SIGNS ............................14 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ......................16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 .................... 22 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 ..................24 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 .................. 26 ...
2 ÚVOD Velice nás těší, že Vám můžeme dodat zdvižný vozík Newton Newton 50, H17152 Newton 70, H14931, H19862 Newton 100, H14152, H15177, H15182 Newton 150, H15185, H15187, H15188 Newton 250, H18594, H19238 Přesné číslo dílu a výrobní číslo se nachází na štítku stroje a v potvrzení objednávky.
Mezi typické možnosti využití patří manipulace s objekty v průmyslových kuchyních, rozbalování zboží v obchodech a skladových prostorách, výměna nástrojů, montáž, servis a opravy strojních zařízení. Technické údaje: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
Página 5
Jiné zvedací zařízení je možno použít, vliv na zvedací kapacitu viz kapitolu 15 Příslušenství. Newton 50 Newton 70/100/150/250 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 50 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 70 - 250 AVSTÅND "D" (mm) AVSTÅND "D" (mm) V souladu s normou SS-EN 3691-5:2009 Bezpečnost manipulačních vozíků jsou základní...
Kromě vestavěných bezpečnostních funkcí může být nutné provést bezpečnostní opatření na samotném vozíku či v jeho blízkosti. Nutnost provedení takových opatření prosím konzultujte se zástupcem společnosti Hallins nebo bezpečnostním technikem, bezpečnostním dozorem či obdobným pracovníkem. Doporučujeme Vám na základě předpisů pro strojní zařízení vypracovat analýzu rizik pro příslušné...
Página 7
Obsluha musí plně sledovat zdvižný vozík a všechny části nákladu po celou dobu, kdy je vozík v pohybu. Zdvižný vozík musí být používán takovým způsobem, aby nikdy nedošlo ke zranění osob a poškození majetku. Používejte ochrannou obuv, a pokud to vyžadují pracovní úkoly, rovněž ochranné rukavice a ochranný...
Hnací jednotka zdvižného vozíku je umístěna pod ochranným krytem. Tento kryt mohou snímat pouze zaměstnanci oprávnění provádět kontroly, údržbu či opravy vozíku. Při výměně dílů smějí být použity pouze originální náhradní díly od společnosti Hallins. Porušení této podmínky může vést k zániku záruky v plném rozsahu.
Nikdy nepřevážejte zboží, pokud je nosná plošina ve zdvižené poloze. 7.2 Manipulace podlážkou Aby bylo možno manipulovat podlážkou, musí být hlavní spínač zapnutý (v poloze ON). Hlavní spínač zap./vyp. (OFF/ON) Newton 50 je umístěn na skříni motoru. Externí ovládací zařízení pohybu nahoru/dolů...
Akumulátory jsou nicméně tak těsně uzavřené, že je lze položit na bok či převrátit dnem vzhůru bez jakéhokoli nebezpečí úniku kapaliny. Abyste si mohli být jisti, že k úniku kapaliny skutečně nedojde, používejte pouze originální akumulátory od společnosti Hallins. 8.2 Nabíjení Pro zajištění maximální možné životnosti akumulátorů...
VÝSTRAHA! Nikdy neomývejte zdvižný vozík vodou 10 ÚDRŽBA Aby mohl zdvižný vozík fungovat co nejlépe, je důležité provádět pravidelnou údržbu podle níže uvedeného postupu. Před zahájením údržby sejměte veškerý náklad z nosné plošiny. Kontroly, údržbu a opravy musí provádět kvalifikovaný personál. Veškeré...
11PROVOZNÍ KNIHA - SERVIS A ÚDRŽBA TYP A MODEL: ___________________________________________ SÉRIOVÉ ČÍSLO: ___________________________________________ DODÁNO: ___________________________________________ SERVISNÍ INTERVAL: ___________________________________________ SERVIS A ÚDRŽBA SERVIS A ÚDRŽBA SERVIS A ÚDRŽBA DATUM ……………………………….. DATUM ……………………………….. DATUM ……………………………….. PODPIS………………………………… PODPIS………………………………… PODPIS………………………………… ZJIŠTĚNÍ: ……………………………… ZJIŠTĚNÍ: ……………………………… ZJIŠTĚNÍ: ………………………………...
12 ODSTRAŇOVÁNÍ PROBLÉMŮ Zdvižný vozík Newton byl navržen a testován pro dosažení optimální provozní spolehlivosti a životnosti za předpokladu, že bude prováděna pravidelná údržba v souladu s uvedenými pokyny. V níže uvedeném seznamu naleznete rady co dělat v případě, že přesto dojde k problémům.
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
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Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
Página 17
Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
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400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
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Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
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Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 21
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
Página 23
– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 25
– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 27
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 29
– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 31
– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
20 EU PROHLÁŠENÍ O SHODĚ V souladu se směrnicí 2006/42/EU pro strojní zařízení a 2004/108/EU Výrobce AB Hallins Verkstäder Box 24, SE-599 21 ÖDESHÖG ŠVÉDSKO Tel.: +46 144-153 00 Fax: +46 144-314 00 E-mail: [email protected] Zastoupený ___________________________ Společnost ___________________________ Adresa 1...
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Wir werden auch in liegenden Verpackungen liefern; eventuelle Nachmontagen übernimmt der Endkunde. Eine gesonderte Montageanleitung liegt bei. Nach dem Auspacken ist das Verpackungsmaterial dem organisierten Recycling zuzuführen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Maschine unbeschädigt ist. Eventuelle Schäden teilen Sie bitte dem Spediteur und Hallins mit.
Bodenwellen aufweisen. Typische Einsatzmöglichkeiten sind die Materialbeförderung in Großküchen; das Einräumen von Waren in Geschäften und Lägern; Werkzeugwechsel sowie Montage-, Service- und Reparaturarbeiten an Maschinen. Technische Daten: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
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Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No. H19862 H15177 H15187 H19238 Height 2,070 mm 2,070 mm 2,070 mm 2,175 mm Max lifting height: 1,735 mm 1,735 mm 1,735 mm 1,735 mm Article No. H15182...
Es kann neben den im Hubwagen eingebauten Sicherheitsvorrichtungen erforderlich sein, am oder beim Hubwagen weitere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen vorzusehen. Gegebenenfalls sind erforderliche Schritte mit dem Hallins-Vertreter, dem Sicherheits- oder Arbeitsschutz- Beauftragten o. Ä. zu besprechen. Wir empfehlen, für die jeweilige Einsatzsituation eine Gefahrenanalyse entsprechend der Maschinenrichtlinie vorzunehmen.
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Schutzkleidung verwendet werden. Der Betrieb der Newton-Modelle 70 – 250 erfolgt von der Betriebsposition hinter dem Wagengriff aus. Der Newton 50 kann von verschiedenen Positionen aus betätigt werden. Halten Sie niemals Hände, Arme oder andere Körperteile oder Gegenstände in die Hebevorrichtung, wenn sich die Plattform in angehobenem Zustand befindet.
Schutzabdeckung darf nur von Personen abgenommen werden, die zu Inspektionen, Service- und Reparaturarbeiten befugt sind. Beim Austausch von Teilen müssen Hallins-Ersatzteile verwendet werden. Anderenfalls können alle Garantieansprüche verfallen. Die Antriebsabdeckung und einige andere Teile sind aus Kunststoff. Diese Teile dürfen weder Flammen noch ätzenden Chemikalien ausgesetzt werden.
Bewegen Sie den beladenen Hubwagen niemals mit der Ladefläche in angehobener Position. 7.2 Bedienung der Ladefläche Die Ladefläche kann nur bedient werden, wenn der Hauptschalter auf „EIN“ geschaltet ist. Beim Newton 50 sitzt der Hauptschalter (AUS/EIN) an der Motorhaube. Die Haltesteuerung (AUF/AB) hat ein Spiralkabel.
Bedarf Gas in sehr kleinen Mengen austreten lassen. Die Batterien sind jedoch so dicht, dass sie ohne Gefahr einer Undichtigkeit auf die Seite gelegt oder auf den Kopf gestellt werden können. Verwenden Sie nur Originalbatterien von Hallins, wenn Sie sicher sein wollen, dass keine Undichtigkeiten auftreten können.
