Numatic NX300 TTB3045NX Traducción Del Manual De Uso Original página 48

Sostituzione delle lame tergipavimento ● Cambio de gomas de la boquilla de aspiración ● Wymiana piór ssawy ●
Floor Tool Overview
1. Retaining pins x 4
2. Front blade (slotted)
3. Blade carrier
4. Rear blade
5. Floor tool main body
Note: The blades are designed to be
reversible, thus extending their useful
working life.
Changing the Floor Tool Blades ● Auswechseln der Abstreifblätter an der Absauglippe ●
Remplacement des lamelles du suceur ● De wissers van het vloerelement vervangen ●
Byta golvredskapets blad ● Lattiatyökalun lapojen vaihto ● Udskiftning af gulvenhedens lister
To clean the floor tool, remove securing-pin and pull-free
from the holder.
Rinse the floor tool assembly with clean water and refit.
Periodically the floor tool blades should be examined and
checked for wear and damage.
Start by removing the four retaining pins, turn the floor tool over
and separate the blade carrier from the body.
Peel away the blades from their locating lugs and examine or
renew as required.
Replacement is a reversal of the removal process.