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All manuals and user guides at
H3C WA5300 Series Indoor Access Points
Compliance and Safety Manual
Сəйкестік жəне қауіпсіздік ережелері жөнінде
Руководство по соблюдению требований и
Посібник із техніки безпеки та нормативних вимог
Document version: 6W103-20190307
New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.
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Resumen de contenidos para H3C WA5300 Serie

  • Página 1 All manuals and user guides at H3C WA5300 Series Indoor Access Points Compliance and Safety Manual Сəйкестік жəне қауіпсіздік ережелері жөнінде нұсқаулық Руководство по соблюдению требований и безопасности Посібник із техніки безпеки та нормативних вимог Document version: 6W103-20190307 New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.
  • Página 2 The information in this document is subject to change without notice. All contents in this document, including statements, information, and recommendations, are believed to be accurate, but they are presented without warranty of any kind, express or implied. H3C shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
  • Página 3: Tabla De Contenido

    All manuals and user guides at Contents Safety Information/Sicherheits informationen/安全信息/安全情報/안전 정보/Informations relatives à la sécurité/ Informazioni di sicurezza/ Información de seguridad/Informações de segurança/ Қауіпсіздік туралы ақпарат/ Информация о безопасности/ Інформація з технічної безпеки/ Güvenlik Bilgileri ··························································································· 1   Overview/Überblick/概述/概要/개요/Présentation/Panoramica/Descripción general/Visão geral/Шолу/Обзор/Огляд/Genel Bakış...
  • Página 4 All manuals and user guides at Portuguese recycling notice ································································································· 29   Romanian recycling notice ·································································································· 30   Slovak recycling notice ······································································································· 30   Spanish recycling notice ····································································································· 30   Swedish recycling notice ····································································································· 31   Taiwan Battery Recycle Label ····································································································· 31  ...
  • Página 5: List Of Tables

    All manuals and user guides at List of Tables Table 1 Safety symbol and description/Sicherheitssymbole und Beschreibung/安全标识和描述/安全記号と 説 明 /안전 기호 및 설명/Symbole de sécurité et de Description/Simbolo di sicurezza e la Descrizione/Símbolo de seguridad y Descripción/Símbolo de segurança e da Descrição/Сақтық белгісі...
  • Página 6: Safety Information/Sicherheits Informationen/安全信息/安全情報/안전

    All manuals and user guides at Safety Information/Sicherheits informationen/安全信息/安全情報/안전 정보/Informations relatives à la sécurité/ Informazioni di sicurezza/ Información de seguridad/Informações de segurança/ Қауіпсіздік туралы ақпарат/ Информация о безопасности/ Інформація з технічної безпеки/ Güvenlik Bilgileri Overview/Überblick/概述/概要 /개요/Présentation/Panoramica/Descripción general/Visão geral/Шолу/Обзор/Огляд/Genel Bakış Note Before any operation is performed, please read the operation instructions and precautions carefully to minimize the possibility of accidents.
  • Página 7 All manuals and user guides at メモ のご注意を熟読して、事故の可能性を最小限に抑えてください。他のマニュアル記載の注記、注意、警 告、危険の項は、従うべき安全上のご注意すべてが網羅されていません。これらは、操作全般の安全上 のご注意に対する補足事項にすぎません。 本製品の設置および操作時は、安全上のご注意および安全上の特記事項は例外なく従う必要がありま す。 참고 작업을 수행하기 전에 작업 지침 및 주의사항을 읽고 사고의 가능성을 최소화하십시오. 다른 설명서의 참고, 주의, 경고 및 위험 항목에서는 준수해야 하는 모든 안전 관련 주의사항을 다루지 않습니다.
  • Página 8: Warning Symbol Conventions/ Erläuterung Der Symbole/应用惯例/本書で使用されている規約

