4. If you do not feel
comfortable or notice
any adverse effects, stop
the test immediately!
5. If there is no adverse skin
reaction after 24 hours,
you can proceed with a
full treatment using the
highest comfortable energy
level that you tested.
Important note: Try
not to overlap pulses-
repeated pulses on
the same spot may
increase the chance
of adverse effects.
Getting Started
Step 1: Prepare the area
you intend to treat
1. Remove all jewelery.
2. Make sure the hair on your
skin in the treatment area
is shaved or trimmed. DO
NOT wax, epilate or pluck
hair in the treated area
before the first treatment
or between treatments as
this will remove the hair
shaft that absorbs the light
energy during treatment.
3. Cleanse the skin of any
residue of powders, creams,
makeup, antiperspirants,
or deodorants, and
then pat the skin dry.
4. Never use flammable
liquids such as alcohol
(including perfumes,
sanitizers, or other
applications containing
alcohol) or acetone on the
skin for one hour before
using the device, as it may
cause burning of the skin.