Reinigen Sie den Hubwagen, indem Sie ihn außen mit einem feuchten Tuch abwischen. Warnung! Der Hubwagen darf unter keinen Umständen mit Wasser abgespült werden. IP 41 10 WARTUNG Um die Funktion des Hubwagens zu optimieren, müssen Sie regelmäßig die im Nachfolgenden beschriebenen Wartungsmaßnahmen ausführen.
11 FAHRTENBUCH – SERVICE UND WARTUNG TYP UND MODELL: ___________________________________________ SERIENNUMMER: ___________________________________________ AUSLIEFERUNG: ___________________________________________ WARTUNGSABSTÄNDE: ___________________________________________ SERVICE UND WARTUNG SERVICE UND WARTUNG SERVICE UND WARTUNG DATUM: ..........DATUM: ..........DATUM: ..........UNTERSCHR.: ........UNTERSCHR.: ........UNTERSCHR.: ........NOTIZEN: ........... NOTIZEN: ........... NOTIZEN: ...........
12 STÖRUNGSSUCHE Der Hubwagen Newton wurde so entworfen und erprobt, dass er optimale Betriebssicherheit und Lebensdauer bietet, wenn die Routinewartung entsprechend den vorliegenden Anleitungen erfolgt. Falls dennoch eine Störung auftreten sollte, können Sie versuchen, diese mithilfe der nachstehenden Störungsliste zu beheben. Nehmen Sie vor Störungssuche und Reparatur die Ladung von der Ladefläche.
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
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Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
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Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
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400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
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Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
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Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
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Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
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– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 64
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 66
– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
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SIGNS ............................14 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ......................16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 .................... 22 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 ..................24 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 .................. 26 ...
2 FORORD Vi har hermed fornøjelsen at levere en løftevogn af typen Newton Newton 50, H17152 Newton 70, H14931, H19862 Newton 100, H14152, H15177, H15182 Newton 150, H15185, H15187, H15188 Newton 250, H18594, H19238 Det aktuelle vare- og serienummer fremgår af maskinens typeskilt og ordrebekræftelsen.
Underlaget skal være plant, hårdt og skridsikkert, samt uden huller og forhindringer. Typiske anvendelsesformål er f.eks. håndtering af genstande inden for storkøkkener, oppakning af varer på et lager, værktøjsskift, montering, service og reparationer på maskiner. Tekniske data: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
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Bemærk, at maksimal last gælder, når lasten er anbragt jævnt udbredt og fordelt over hele lasteplanets areal på basisversionen af løftevognen. Punktlast er ikke tilladt. Eksempel på tilladt belastning - med standard lasteflade Newton 50 Afstand fra masten (D) = maks. 225 mm. Tyngdepunktets (G) højde over lasteplanet.
Foruden løftevognens indbyggede sikkerhed kan der kræves yderligere sikkerhedsforanstaltninger på eller i forbindelse med løftevognen. Der bør diskuteres passende sikkerhedsforanstaltninger med Hallins-repræsentanten, sikkerhedsrepræsentanten eller med en person fra Arbejdstilsynet eller lignende. Vi anbefaler, at der oprettes en Risikoanalyse ifølge Maskindirektivet for den aktuelle arbejdssituation.
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Betjening af Newton 70 – 250 sker fra betjeningspositionen bag vognens håndtag. Newton 50 kan betjenes fra forskellige positioner. Der må aldrig rækkes hænder, arme eller andre legemsdele eller genstande ind i løfteanordningen, mens platformen er løftet op.
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Der må kun benyttes originale reservedele fra Hallins, når der skal udskiftes maskindele. I modsat fald risikeres, at garantien bortfalder. Motorhjelmen og visse andre dele er af plast. Disse må f.eks. ikke udsættes for ild eller ætsende kemikalier.
Transportér aldrig gods, når lasteplanet er i hævet stilling. 7.2 Betjening af lasteplan For at lastefladen kan betjenes, skal hovedafbryderen stå i pos. TIL. På Newton 50 sidder hovedafbryderen (TIL/FRA) på motorrumskappen. Betjeningsenheden med dødemandsknappen (OP/NED) er...
Dog er batterierne så tætte, at de kan lægges på siden og stilles lodret uden risiko for lækage. For at være sikker på at der ikke kan forekomme lækage, må der kun bruges originalbatterier fra Hallins. 8.2 Batteriopladning For at give batterierne den længst mulige...
Inden rengøringen påbegyndes, skal lasten fjernes fra lasteplanet. ADVARSEL! Løftevognen må under ingen omstændigheder være sluttet til strømforsyningen under Vognen rengøres ved at tørre den af udvendigt med en fugtig klud. rengøring. ADVARSEL! Løftevognen må IKKE skylles med vand! IP 41 10 VEDLIGEHOLDELSE For at løftevognen skal fungere bedst muligt, er det vigtigt, at der regelmæssigt udføres...
12 FEJLFINDING Løftevognen Newton er konstrueret og afprøvet for at opnå optimal driftssikkerhed og levetid under forudsætning af, at det regelmæssige vedligeholdelsesarbejde udføres, som foreskrevet i de givne anvisninger. Hvis der imod forventning alligevel skulle opstå problemer, kan du forsøge selv at løse dem ved at bruge følgende fejlfindingsliste. Inden fejlfinding og reparationer indledes, skal lasten fjernes fra lasteplanet.
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
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Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
Página 91
Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
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400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
Página 93
Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
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Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 95
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
Página 97
– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 99
– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 101
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 103
– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 105
– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
Página 113
SIGNS ............................15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ......................17 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 .................... 23 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 ..................25 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 .................. 27 ...
2 INTRODUCCIÓN Tenemos el gusto de suministrarles una carretilla elevadora tipo Newton Newton 50, H17152 Newton 70, H14931, H19862 Newton 100, H14152, H15177, H15182 Newton 150, H15185, H15187, H15188 Newton 250, H18594, H19238 El número de artículo y el número de serie actuales se desprenden del rótulo de la máquina y la confirmación del pedido.
Usos típicos son, por ejemplo, el manejo de objetos para cocinas industriales, el desembalado de productos en almacenes y tiendas, cambio de herramientas; montaje, servicio y reparación de máquinas. Datos técnicos: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
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NOTA: Pueden darse otros aparejos elevadores que afectan la condición de carga, véase el capítulo 16 “Accesorios”. Newton 50 Newton 70/100/150/250 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 50 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 70 - 250 AVSTÅND "D" (mm) AVSTÅND "D" (mm)
Además de la seguridad incorporada a la carretilla pueden exigirse otras medidas adicionales en o junto a la misma. Tratar de los complementos de seguridad adecuados con el representante de Hallins o con los encargados de la protección laboral o sus equivalentes.
Página 118
El manejo de Newton 70 – 250 debe hacerse desde la parte de atrás de los mangos. Newton 50 puede maniobrarse desde varias posiciones. Nunca introduzca manos, brazos u otras partes del cuerpo u objetos en el dispositivo elevador cuando la plataforma está...
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Sólo deben utilizarse repuestos originales de Hallins. La garantía puede perder toda su validez si no se usan dichas piezas. La cubierta del compartimiento del motor y algunas otras piezas son de plástico por lo que no deben exponerse a, por ejemplo, fuego ni productos químicos corrosivos.
Nunca transporte productos cuando el plano de carga esté en posición elevada. 7.2 Manejo del plano de carga Para maniobrar la plataforma de carga el interruptor principal ha de estar en la posición ACTIVADA. En el modelo Newton 50 el interruptor de corriente principal (ACTIVADO/DESACTIVADO) está ubicado en la cubierta del compartimiento del motor.
Para tener la seguridad de que no habrá fugas utilícense únicamente las baterías originales de Hallins. 8.2 Carga de las baterías A fin de obtener la vida de servicio máxima, las baterías han de cargarse...
8.4 Reciclaje de baterías Las baterías de plomo están clasificadas como desperdicio ambientalmente peligroso y, por lo tanto, han de enviarse siempre al reciclaje después de su agotamiento. 8.5 Indicador de la batería El indicador de la batería brilla con luz verde fija cuando el interruptor de corriente está en la posición ON.
10 MANTENIMIENTO Para que su carretilla funcione de la mejor manera es importante que realice a intervalos regulares el mantenimiento indicado a continuación. Antes de realizar el mantenimiento, descargar el plano de carga. Las inspecciones, servicio y reparaciones deben ser efectuados por personal competente.