    All manuals and user guides at Ескертпе Мүмкін оқиғаларды болдырмау үшін, пайдаланудың алдында пайдалану жөнінде нұсқауларды жəне сақтық шараларын мұқият оқыңыз. Орындалуы тиіс барлық сақтық шараларының барлығы басқа пайдалану нұсқаулықтарында берілетін Ескертпе, Ескерту, Абайлаңыз жəне Қауіп бөлімдерінде қамтылмайды. Олар жалпы пайдалануға арналған сақтық...
  • Página 9 All manuals and user guides at Die in diesem Handbuch verwendeten Symbole sind in der folgenden Tabelle dargestellt. Diese Symbole sollen das Personal während der Installation und Instandhaltung der Ausrüstung an die Wichtigkeit der im Handbuch aufgeführten Sicherheitsvorschriften erinnern. 以下表格中的安全标识,是用来提示读者在进行设备安装和维护时的安全预防要求。...
  • Página 10 All manuals and user guides at Güvenlik Sembolü Açıklama Generic alarm symbol: To suggest a general safety concern. Alarm: Hinweis auf ein generelles Sicherheitsproblem. 一般注意标识:用于一般安全提示。 一般的な注意喚起のための記号:一般的な事において安全でない可能性があ ることを示唆。 일반 경보 기호: 일반적인 안전 관련 사안을 제공합니다. Symbole d'alarme générique: indique un problème de sécurité générale. Simbolo generico di allarme: indica un problema generale di sicurezza.
  • Página 11: Important Safety Information/Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise/重要安全信息/重要な安全情報/중요한 안전

    All manuals and user guides at Símbolo de choque elétrico: Para sugerir um risco de voltagem perigosa. Электр тогына түсу туралы ескертетін белгі: Қатерлі кернеу қаупін білдіреді. Символ поражения электрическим током. Означает опасность, связанную с высоким напряжением. Ураження електричним струмом: указує на ризик ураження електричним...
  • Página 12 All manuals and user guides at Kılavuzunda yer alan tüm kurulum talimatlarını ve aşağıdaki güvenlik talimatlarını mutlaka okuyun. Caution: Do not block ventilation openings while the system is on, and keep at least 5 cm distance from ventilation openings and walls or other things which may block the openings. Achtung: Blockieren Sie die Lüftungsmündungen nicht, wenn das System läuft.
  • Página 13 All manuals and user guides at ток айнымалы ток желісінен күшейтілген немесе қос оқшаулау арқылы ажыратылуы тиіс. Предупреждение. Вход электросети постоянного тока: вход постоянного тока должен быть отделен от электросети переменного тока с помощью усиленной или двойной изоляции (согласно IEC 60950-1). Увага! Джерело...
  • Página 14 All manuals and user guides at CA que abastece este cabo deve ser desligada. Абайлаңыз: Айнымалы токтың қуат сымын құрылғыға қоспас немесе ажыратпас бұрын, бұл кабельге қуат беретін айнымалы ток көзі өшірулі болуы тиіс. Предупреждение. Прежде чем подключать кабель питания переменного тока к устройству...
  • Página 15 All manuals and user guides at кріплення. Uyarı: Ürünün duvara kurulumunu yaparken uygun bir sabitleme yöntemi seçmeniz gerekmektedir. Warning: When mounting the product on a wall, do not mount it with ventilation holes facing up or down. Warnung: Wenn das Produkt an einer Wand montiert wird, installieren Sie ihn nicht mit den Lüftungsöffnungen nach oben oder unten gerichtet.
  • Página 16 All manuals and user guides at Das Netzkabel muss für das Land, in dem es verwendet wird, zugelassen werden. 警告:电源线表格: 电源线组件必须满足使用的国家认证要求。 警告:電源ケーブルの表: 電源コード セットは使用する国で承認を受ける必要があります。 전원 코드 표 경고: 전원 코드 세트는 사용되는 국가에서 승인된 것이어야 합니다. AVERTISSEMENT - Tableau des cordons d'alimentation: les cordons d'alimentation doivent être approuvés par un organisme agréé...
  • Página 17 All manuals and user guides at • 부착 플러그는 NEMA 5-15P(15A, 125V) 또는 NEMA 6-15P(15A, 250V) 구성의 접지형이어야 합니다. • Le cordon doit être agréé par l'UL et certifié CSA. • Configuration requise pour le cordon souple: • N° 18 AWG. •...
  • Página 18 All manuals and user guides at • Минимальные требования для гибких кабелей • № 18 AWG • Тип SV/SVT, SJ/SJT или SPT-2 • Трехжильный • Номинальный допустимый ток набора кабелей должен быть не менее10 А. • Вилка должна иметь заземление с типом конфигурации NEMA 5-15P (15 А, 125 В) или...
  • Página 19 All manuals and user guides at відповідати типу H05VVF3G1.0 (мінімум). • The supply plug must comply with CEE 7/7 (“SCHUKO”) • The mains cord must <HAR> or <BASEC> marked and be of type H05VVF3G1.0 (minimum) • Der Stromversorgungsstecker muss CEE 7/7 (“SCHUKO”) entsprechen.
  • Página 20 All manuals and user guides at 107-2-D1, padrões DK2-1a ou DK2-5a. • Желі штепселі Жоғары ток нормаларының 107-2-D1, DK2-1a бөлімінің немесе DK2-5a стандартының талаптарына сəйкес болуы тиіс. • Разъем питания должен соответствовать нормам для тока высокого напряжения, раздел 107-2-D1, DK2-1a или DK2-5a. •...
  • Página 21: Electricity Safety/Elektrische Sicherheit/用电安全/電気面の安全/전기 안전/Sécurité Électrique/Sicurezza

