The INFO menu item
Measured values
PV Iso.
Insulation resistance of the photovoltaic system
Ext. lim.
External limitation
U PV 1 / U PV 2*
Real-time DC voltage at the DC input terminals, even if no energy is being fed in
by the inverter (from first or second MPP Tracker)
* MPP Tracker 2 must be activated - ON - via the Basic menu
Grid voltage-dependent power reduction
Fan #1
Percentage value of fan target power
LT Status
The status display of the last error that occurred in the inverter can be shown.
IMPORTANT! STATE 306 (Power low) and STATE 307 (DC low) state codes nat-
urally appear every morning and evening due to low solar radiation. These state
codes at this time are not the result of a fault.
Grid Status
The last 5 grid errors that occurred can be displayed:
Device informa-
The device is used to display settings relevant to a grid operator. The displayed
values depend on the respective country setup or device-specific inverter set-
Display range
After pressing the 'Enter' key, the power stage set status and the last error
that occurred are displayed
Use the 'Up' and 'Down' keys to scroll through the list
Press the 'Back' key to exit the status and error list
After pressing the "Enter" key, the last 5 grid errors that occurred are dis-
Use the "up" and "down" keys to scroll through the list
Press the "Back" key to exit the grid error display
General / Country-specific setting / MPP Tracker / Grid
monitoring / Grid voltage limits / Grid frequency limits /
Q-mode / AC power limit / AC voltage derating / Fault
ride through
Device type - the precise name of the inverter
Fam. - the inverter's inverter family
Serial number - the inverter's serial number