11 LIBRO DE REGISTROS – SERVICIO Y MANTENIMIENTO TIPO Y MODELO: ___________________________________________ NÚMERO DE SERIE: ___________________________________________ ENTREGADO EN: ___________________________________________ INTERVALOS DE SERVICIO: ___________________________________________ SERVICIO Y MANTENIMIENTO SERVICIO Y MANTENIMIENTO SERVICIO Y MANTENIMIENTO FECHA……………………....FECHA……………………....FECHA……………………....SIGNATURA………………….... SIGNATURA…………………..... SIGNATURA…………………..NOTAS………………………..... NOTAS………………………....NOTAS……………………….....
12 BÚSQUEDA DE AVERÍAS La carretilla elevadora Newton ha sido diseñada y probada para proporcionar una seguridad operativa y vida de servicio óptimas, a condición de que se realice el mantenimiento indicado en las instrucciones. Si pese a ello apareciera cualquier problema podrá...
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
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Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
Página 129
Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
Página 130
400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
Página 131
Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
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Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 133
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
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– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 139
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 141
– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
20 DECLARACIÓN CE DE CONFORMIDAD Según la Directiva de máquinas de la CE 2006/42/CE y 2004/108/CE Fabricante AB Hallins Verkstäder Box 24, 599 21 ÖDESHÖG SUECIA Tel.: +46 144-153 00 Fax: +46 144-314 00 E-mail: [email protected] Representado por ___________________________ Empresa ___________________________ Dirección 1...
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MANUEL D’INSTRUCTION CHARIOT ELEVATEUR 50 - 250 AB Hallins Verkstäder Box 24 SE-599 21 ÖDESHÖG Tel: +46 144-153 00 Fax: +46 144-314 00 Version : 05 E-mail: [email protected] Date : 2011-11-25 Newton 50-250-2Franska...
Página 151
13 INSTRUCTIONS RELATIVES AU REEMPLOI ............... 14 14 SIGNS ............................15 15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ...................... 17 16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 ..................23 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 .................... 25 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 ..................... 27 16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 .................. 29 ...
2 INTRODUCTION Nous sommes heureux que vous ayez choisi le chariot élévateur de type Newton Newton 50, H17152 Newton 70, H14931, H19862 Newton 100, H14152, H15177, H15182 Newton 150, H15185, H15187, H15188 Newton 250, H18594, H19238 Le numéro d'article et le numéro de série du produit sont indiqués sur la plaque signalétique de la machine et sur la confirmation de la commande.
La manutention d’objets dans une grande cuisine, le conditionnement de marchandises dans des magasins et des dépôts, le changement d’outillage, le montage, la maintenance et les réparations sur des machines sont des exemples d’utilisations typiques. Données techniques : Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
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La charge (Q1) doit être répartie sur le plateau à partir du milieu du plan de charge. ATTENTION ! D’autres accessoires de levage peuvent être utilisés qui influent sur la charge, voir le chapitre 16, Accessoires. Newton 50 Newton 70/100/150/250 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 50 AVSTÅND "D" (mm)
En plus des protections intégrées dans le chariot, des mesures de sécurité supplémentaires peuvent être exigées sur ou autour du chariot élévateur. Discutez des mesures appropriées avec le représentant Hallins ou le délégué à la sécurité, le contrôleur chargé de la sécurité au travail ou autre personne.
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La commande de Newton 70 – 250 est effectuée à partir de la position de commande, derrière la poignée du chariot. Newton 50 peut être commandé depuis différentes positions. Ne mettez jamais les mains, les bras ou toute autre partie du corps ou objet dans le dispositif de levage lorsque le plateau est soulevé.
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Celui-ci ne doit être ouvert que par des membres du personnel possédant des compétences suffisantes en matières d’inspection, de maintenance et de réparation. Seules les pièces de rechange originales Hallins peuvent être utilisées pour le remplacement de pièces. Dans le cas contraire, la garantie peut cesser d’être applicable dans son intégralité.
Afin de pouvoir commander le plateau porte-charge, l’interrupteur principal doit être en position MARCHE. Un interrupteur principal (MARCHE/ARRÊT) est situé sur le capot du compartiment moteur de Newton 50. Le dispositif de commande nécessitant une action continue (HAUT/BAS) est équipé d'un cordon en spirale.
(en très faibles quantités). Les batteries sont si étanches qu’elles peuvent être installées en position couchée, debout ou à l’envers sans risque de fuite. Utilisez exclusivement des batteries fournies par Hallins qui vous garantiront l’absence totale de fuite.
des rechargements intermédiaires. La température à laquelle les batteries sont stockées est un facteur essentiel et déterminant. Le stockage doit toujours être effectué dans un local sec, dont la température s’approche le plus possible de +20°C. L’interrupteur principal doit toujours être en position ARRET lorsque le chariot n’est pas utilisé.
10 ENTRETIEN Pour que votre chariot élévateur fonctionne de manière optimale, il est important d’effectuer un entretien régulier conformément aux consignes ci-dessous. Enlevez la charge du plateau avant de commencer l’opération d’entretien. Les inspections, opérations de maintenance et réparations doivent être effectuées par un personnel compétent.
11 MANUEL D’EXPLOITATION – MAINTENANCE ET ENTRETIEN TYPE ET MODELE : ___________________________________________ NUMERO DE SERIE : ___________________________________________ LIVRE : ___________________________________________ PERIODICITE DE LA MAINTENANCE : ___________________________________________ MAINTENANCE & ENTRETIEN MAINTENANCE & ENTRETIEN MAINTENANCE & ENTRETIEN DATE ……………………………….. DATE ……………………………….. DATE ……………………………….. SIGN.
12 RECHERCHE DES DEFAUTS Le chariot élévateur Newton conçu et éprouvé de manière à assurer la sécurité d’exploitation et la durée de vie optimales, à condition que la maintenance ordinaire soit effectuée conformément aux instructions. Si toutefois un problème survenait, nous vous présentons ci-dessous, avec la liste de recherche des défauts, les interventions à...
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
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Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
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Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
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400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
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Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
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Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 171
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Compatibility Max Ø roller Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
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– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
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16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
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16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
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16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
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16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
20 CERTIFICAT CE DE CONFORMITE Conformément à la directive CE sur les machines 2006/42/CE et 2004/108/CE Le fabricant AB Hallins Verkstäder Box 24, 599 21 ÖDESHÖG SUEDE Téléphone : +46 144-153 00 Télécopie : +46 144-314 00 E-mail : [email protected] Représenté...
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USER GUIDE ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS LIFTING TROLLEY 50 - 250 AB Hallins Verkstäder Box 24 SE-599 21 ÖDESHÖG Tel: 0144-153 00 Fax: 0144-314 00 Issue: 5 E-mail: [email protected] Date: 2011-10-25 Newton 50-250 Eng...
Página 189
11 OPERATION BOOK - SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE ............13 12 FAULT TRACING ........................14 13 INSTRUCTIONS FOR RE-USE ....................14 14 SIGNS ............................15 15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ...................... 17 16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 ..................23 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70...................... 25 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 ...................... 27 16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 150 ...................... 29 16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 250 ...................... 31 ...
Specific assembly instructions are supplied. After unpacking, hand the packaging materials in for proper recycling. Check the machine is undamaged. Report any damage to the transporter and to Hallins. Any accessories to be fitted must be done so in accordance with the instructions that accompany the accessory.
4 WARRANTY In accordance with the warranty conditions in NL-09 and ORGALIME S 2000 the manufacturer shall correct all faults that can be attributed to manufacturing or material defects that arise within twelve (12) months from the date of delivery. For detailed conditions refer to NL-09 or ORGALIME S 2000.
Typical areas of application are for example handling objects used in industrial kitchens, unpacking of goods in shops and in storage areas, tool changing, assembly, service and repairs to machinery. Technical Data: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
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Note that the max. load implies an evenly distributed load over the whole load bed surface for the basic version of the lifting trolley. Point loads not permitted. Permitted load combinations – with standard load bed Newton 50 Distance from mast (D) = max 225 mm. Centre of gravity (D) height above load bed.
In addition to the built-in safety features, additional safety measures may be necessary to the lifting trolley or in its vicinity. Discuss appropriate measures with a Hallins representative or with a safety officer, industrial safety inspector or equivalent.
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Manoeuvre the Newton 70 – 250 lifting trolley from the position behind the trolley handle. The Newton 50 can be operated from different positions. Never put your hands, arms or other body parts or objects in the lifting device when the platform is raised.