    All manuals and user guides at outro órgão de certificação autorizado) para cabos com três condutores. • O plugue de conexão deve ser do tipo de aterramento com configuração IRAM-2073 (10 A, 250 V). • 电源线组件必须通过 CCC 认证。 • 使用符合...
  • Página 22 All manuals and user guides at • Перед установкой необходимо снять токопроводящие предметы, такие как часы, наручные цепочки, браслеты или кольца. • Під час установлення необхідно зняти всі предмети, що проводять струм (годинник, браслети, персні тощо). • Kurulum sırasında saat, künye, bilezik veya yüzük gibi iletken nesneler çıkarılmalıdır. •...
  • Página 23: Regulatory Compliance Information

    All manuals and user guides at Regulatory Compliance Information Regulatory compliance standards Table 2 Regulatory compliance standards Discipline Standards FCC Part 15 Subpart B CLASS B ICES-003 CLASS B VCCI CLASS B CISPR 32 CLASS B EN 55032 CLASS B AS/NZS CISPR32 CLASS B EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-3...
  • Página 24 All manuals and user guides at Select the country in which this product is installed to ensure product operation is in compliance with local regulations. For information on how to select the country, refer to the “H3C A-Series Access Controllers WLAN Command Reference”.
  • Página 25: Eu Country Restriction In 2.4Ghz Band

    Directiva 2014/53/UE. Declaraţia de conformitate se găseşte [Romanian] (căutaţi utilizând denumirea modelului) S tem družba New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. izjavlja, da je radijska oprema v skladu Slovensko s smernico 2014/53/ES. Izjava o skladnosti: (iščite po imenu...
  • Página 26: Usa Regulatory Compliance

    All manuals and user guides at To remain in conformance with European spectrum usage laws for Wireless LAN operation, the above 2.4GHz and 5GHz channel limitations apply. The user should check the current channel of operation. If operation is occurring outside of the allowable frequencies as listed above, the user must cease operating the product at that location and consult the local technical support staff responsible for the wireless network.
  • Página 27: Fda

    All manuals and user guides at If the customer modifies the equipment without the authorization of H3C, which directly or indirectly contribute to the equipment incompliance with FCC requirements for Class B digital devices, H3C is not liable for such interference problem and the expenses incurred there from shall be covered by the customers.
  • Página 28: Japan Regulatory Compliance

    All manuals and user guides at Pour empecher que cet appareil cause du brouillage au service faisant l'objet d'une licence, il doit etre utilize a l'interieur et devrait etre place loin des fenetres afin de Fournier un ecram de blindage maximal.
  • Página 29: Mii

    All manuals and user guides at この装置は、クラスB機器です。この装置は、住宅環境で使用することを目的としていますが、この装置が ラジオやテレビジョン受信機に近接して使用されると、受信障害を引き起こすことがあります。取扱説明書 に従って正しい取り扱いをして下さい。 VCCI-B This product complies with the ARIB requirements in the W52, W53 and W56 2.4GHz frequency bands. This product is indoor use only. EN55032, AS/NZS CISPR 32, CISPR32 compliance These products comply with the requirements of EN55032, AS/NZS CISPR 32, CISPR32 for Class B Information Technology Equipment (ITE).
  • Página 30: Bulgarian Recycling Notice

