Please note that, in rela on to the standard configura on illustra on in paragraph 4.1.2, in this configura on
with a reduced depth, the "K" 40 mm extensions are eliminated and the telescopic "L" insert is rotated 180° to
allow for the seat to be properly a ached. Follow the instruc ons below to reduce the depth of the frame by
elimina ng these extensions:
Firstly, you need to remove the "AL" front sec on and the "AK" central sec on of the seat by removing
the "ALS" and "AKS" screws as indicated in paragraph 4.1.1.
Unscrew, but don't remove, the "F1" screws which lock the rota ons of the front mount in rela on to
the base frame (see Fig. Par. 4.2).
Remove the "F2" screws which lock the rota on of the telescopic joints in rela on to the front mounts
(take care to also remove the threaded pivot inserted between the rota ng joints).
Remove the "N" screws which a ach the K extensions to the joints.
Remove the "M" screws which a ach the telescopic "L" joints to the seat.
Slide the telescopic "L" joints out of the seat and remove the "K" 40 mm extensions.
Turn the telescopic "L" joints by 180° by turning the "XX" slot upwards at the start of the rod.
Completely reinsert the telescopic joints over the seat tube "J".
Put the "M" screws back in and ghten them properly.
Assemble the seat, as indicated in paragraph 4.1.1.
Adjus ng imbalances (COG)
The imbalance or centre of gravity corresponds to the horizontal distance from the backrest to the axle of the
drive wheels . This is a key parameter for distribu ng the load across the rear drive wheels and the front wheels
of the wheelchair, significantly influencing the agility and handling of the wheelchair. The imbalance is set 140
mm in advance, but it can be calibrated to another se ng in approximate 10 mm increments:
Remove the padded protec on from the front of the frame.
Unscrew, but don't remove, the "F1" screws which a ach the front mounts to the base of the frame.
Unscrew, but don't remove, the "F2" screws to release the rota on between the front mounts of the
Unscrew and remove the "C" screws which a ach the seat to the rear support bars.
Move the seat forwards or backwards to find the desired COG.
Put back and securely a ach the "C" screw in the new posi on.
If no other changes are required for the configura on, securely a ach the "F1" and "F2" screws which
were previously unscrewed.