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The lifting trolley's drive unit is located beneath protective housing. This may only be removed by personnel qualified to carry out inspections, service, and repairs. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Never transport goods when the load bed is in raised position. 7.2 Manoeuvring the load bed The main switch must be ON in order to manoeuvre the load bed. On the Newton 50 the main switch (OFF/ON) is located on the motor housing. The external control device (UP/DOWN) is fitted with a coiled cable.
(in very small amounts) whenever required. However, the batteries are so tight that they can be put on their side or upside down without any risk of leakage. Only use original batteries from Hallins to ensure that there is no leakage. 8.2 Battery charging...
WARNING! Never under any circumstances connect the lifting trolley to the mains when cleaning. Clean the lifting trolley by wiping the outside with a damp rag. WARNING! Never rinse the lifting trolley with water at any time! IP 41 10 MAINTENANCE In order for your lifting trolley to operate in the best possible way, it is important that you perform regular maintenance as described below.
11 OPERATION BOOK - SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE ARTICLE NUMBER: ___________________________________________ SERIAL NUMBER: ___________________________________________ DELIVERED: ___________________________________________ SERVICE INTERVAL: ___________________________________________ SERVICE & MAINTENANCE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE DATE ……………………………….. DATE ……………………………….. DATE ……………………………….. SIGNED …………………………… SIGNED …………………………… SIGNED …………………………… OBSERVATIONS:………………… OBSERVATIONS:…………………...
12 FAULT TRACING The Newton lifting trolley has been designed and tested to achieve optimal operational reliability and service life, under the proviso that routine maintenance is carried out in accordance with the specified instructions. If despite this a problem should occur, use the fault tracing table below to obtain relevant guidance.
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
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Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
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Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
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400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
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Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
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Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the outermost Weight kg position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 209
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
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– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
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16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
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16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 215
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
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16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
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16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
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11 KEZELÉSI KÉZIKÖNYV – SZERVIZELÉS ÉS KARBANTARTÁS .......... 13 12 HIBAKERESÉS ........................14 13 ÚJRAFELHASZNÁLÁSSAL KAPCSOLATOS UTASÍTÁSOK ..........14 14 SIGNS ............................15 15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ...................... 17 16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 ..................23 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70...................... 25 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 ...................... 27 16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 150 ...................... 29 16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 250 ...................... 31 ...
2 BEVEZETÉS Örömünkre szolgál, hogy átadhatjuk Önnek a Newton Newton 50, H17152 Newton 70, H14931, H19862 Newton 100, H14152, H15177, H15182 Newton 150, H15185, H15187, H15188 Newton 250, H18594, H19238 A pontos cikkszám és sorozatszám a gép adattáblájáról és a megrendelés visszaigazolásáról állapítható...
A legjellemzőbb alkalmazási területek: tárgyak szállítása nagyüzemi konyhákban, árucikkek kicsomagolása boltokban és raktárhelyiségekben, de igénybe vehető szerszámcserénél, gépek szét- és összeszerelésénél, szervizelésénél és javításánál is. Műszaki adatok: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No. H17152 H14931 H14152...
Página 230
FIGYELEM! Egyéb emelőberendezések is felszerelhetők, amelyek befolyásolják a terhelhetőséget; lásd: 15. fejezet – Tartozékok. Newton 50 Newton 70/100/150/250 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 50 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 70 - 250 AVSTÅND "D" (mm) AVSTÅND "D" (mm)
A meglévő beépített biztonsági megoldások mellett az emelőkocsi használata esetén és a közelében egyéb biztonsági rendszabályokat is be kell tartani. A szükséges teendőkről a Hallins gyári képviselő, a biztonsági felelős, az ipari biztonsági felügyelő vagy hasonló beosztású személy nyújthat felvilágosítást.
Página 232
A kezelő viseljen védőlábbelit, ha a feladat megkívánja, akkor védőkesztyűt és védőruhát is. A Newton 70-250 emelőkocsit a kocsi fogantyúja mögül kell mozgatni. The Newton 50 emelőkocsi különböző helyzetekből működtethető. Ne érjen hozzá kezével, karjával, egyéb testrészével vagy bármilyen tárggyal az emelőberendezéshez, ha a tehertartó...
Página 233
Az emelőkocsi meghajtóegysége védőburkolat mögött található. A burkolatot csak vizsgálatra, szervizelésre és javításra jogosult személy távolíthatja el. Alkatrészcsere esetén csak eredeti Hallins alkatrészek használhatók. Ennek figyelmen kívül hagyása a garancia elvesztését jelenti. A motorház és néhány további alkatrész műanyagból készült. Ezeket nem érheti nyílt láng vagy korrozív vegyi anyag.
A teherágy felemelt helyzetében a készülékkel áru nem szállítható. 7.2 A teherágy mozgatása A teherágy mozgatásához a főkapcsolónak bekapcsolt (ON) állásban kell lennie. A Newton 50 emelőkocsi főkapcsolója (OFF/ON) a motorház alatt található. A külső vezérlőeszköz (FEL/LE) tekercselt kábellel van ellátva.
Mindazonáltal az akkumulátorok annyira jól zárnak, hogy a szivárgás legkisebb kockázata nélkül oldalra fektetve vagy függőlegesen, 180 fokkal elfordítva is tarthatók. A szivárgásbiztos üzem érdekében csak eredeti Hallins akkumulátorok használatát javasoljuk. 8.2 Akkumulátortöltés Az akkumulátorok maximális élettartamának biztosítása érdekében...
9 TISZTÍTÁS Mivel az emelőkocsi elektromos alkatrészeket is tartalmaz, a tisztítás javasolt módja kiemelt fontossággal bír. Tisztítás előtt távolítsa el a terhet a teherágyról. FIGYELEM! Ne csatlakoztassa hálózati tápellátáshoz az emelőkocsit tisztítás közben. Tisztítsa le kívülről a kocsit száraz törlőronggyal. FIGYELEM! Az emelőkocsi tisztításához ne használjon folyó...
10 KARBANTARTÁS Az emelőkocsi lehető legjobb működése érdekében fontos, hogy rendszeresen el legyenek végezve rajta az alább ismertetett karbantartási műveletek. A karbantartás előtt távolítsa el a terhet a teherágyról. Az ellenőrzéseket, szerviz- és karbantartási munkákat csak képzett személy végezheti.
12 HIBAKERESÉS A Newton emelőkocsinál kialakítása és a tesztek bizonysága szerint akkor érhető el optimálisan megbízható működés és maximális üzemidő, ha a berendezés a megadott utasítások szerinti rendszeres karbantartásban részesül. Ha mindezek ellenére a használata során problémák merülnének fel, az alább ismertetett módszerek segíthetnek a hibakeresésben.
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
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Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
Página 243
Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
Página 244
400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
Página 245
Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
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Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 247
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
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– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
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16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
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16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 253
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
Página 254
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 255
– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
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16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 257
– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
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11 LIBRETTO DI SERVIZIO E MANUTENZIONE ................ 12 12 RICERCA GUASTI ........................13 13 RICICLAGGIO DELLA MACCHINA ..................13 14 SIGNS ............................14 15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ...................... 16 16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 ..................22 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70...................... 24 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 ...................... 26 16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 150 ...................... 28 16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 250 ...................... 30 ...
Dopo il disimballo, consegnare il materiale di imballaggio a un apposito centro di raccolta. Controllare che la macchina non presenti danni. Eventuali danni devono essere denunciati sia al trasportatore che a Hallins. Eventuali accessori da installare dopo aver disimballato la macchina, vanno montati seguendo le istruzioni allegate sugli stessi.
Gli utilizzi tipici sono lo spostamento di oggetti nelle grandi cucine, l’impilamento di merce nei negozi e nei magazzini, lo scambio di utensili in officina, l’assistenza e le riparazioni delle macchine. Dati tecnici: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
Página 268
15, "Accessori". Newton 50 Newton 70/100/150/250 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 50 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 70 - 250 AVSTÅND "D" (mm) AVSTÅND "D" (mm) In base allo standard SS-EN 3691-5:2009 sui carrelli elevatori, la ripartizione del carico deve rispettare i seguenti parametri: ...