    All manuals and user guides at Bulgarian recycling notice Czech recycling notice Danish recycling notice...
  • Página 31: Dutch Recycling Notice

    All manuals and user guides at Dutch recycling notice Estonian recycling notice Finnish recycling notice...
  • Página 32: French Recycling Notice

    All manuals and user guides at French recycling notice German recycling notice Greek recycling notice...
  • Página 33: Hungarian Recycling Notice

    All manuals and user guides at Hungarian recycling notice Italian recycling notice Latvian recycling notice...
  • Página 34: Lithuanian Recycling Notice

    All manuals and user guides at Lithuanian recycling notice Polish recycling notice Portuguese recycling notice...
  • Página 35: Romanian Recycling Notice

    All manuals and user guides at Romanian recycling notice Slovak recycling notice Spanish recycling notice...
  • Página 36: Swedish Recycling Notice

    All manuals and user guides at Swedish recycling notice Taiwan Battery Recycle Label RoHS material content declarations Turkey RoHS material content declaration Türkiye Cumhuriyeti: AEEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur India RoHS material content declaration This product complies with the "India E-waste (Management and Handling) Rule 2016" and prohibits use of lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls or polybrominated diphenyl ethers in concentrations exceeding 0.1 weight % and 0.01 weight % for cadmium, except for the exemptions set in Schedule 2 of the Rule.
  • Página 37: Taiwan Bsmi Rohs Table

    European Union Commission Regulation 1275/2008 The power data for affected products—including the power consumption of the product in networked standby if all wired network ports are connected and all wireless network ports are activated—is provided in the products’ CE DoC available at
  • Página 38 All manuals and user guides at ‫األمان‬ ‫معلومات‬ ‫المحتويات‬ ·························· ································ ································ ································ ‫األمان‬ ‫معلومات‬     ·· ································ ································ ································ ································ ‫عامة‬ ‫نظرة‬ ················· ································ ································ ································ ‫التحذير‬ ‫رموز‬ ‫تسميات‬     ················· ································ ································ ································ ‫الھامة‬ ‫األمان‬ ‫معلومات‬...
  • Página 39 All manuals and user guides at ‫الجداول‬ ‫قائمة‬ ········ ································ ································ ································ ‫ووصفه‬ ‫األمان‬ ‫رمز‬ ‫جدول‬  ...
  • Página 40 All manuals and user guides at ‫األمان‬ ‫معلومات‬ ‫عامة‬ ‫نظرة‬ ‫مالحظة‬ ‫المالحظات‬ ‫بنود‬ ‫تغطي‬ . ‫ال‬ ‫حوادث‬ ‫وقوع‬ ‫احتمالية‬ ‫لتقليل‬ ‫بعناية‬ ‫التشغيل‬ ‫واحتياطات‬ ‫إرشادات‬ ‫قراءة‬ ‫ي ُرجى‬ ،‫تشغيل‬ ‫عملية‬ ‫أي‬ ‫إجراء‬ ‫قبل‬ ‫إلرشادات‬ ‫مكمالت‬ ‫مجرد‬ ‫ليست‬ ‫فھي‬ ‫مراعاتھا‬ ‫تجب‬ ‫التي‬...
  • Página 41 All manuals and user guides at ‫الطاقة‬ ‫أسالك‬ ‫تحذيرات‬ ‫جدول‬ ‫فيھا‬ ‫استخدامه‬ ‫يتم‬ ‫التي‬ ‫الدولة‬ ‫في‬ ‫معتمدة‬ ‫الطاقة‬ ‫سلك‬ ‫مجموعة‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫أن‬ ‫يجب‬ • ‫و‬ ‫من‬ ‫معتمدة‬ ‫الطاقة‬ ‫مجموعة‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫أن‬ ‫يجب‬ • ‫ھي‬ ‫المرن‬ ‫السلك‬ ‫لمواصفات‬ ‫األدنى‬ ‫الحد‬ •...

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