Step 3:
Before tightening the bolts, make sure the rod is aligned and straight, so you avoid
that the handlebar is crooked later.
Sub-step 1:
First remove the hexagon head screws (37), semicircular washers (36) and the spring washers (6), which
are already pre-assembled on the frame. Make a note of where you took them, as they will be re-mounted
on the frame in sub-step 3.
Sub-step 2:
Join the armrest cover (18) with the corresponding cover end (17) and pull it over the armrest attachment
(3) before you connect the connector (15) to the lower part of the cable line (34).
Sub-step 3:
Now take the previously removed hexagon head screws (37), semicircular washers (36) and spring
washers (6) and put them back in the designated places. Finally, lower the armrest cover (18) to cover the
open joint and thus the visible screws.