Oltre ai dispositivi di sicurezza di cui è dotato il carrello elevatore, potrebbero essere richieste ulteriori misure di sicurezza su o attorno al carrello. In tal caso l’utilizzatore dovrà discutere le misure opportune da intraprendere con un rappresentante Hallins o con un funzionario per la sicurezza sul lavoro.
Página 270
La manovra di Newton 70-250 si esegue dal posto di comando dietro l'impugnatura del carrello. Newton 50 può essere manovrato da diverse posizioni. Non inserire mai le mani, le braccia, altre parti del corpo od oggetti, nel dispositivo di sollevamento, quando la piattaforma è...
Nella sostituzione dei pezzi, si devono utilizzare soltanto ricambi originali Hallins. In caso contrario può decadere completamente la garanzia di fabbrica. Il carter del vano motore e altri pezzi della macchina, sono realizzati in plastica. Tali componenti non vanno esposti al fuoco o a sostanze chimiche corrosive.
Non trasportare mai la merce con il piano di carico sollevato. 7.2 Manovra del piano di carico Per manovrare il piano di carico, l’interruttore generale deve trovarsi in posizione ON. Sul modello Newton 50, l'interruttore generale (ON/OFF) si trova sul carter del vano motore. Il...
(in piccolissime quantità). Grazie al fatto di essere sigillate, possono essere appoggiate su un lato o anche capovolte, senza rischio di fuoriuscite di liquido. Usare soltanto batterie originale Hallins per essere certi di evitare ogni possibile perdita dalle batterie.
9 PULIZIA Poiché il carrello elevatore contiene componenti elettrici, è molto importante che la pulizia sia eseguita in base alle indicazioni seguenti. Prima di iniziare la pulizia, rimuovere tutto il carico dal piano di carico. ATTENZIONE! Per nessun motivo il carrello deve essere collegato all’alimentazione elettrica durante le operazioni di pulizia Pulire poi esternamente il carrello elevatore, servendosi di una straccio umido.
11 LIBRETTO DI SERVIZIO E MANUTENZIONE Tipo e modello: ___________________________________________ Numero di serie: ___________________________________________ Consegnato il: ___________________________________________ Intervallo di servizio: ___________________________________________ Servizio e manutenzione Servizio e manutenzione Servizio e manutenzione Data……………………….. Data……………………….. Data…………………….. Firma……………………… Firma……………………… Firma……………………… Annotazioni:…………… Annotazioni:…………… Annotazioni:…………… ………………………………………… …………………………………………...
12 RICERCA GUASTI Il carrello elevatore Newton è stato progettato e testato per la massima affidabilità e durata di funzionamento, presupposto che la manutenzione periodica sia eseguita in base a quanto prescritto. Se ciò nonostante dovesse verificarsi qualche problema di funzionamento, può...
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
Página 278
Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
Página 280
Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
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400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
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Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
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Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 284
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Compatibility Max Ø roller Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
Página 286
– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 288
– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 290
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 292
– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
2 INTRODUKSJON Vi har gleden av å levere en løftevogn av typen Newton Newton 50, H17152 Newton 70, H14931, H19862 Newton 100, H14152, H15177, H15182 Newton 150, H15185, H15187, H15188 Newton 250, H18594, H19238 Aktuell artikkel og serienr. fremgår av maskinskilt og ordrebekreftelse. Bruken og oppbygningen er i stor grad lik for begge maskinmodellene, men tekstene og bildene viser viktige forskjeller.
4 GARANTI I samsvar med garantibestemmelsene i NL-09, retter produsenten alle feil som kan føres tilbake til fabrikasjons- eller materialfeil og som oppstår innen tolv (12) måneder fra levering. For ytterligere vilkår, se NL-09. OBS! Andre garantivilkår kan forekomme. Se aktuelle ordrebekreftelse i forhold til gjeldende vilkår.
(min. 50 lux). Underlaget skal være plant, hardt og sklisikkert, uten hull og hindringer. Vanlige bruksområder er f.eks. håndtering av formål innen storkjøkken, oppakking av varer i butikker og på lager, bytte av verktøy, montering, service og reparasjoner på maskiner. Tekniske data: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
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CE-merkingen på trucken. Utenom løftevognens innebygde sikkerhet kan det kreves ytterligere sikkerhetstiltak på eller ved løftevognen. Drøft egnede tiltak med Hallins-representant eller med verneombud, arbeiderverninspektør eller tilsvarende. Vi anbefaler at det opprettes en risikoanalyse i henhold til Maskindirektivet for den aktuelle...
Manøvrering av Newton 70 – 250 skjer fra manøverposisjonen bak vognens håndtak. Newton 50 kan manøvreres fra ulike posisjoner. Stikk aldri hender, armer eller andre deler av kroppen eller gjenstander inn i løfteverket når plattformen er løftet opp.
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Løftevognens drivenhet er plassert under en beskyttende kappe. Denne må kun fjernes av personale som har den nødvendige kompetanse i forhold til inspeksjoner, service og reparasjoner. Kun Hallins originale reservedeler skal brukes ved skifting av deler. Ellers kan garantien oppheves i sin helhet.
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Motorrommet og andre detaljer er laget av plast. De må f.eks. ikke utsettes for ild eller etsende kjemikalier. Brukte batterier skal behandles som miljøfarlig avfall og avhendes på steder som er utpekt til det. Vær oppmerksom på klemmerisikoen mellom lasteplan og støtteben, samt mellom lasteplan og mast.
Ved transport av gods med løftevognen skal lasteplanet alltid være i laveste posisjon. Transporter aldri gods når lasteplanet er løftet opp 7.2 Manøvrere lasteplaten For å kunne manøvrere lasteplaten, skal hovedstrømbryteren stå i PÅ-stilling. På Newton 50 sitter hovedstrømbryteren (AV/PÅ) på motorromsdekselet. Holdeanordningen (OPP/NED) er utstyrt med spiralledning.
(i svært små mengder). Batteriene er imidlertid så tett at de kan legges på siden eller oppned uten risiko for lekkasje. Bruk kun originalbatterier fra Hallins for å forsikre deg om at lekkasje ikke kan forekomme.
ADVARSEL! Løftevognen må aldri skylles med vann!! IP 41 10 VEDLIKEHOLD For at løftevognen skal fungere på best mulig måte, er det viktig at det utføres regelmessig vedlikehold etter prosedyren nedenfor. Ta lasten av lasteplanet før vedlikeholdsarbeid utføres. Inspeksjoner, service og reparasjoner skal utføres av kvalifisert personale.
11 DRIFTSBOK – SERVICE OG VEDLIKEHOLD TYPE OG MODELL: ___________________________________________ SERIENUMMER: ___________________________________________ LEVERT: ___________________________________________ SERVICEINTERVALL: ___________________________________________ Service og vedlikehold Service og vedlikehold Service og vedlikehold Dato ………………………….. Dato ………………………….. Dato ……………………….. Sign. ………………………… Sign. ………………………… Sign. ………………………… Noteringer:………………… Noteringer:………………… Noteringer:………………… …………………………………………...
12 FEILSØKING Løftevognen Newton 70 er konstruert og testet for å oppnå optimal driftssikkerhet og levetid, under forutsetning av at rutinevedlikeholdet utføres i samsvar med instruksjoner som er gitt. Hvis det likevel skulle oppstå problemer, kan du få veiledning i forhold til hva du bør gjøre i henhold til feilsøkingslisten nedenfor.
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
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Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
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Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
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400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
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Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
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Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 322
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 RESERVDELSLISTA – Newton 50 Om någon detalj inte fungerar, kontakta Er leverantör eller Hallins. Endast Hallins original reservdelar ska användas vid utbyte av delar. Garantiåtagandet kan annars upphävas i sin helhet. Hallins lagerför fullt sortiment av reservdelar. Returnering av reservdelar Återsänd inte reservdelar som förslitits genom normal användning eller skadats genom...
Página 324
– Newton 50 Positioner, se nedanstående bild.
16.1 RESERVDELSLISTA Newton 70 Om någon detalj inte fungerar, kontakta Er leverantör eller Hallins. Endast Hallins original reservdelar ska användas vid utbyte av delar. Garantiåtagandet kan annars upphävas i sin helhet. Hallins lagerför fullt sortiment av reservdelar. Returnering av reservdelar Återsänd inte reservdelar som förslitits genom normal användning eller skadats genom...
Página 326
– Newton 70 Positioner, se nedanstående bild.
