Recommended Treatment
For optimal results, you
should use the device
consistently following the
recommended treatment.
Body hair:
Hair removal treatments
1–4 will be two weeks apart
Hair removal treatments
5-8 will be four weeks apart.
Facial hair:
Hair removal treatments
1–5 will be two weeks apart.
Hair removal treatments
6-8 will be four weeks apart.
To maintain the results
following completion of
the treatment protocol, we
recommend performing
a treatment once a
month, or as required.
What to expect:
Different individuals and
different treatment areas
may not react equally
to RPL
It may take up to 3-4
treatments (6-8 weeks) before
initial results can be seen.
The hair will continue to grow
for up to two weeks after the
treatment session. However,
as you progress through the
full treatment protocol, hair will
naturally and gradually fall out.
The number of sessions
required for achieving long
term results differs between
users and between treatment
areas and depends on
factors such as: age, hair
colour and skin tone.
Once the treatment protocol
is complete, you should see
further hair growth reduction.
Any remaining hairs should
be finer and lighter in colour.
It is recommended to
use the highest energy
setting that you found
comfortable during the
preliminary test. Note that
facial treatments should be
performed at the medium
(2) or low (1) energy levels.
Lighter hair colours may
require more treatments
in order to see results.
This device is suitable for
men. However, male body
hair, especially on the
chest, will require more
treatment sessions.