F i g u r e 1 - 1 .
Updating the Tape Library Firmware
Use one of the following two methods to update the tape library firmware:
Tape library serial port
Remote management controller card
You must download the latest firmware package from the Dell Support website at
support.dell.com. After you download the package, the firmware file will be located at
c:\dell\drivers\rxxxxx\library\LTO2, where rxxxxx is the release number of the downloaded
firmware package.
Updating the Firmware Through the Serial Port
Turn on the tape library.
Connect one end of the straight-through serial cable to the tape library serial port.
Connect the opposite end of the cable to a COM port on the system where you
downloaded the firmware file.
Updating Tape Drive Modules
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R e m o v i n g a n d I n s t a l l i n g t h e Ta p e D r i v e M o d u l e
filler plate
drive module
captive thumbscrews