16.2 RESERVDELSLISTA Newton 100 Om någon detalj inte fungerar, kontakta Er leverantör eller Hallins. Endast Hallins original reservdelar ska användas vid utbyte av delar. Garantiåtagandet kan annars upphävas i sin helhet. Hallins lagerför fullt sortiment av reservdelar. Returnering av reservdelar Återsänd inte reservdelar som förslitits genom normal användning eller skadats genom...
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- Newton 100 Positioner, se nedanstående bild.
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16.3 RESERVDELSLISTA - Newton 150 Om någon detalj inte fungerar, kontakta Er leverantör eller Hallins. Endast Hallins original reservdelar ska användas vid utbyte av delar. Garantiåtagandet kan annars upphävas i sin helhet. Hallins lagerför fullt sortiment av reservdelar. Returnering av reservdelar Återsänd inte reservdelar som förslitits genom normal användning eller skadats genom...
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– Newton 150 Positioner, se nedanstående bild.
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16.4 RESERVDELSLISTA - Newton 250 Om någon detalj inte fungerar, kontakta Er leverantör eller Hallins. Endast Hallins original reservdelar ska användas vid utbyte av delar. Garantiåtagandet kan annars upphävas i sin helhet. Hallins lagerför fullt sortiment av reservdelar. Returnering av reservdelar Återsänd inte reservdelar som förslitits genom normal användning eller skadats genom...
Página 332
– Newton 250 Positioner, se nedanstående bild.
Página 340
AANWIJZINGEN VOOR RECYCLING .................. 14 SIGNS ............................15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ......................17 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 .................... 23 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70...................... 25 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 ...................... 27 16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 150 ...................... 29 16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 250 ...................... 31 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM – Newton 70 ................... 33 ...
2 INLEIDING We zijn blij u een heftruck te mogen leveren van het type Newton Newton 50, H17152 Newton 70, H14931, H19862 Newton 100, H14152, H15177, H15182 Newton 150, H15185, H15187, H15188 Newton 250, H18594, H19238 Het actuele artikel- en serienummer blijkt uit het machineplaatje en de orderbevestiging.
Typische gebruiksmogelijkheden zijn bijv. het hanteren van voorwerpen binnen centrale keukens van ziekenhuizen en instellingen, het uitpakken van goederen in winkels en binnen magazijnen, het verwisselen van gereedschappen, montage, service en reparaties aan machines. Technische gegevens: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
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Higher models: * Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No. H19862 H15177 H15187 H19238 Height 2,070 mm 2,070 mm 2,070 mm 2,175 mm Max lifting height: 1,735 mm 1,735 mm 1,735 mm 1,735 mm Article No.
Naast de ingebouwde veiligheid van de heftruck kunnen meer veiligheidsmaatregelen worden vereist op of naast de heftruck. Bespreek de geschikte maatregelen met de vertegenwoordiger van Hallins of met een veiligheidsfunctionaris, een inspecteur van de arbeidsinspectie of zo. Wij bevelen aan dat een risicoanalyse conform de Machinerichtlijn wordt opgesteld voor de actuele werksituatie.
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De bediening van Newton 70 - 250 geschiedt vanaf de bedieningspositie achter de handgreep van de wagen. De Newton 50 kan vanaf verschillende posities worden bediend. Steek nooit handen, armen of andere lichaamsdelen of voorwerpen in de liftinstallatie als het platform omhoog is gebracht.
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Bij het vervangen van onderdelen mogen alleen originele reserveonderdelen van Hallins worden gebruikt. Anders kan de garantieverplichting in zijn geheel komen te vervallen.
Transporteer nooit goederen als het laadvlak in de verhoogde stand staat. Manoeuvreren van laadplatform Om het laadvlak te kunnen manoeuvreren moet de hoofdschakelaar in de AAN-stand staan. Op de Newton 50 zit de hoofdschakelaar (AAN/UIT) in de motorkast. Het bedieningskastje met vasthoudbeveiliging (OP/NEER) is voorzien van een spiraalsnoer..
Gebruik alleen originele accu’s van Hallins om u ervan te verzekeren dat er geen sprake zal zijn van lekkage. 8.2 Acculading Voor een zo lang mogelijke levensduur vand e accu’s moeten de accu’s ieder...
Accu-indicator Het lampje van de accu-indicator is continu groen wanneer de schakelaar in stand AAN staat. Het lampje is rood wanneer de spanning in de accu's te laag is en ze opgeladen zouden moeten worden. 9 REINIGING Aangezien de heftruck elektrische componenten bevat, is het zeer belangrijk dat bij reiniging de aanbevelende beschrijving wordt gevolgd.
10 ONDERHOUD Om uw heftruck zo goed mogelijk te laten functioneren, is het belangrijk dat u regelmatig onderhoud uitvoert conform het onderstaande. Verwijder de lading van het laadvlak voordat de onderhoudswerkzaamheden worden uitgevoerd. Inspecties, service en reparaties moeten worden uitgevoerd door competent personeel.
11 GEBRUIKSBOEK – SERVICE EN ONDERHOUD TYPE EN MODEL: ___________________________________________ SERIENUMMER: ___________________________________________ AFGELEVERD: ___________________________________________ SERVICE-INTERVAL: ___________________________________________ Service & onderhoud Service & onderhoud Service & onderhoud Datum …………………….. Datum ……………………….. Datum ……………………….. Paraaf …………………… Paraaf ……………………… Paraaf ……………………… Opmerkingen:…………… Opmerkingen:……………… Opmerkingen:……………… …………………………………………...
12 LOKALISEREN VAN STORINGEN Heftruck Newton werd geconstrueerd en getest voor optimale bedrijfszekerheid en levensduur, op voorwaarde dat het routineonderhoud wordt uitgevoerd conform de gegeven instructies. Als er toch een probleem mocht ontstaan, dan wordt u verteld wat u dient te doen conform onderstaande lijst voor het lokaliseren van storingen. Verwijder de lading van het laadvlak voordat het lokaliseren van storingen en reparaties worden uitgevoerd.
SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
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Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
Página 356
Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
Página 357
400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
Página 358
Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
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Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 360
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
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– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
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16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
Página 365
16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 366
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
Página 367
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
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16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 370
– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
Página 378
SIGNS ............................14 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ......................16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 .................... 22 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 ..................24 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 .................. 26 ...
Depois de desembalar, deposite os materiais da embalagem para uma reciclagem adequada. Confirme que a máquina não está danificada. Comunique a existência de quaisquer danos ao transportador e à Hallins. Eventuais acessórios devem ser montados de acordo com as respectivas instruções de montagem.
O Carro Elevador é normalmente utilizado no manuseamento de mercadorias por exemplo em cozinhas industriais, para desempacotar mercadorias em estabelecimentos comerciais ou armazéns, para ferramentas em oficinas, e também para montagem, revisões e reparações de máquinas. Informação Técnica: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
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Lateralmente a carga deverá estar (Q1) colocada no centro e à largura. NOTA! Podem ser adaptados outros dispositivos de elevação que afectem a capacidade de carga, consulte o Capítulo 15 Acessórios. Newton 50 Newton 70/100/150/250 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 50 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 70 - 250 AVSTÅND "D" (mm) AVSTÅND "D" (mm)
Para além da segurança inerente do Carro Elevador, poderão ser tomadas outras medidas de segurança sobre o que utilizar no e próximo do Carro Elevador. Consultar e discutir medidas de segurança adequadas com o seu representante da Hallins ou com os representantes locais de segurança no trabalho.
Página 383
Manobre o carrinho de elevação Newton 70 – 250 a partir da posição atrás da respectiva pega. O Newton 50 pode ser operado a partir de várias posições. Não meter as mãos, braços ou outras partes do corpo, nem quaisquer outros objectos no mecanismo de elevação quando a plataforma está...
Página 384
Utilizar mecanismos de elevação adequados para levar carga de e para o Carro Elevador. Tenha especial atenção ao manusear mercadorias pesadas ou perigosas. Para prevenir acidentes, o Carro Elevador dever ser submetido regularmente a revisões e manutenção de prevenção. ...
7.2 Manobrar a zona de repouso da carga O interruptor principal tem de estar ligado (ON) para se poder manobrar a zona de repouso da carga. No Newton 50, o interruptor principal (OFF/ON) está situado na carcaça do motor. O dispositivo de controlo externo (UP/DOWN) está...
