suspect the product is damaged.
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Have a plumbing professional install the tank as instructed in installing section. A rough-in drawing is available to assist the installer. Contact Ortotecsa Customer Service, bottom of page, for additional information not covered in this manual. Confirm that the tank operates properly.
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A. Hubbard Tank B. Turbine C. Head support Operation and maintenance manual Rev2...
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How to start Locate all the elements before starting Feet anti vibration Tube turbine Guide tube tank Knob Nozzle Intake Pressure control valve Plug Switch 10. Drain Valve 11. Thermometer 12. Thermostatic mixer 13. Fill valve 14. Wrench heat (1 ") 15.
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11. Cleaning and disinfecting instructions Cleaning and Disinfecting the Tank To Disinfect Ortotecsa recommends that you disinfect the tank after each patient. Spray or wipe all surfaces of the tank tank and thermometer with a hard surface disinfectant, following the disinfectant manufacturer's instructions.
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Tarn-X for general stains # 7 chrome polish -Silver polish To remove stubborn spots or to treat a scratch (Standard Satin Finish only): Use of synthetic, abrasive, general-purpose pads such as Scotch Brite is recommended. Apply the stainless steel cleaner/polish to the synthetic. Carefully rub out spot with cleaner/polish.
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CLEANING INSPECTING When using maintenance products, follow the manufacturers' directions and read the manufacturer’s MSDS, Material Safety Data Sheets. You can purchase a recommended disinfectant from Ortotecsa Customer Service (Back of Manual) or your Ortotecsa distributor. 12.2. Maintenance procedures Motor Motors are equipped with sealed greased ball bearings that do not require lubrication.
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12.4. Labelling Models are described in 4.1 The labels below are for the models G.18957/A(230V) and 18957/A(115V) Marca: ORTOTECSA Marca: ORTOTECSA Model: G.18957/A (230V) Model: G.18957/A(110V) Ref.: Ref.: 230 V 2014-07 2014-07 115 V 50 Hz 60 Hz Ortotecsa, S.L.
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13. Information related to EMC EMC EN 60601-1-2-2007 Emissions The unit uses RF energy only for its internal function. Therefore, its RF emissions are very low and are not likely to cause any interference in nearby electronic equipment. The unit is suitable for use in all establishments, including domestic establishments and those directly connected to the mains supply low voltage which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
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ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSIONS GUÍA DE DECLARACIÓN DE ORTOTECSA – EMISIONES ELECTROMAGNÉTICAS The tank bath is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the unit should assure that it is used in such an environment.
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GUIDANCE AND MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION – ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY GUÍA Y DECLARACIÓN DE ORTOTECSA – INMUNIDAD ELECTROMAGNÉTICA The tank bath is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the unit should assure that it is used in such an environment.
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AC mains voltage prior to application of the test level. GUIDANCE AND MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION – ELECTROMAGNETIC IMMUNITY GUÍA Y DECLARACIÓN DE ORTOTECSA – INMUNIDAD ELECTROMAGNÉTICA The tank bath is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or...
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NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people. Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy.
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14. Warranty ORTOTECSA, S.L. will provide a warranty for two years from the date of purchase, the working of this product against manufacturing defects. Our warranty includes repair, replacement, or exchange of the product and / or components including labor in our installations.