(em quantidades muito pequenas). As baterias são estanques podendo por isso ser colocadas em qualquer posição sem risco de fugas. Utilizar apenas baterias de origem Hallins para assegurar que não haverá fugas. 8.2 Recarga de bateria Para prolongar o tempo de vida útil das baterias, carregá-las pelo menos uma...
9 LIMPEZA O Carro Elevador contém componentes eléctricos e é por isso muito importante que a limpeza siga o descrito nas recomendações. Remover a carga antes de iniciar a limpeza. AVISO! O Carro Elevador não deve em circunstância alguma estar ligado à corrente eléctrica durante a limpeza.
11 LIVRO DE REGISTO – REVISÕES E MANUTENÇÃO TIPO E MODELO: ___________________________________________ NÚMERO DE SÉRIE: ___________________________________________ ENTREGUE EM: ___________________________________________ PERIODICIDADE DAS REVISÕES: ___________________________________________ SERVIÇO & MANUTENÇÃO SERVIÇO & MANUTENÇÃO SERVIÇO & MANUTENÇÃO DATA ……………………………….. DATA ……………………………….. DATA ……………………………….. ASSIN. ………………………………… ASSIN.
12 SOLUCIONAR FALHAS O Carro Elevador Newton foi construído e testado para poder atingir uma segurança de operação optimizada, desde que a manutenção de rotina seja efectuada de acordo com as respectivas instruções. Na eventualidade de ocorrer algum problema, na lista abaixo está descrito o que deve fazer para o solucionar.
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
Página 391
Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
Página 393
Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
Página 394
400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
Página 395
Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
Página 396
Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 397
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
Página 399
– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 401
– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 403
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 405
– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 407
– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
20 UE-DECLARAÇÃO DE CONFORMIDADE Em conformidade com a Directiva de Máquinas da UE 2006/42/EG e 2004/108/EG Fabricante AB Hallins Verkstäder Box 24, 599 21 ÖDESHÖG SUÉCIA Tel.: +46 144-153 00 Fax: +46 144-314 00 E-mail: [email protected] Representado por ___________________________ Empresa ___________________________ Endereço 1...
Página 415
INSTRUKCJE DOTYCZĄCE RECYKLINGU ................. 13 SIGNS ............................14 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ......................16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 .................... 22 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70...................... 24 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 ...................... 26 16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 150 ...................... 28 16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 250 ...................... 30 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM – Newton 70 ................... 32 ...
Po rozpakowaniu, materiały opakowaniowe należy przekazać do zorganizowanego recyklingu. Należy sprawdzić, czy maszyna nie wykazuje jakichkolwiek uszkodzeń. Wszelkie szkody należy zgłosić do firmy przewozowej jak również do firmy Hallins Wyposażenie dodatkowe wózka należy zamontować zgodnie z instrukcją dołączoną do wyposażenia.
Wózek najczęściej znajduje zastosowanie przy transporcie artykułów używanych w gastronomii, rozpakowywaniu towarów w sklepach i magazynach, wymianie, montażu i konserwacji urządzeń oraz przy naprawie maszyn. Dane techniczne: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
Página 418
Higher models: * Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No. H19862 H15177 H15187 H19238 Height 2,070 mm 2,070 mm 2,070 mm 2,175 mm Max lifting height: 1,735 mm 1,735 mm 1,735 mm 1,735 mm Article No.
Oprócz funkcji zabezpieczających, które posiada wózek, mogą być wymagane dodatkowe środki bezpieczeństwa dotyczące wózka i jego otoczenia. Odpowiednie środki bezpieczeństwa należy omówić z przedstawicielem firmy Hallins, inspektorem BHP lub inną, odpowiednią osobą. Zaleca się przygotowanie analizy ryzyka w danych warunkach roboczych na podstawie dyrektywy dotyczącej maszyn.
Página 420
Nosić obuwie ochronne oraz, w razie konieczności, rękawice i odzież ochronną. Sterowanie pracą wózka Newton 70 – 250 odbywa się ze stanowiska sterowania znajdującego się z tyłu uchwytu do prowadzenia wózka. Wózkiem Newton 50 można sterować z różnych pozycji.
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Układ napędowy wózka widłowego jest umieszczony pod osłoną ochronną. Osłonę tę mogą zdejmować jedynie pracownicy upoważnieni do przeprowadzania kontroli, serwisu i napraw. Zużyte części można wymieniać tylko na oryginalne części zapasowe firmy Hallins. Nieprzestrzeganie tego zalecenia może stanowić podstawę do całkowitego unieważnienia gwarancji.
Towarów nie wolno transportować na podniesionej platformie. 7.2 Sterowanie platformą ładunkową Aby móc sterować położeniem platformy ładunkowej, główny włącznik prądowy musi być ustawiony w położeniu PÅ (WŁ.) Wózek typu Newton 50 jest wyposażony w główny wyłącznik prądowy (AV/PÅ = WŁ./WYŁ.) umieszczony na pokrywie komory silnika.
Tym niemniej akumulatory są tak szczelne, że można je położyć na boku lub do góry nogami, nie narażając się na ryzyko wycieku. Brak wycieków gwarantuje korzystanie jedynie z oryginalnych akumulatorów firmy Hallins. 8.2 Ładowanie akumulatora Aby okres eksploatacji akumulatorów był...
9 CZYSZCZENIE Ponieważ wózek podnośnikowy zawiera części elektryczne, bardzo ważne jest, aby czyścić go zgodnie z zaleceniami. Przed czyszczeniem należy zdjąć ładunek z platformy. OSTRZEŻENIE! W żadnych okolicznościach nie wolno podłączać wózka podnośnikowego do źródła zasilania podczas czyszczenia. Wózek podnośnikowy należy czyścić wycierając jego zewnętrzne powierzchnie wilgotną szmatą.
11 KARTA SERWISOWA — SERWIS I KONSERWACJA TYP I MODEL: ___________________________________________ NUMER SERYJNY: ___________________________________________ DATA DOSTAWY: ___________________________________________ CZAS MIĘDZY PRZEGLĄDAMI: ___________________________________________ SERWIS I KONSERWACJA SERWIS I KONSERWACJA SERWIS I KONSERWACJA DATA ……………………………….. DATA …………………………….….. DATA ………………………………….. PODPIS……………………………… PODPIS .……………………….….… PODPIS……………………………… OBSERWACJE:……………………...
12 ROZWIĄZYWANIE PROBLEMÓW Konstrukcja wózka podnośnikowego Newton oraz przeprowadzone na nim testy gwarantują optymalną niezawodność eksploatacyjną oraz długą żywotność pod warunkiem, że okresowa konserwacja będzie przeprowadzana zgodnie z podanymi instrukcjami. Tym niemniej, na wypadek wystąpienia problemów stosowne instrukcje postępowania przedstawiono poniżej. Przed rozpoczęciem rozwiązywania problemów i napraw zdjąć...
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
Página 428
Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
Página 430
Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
Página 431
400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
Página 432
Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
Página 433
Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 434
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
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– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
Página 437
16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
Página 439
16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 440
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
Página 441
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 442
– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
Página 443
16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 444
– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
20 DEKLARACJA ZGODNOŚCI UE Zgodnie z dyrektywą UE dotyczącą maszyn 2006/42/UE i 2004/108/UE Producent AB Hallins Verkstäder Box 24, SE-599 21 ÖDESHÖG SZWECJA Tel.: +46 144-153 00 Faks: +46 144-314 00 E-mail: [email protected] Reprezentowany przez: ___________________________ Firma ___________________________ Adres 1...
Página 451
ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ ОРИГИНАЛ ИНСТРУКЦИЙ ПОДЪЕМНАЯ ТЕЛЕЖКА 50-250 AB Hallins Verkstäder П/я 24 S-599 21 Ödeshög, Швеция Тел.: 0144-153 00 Факс: 0144-314 00 Вып.: 01 Эл. почта: [email protected] Дата: 2011-12-06 Newton 50-250-2Ryska...
Página 452
SIGNS ............................16 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ..................... 18 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 ..................24 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 ..................26 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 .................. 28 ...
После распаковки следует сдать упаковочные материалы на переработку в установленном порядке. Убедитесь в том, что аппарат не поврежден. О повреждениях следует сообщить в транспортную компанию и компанию Hallins. Последующая установка дополнительного оборудования должна выполняться в соответствии с инструкциями, прилагающимися к этому оборудованию. Убедитесь, что...
К обычным областям применения относится, например, перемещение предметов на промышленных кухнях, снятие упаковки с товаров в магазинах и на складах, смена инструментов, сборка, обслуживание и ремонт машинного оборудования. Технические данные: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
Página 455
Higher models: * Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No. H19862 H15177 H15187 H19238 Height 2,070 mm 2,070 mm 2,070 mm 2,175 mm Max lifting height: 1,735 mm 1,735 mm 1,735 mm 1,735 mm Article No.
теряет силу. Дополнительно к встроенным функциям безопасности, при работе с подъемной тележкой или вблизи нее могут понадобиться дополнительные меры безопасности. Обсудите подходящие меры с представителем Hallins или специалистом по безопасности, инспектором безопасности производства или аналогичным специалистом. Мы рекомендуем выполнить анализ опасностей на основе Директивы по...
Página 457
Надевайте защитные ботинки, а если работа требует, защитные перчатки и защитную одежду. Управлять движением подъемной тележки модели Newton 70 – 250 следует находясь позади ее ручки управления. Моделью Newton 50 можно управлять из разных положений. Не помещайте руки или другие части тела или предметы в подъемное устройство...
Página 458
должно быть. Приводный блок подъемной тележки расположен под защитным корпусом. Его разрешено снимать только квалифицированным сотрудникам по проверкам, обслуживанию и ремонту. Для замены деталей можно использовать только оригинальные запчасти Hallins. В противном случае гарантийные обязательства могут быть полностью отменены.
Página 459
Отработавшие аккумуляторы требуют утилизации как опасные отходы в специально предназначенном месте. Избегайте травмирования между подъемной платформой и опорами, а также между подъемной платформой и стойкой. Дополнительно см. "Символы", раздел 14. Регулярно проверяйте, что символы в порядке.
положении. Не допускается транспортировка грузов на поднятой платформе. 7.2 Перемещение грузовой платформы Для перемещения грузовой платформы следует установить главный выключатель в положение ON (ВКЛ). В модели Newton 50 главный выключатель OFF/ON (ВЫКЛ/ВКЛ) расположен на корпусе двигателя. Внешний блок управления (ВВЕРХ/ВНИЗ) оборудован...
аккумуляторы оснащены клапаном, выпускающим газ (в очень небольших объемах) по необходимости. Тем не менее, герметичность аккумуляторов позволяет класть их на бок или переворачивать без опасности утечки. Чтобы гарантировать отсутствие утечки, используйте только оригинальные аккумуляторы Hallins. 8.2 Заряд аккумулятора Чтобы максимально продлить срок...
Индикатор аккумуляторной батареи Если выключатель находится в положении ON (ВКЛ), индикатор аккумуляторной батареи светится зеленым светом. Если цвет индикатора красный — напряжение на аккумуляторе слишком низкое, и его следует зарядить. 9 ОЧИСТКА Поскольку подъемная тележка содержит электрические детали, важно проводить очистку...
Página 463
10ТЕХОБСЛУЖИВАНИЕ Для максимальной производительности подъемной тележки, важно выполнять регулярное техобслуживание, как указано выше. Перед началом техобслуживания, снимите груз с подъемной платформы. Проверки, обслуживание и ремонт должны выполняться квалифицированным персоналом. Регистрируйте проверки и ремонты в журнале. К этому относится: Дата проверок или ремонтов, статус проверки, выполненные ремонты...
12 ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ НЕИСПРАВНОСТЕЙ Подъемная тележка Newton разработана и прошла проверку на оптимальную эксплуатационную надежность и срок службы, при условии, что регулярное обслуживание выполняется в соответствии с приведенными инструкциями. Если, несмотря на выполнение этих мер, возникает проблема, то для соответствующего руководства используйте нижеприведенную таблицу определения неисправностей. Перед...
Página 466
14SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
Página 467
Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
Página 469
Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
Página 470
400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
Página 471
Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
Página 472
Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 473
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
Página 474
16SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
Página 475
– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
Página 476
16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 477
– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
Página 478
16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 479
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
Página 480
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 481
– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
Página 482
16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 483
– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
20 ЗАЯВЛЕНИЕ О СООТВЕТСТВИИ НОРМАМ ЕС В соответствии с Директивой по оборудованию ЕС 2006/42/EG, Приложение 2 A и Директивой по ЭМС 2004/108/EG. Производитель AB Hallins Verkstäder П/я 24, SE-599 21 ÖDESHÖG ШВЕЦИЯ Тел.: 0144-153 00 Факс: 0144-314 00 Эл. почта: [email protected]...
Página 490
INSTRUKTIONSBOK BRUKSANVISNING I ORIGINAL LYFTVAGN 50 - 250 AB Hallins Verkstäder Box 24 SE-599 21 ÖDESHÖG Tel: 0144-153 00 Fax: 0144-314 00 Utgåva: 5 E-mail: [email protected] Datum: 2011-10-25 Newton 50-250 Sve...
Página 491
ANVISNINGAR FÖR ÅTERBRUK ..................13 SKYLTAR ..........................14 NEWTON TILLBEHÖR ......................16 RESERVDELSLISTA – Newton 50 ..................22 16.1 RESERVDELSLISTA Newton 70 ................... 24 16.2 RESERVDELSLISTA Newton 100 ................. 26 ...
2 INTRODUKTION Vi har nöjet att till Er leverera en lyftvagn av typ Newton 50, H17152 Newton 70, H14931, H19862 Newton 100, H14152, H15177, H15182 Newton 150, H15185, H15187, H15188 Newton 250, H18594, H19238 Aktuell artikel och serie nr framgår av maskinskylt och order erkännande.
Underlaget ska vara plant hårt och halkfritt, samt utan håligheter och hinder. Typiska användningar är t.ex. hantering av föremål inom storkök, uppackning av varor i butiker och inom lager, verktygsväxling, montage, service och reparationer på maskiner. Tekniska Data: Produkt: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250...
Página 494
OBS! Andra lyftdon kan förekomma som påverkar belastningsfallet, se kap. 15 Tillbehör. Newton 50 Newton 70/100/150/250 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 50 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 70 - 250 AVSTÅND "D" (mm) AVSTÅND "D" (mm) Enligt SS-EN 3691-5:2009 är grundkravet på lastfördelning: ...
Om lyftvagnen förändras i förhållande till det ursprungligt levererade utförandet gäller ej ursprunglig CE-märkning för lyftvagnen. Förutom lyftvagnens inbyggda säkerhet kan ytterligare säkerhetsåtgärder krävas på eller intill lyftvagnen. Diskutera lämpliga åtgärder med Hallins-representant eller med skyddsombud, arbetarskyddsbesiktningsman eller motsvarande. Vi rekommenderar att en Riskanalys enligt Maskindirektivet upprättas för den aktuella arbetssituationen.
Página 496
Sänk inte plattformen om inte utrymmet under den och under lasten är fri från personer eller hinder. Kör inte lyftvagnen med last i upplyft läge. Tänk på stjälpningsrisken för såväl last som lyftvagn. Låt aldrig lyftvagnen komma i kontakt med angränsande föremål. TÄNK PÅ...
Página 497
Endast Hallins original reservdelar ska användas vid utbyte av delar. Garantiåtagandet kan annars upphävas i sin helhet. Motorrumskåpan och vissa andra detaljer är av plast. De får t.ex. ej utsättas för eld eller frätande kemikalier.
Transportera aldrig gods när lastplanet är i upplyft läge. 7.2 Manövrering av lastplan För att kunna manövrera lastflaket skall huvudströmbrytaren vara i PÅ-läge. På Newton 50 sitter huvudströmbrytaren (AV/PÅ) på mottorrumskåpan. Hålldonsmanöveranordningen (UPP/NER) är försedd med spiralsladd.
är försedda med en ventil som vid behov släpper ut gas (i mycket små mängder). Dock är batterierna så täta att de kan läggas på sidan eller upp och ned utan risk för läckage. Använd endast originalbatterier från Hallins för att försäkra Er om att läckage ej kan förekomma.
VARNING! Lyftvagnen får absolut inte sköljas med vatten! IP 41 10 UNDERHÅLL För att Er lyftvagn skall fungera på bästa sätt är det viktigt att Ni regelbundet utför underhåll i enlighet med nedan. Tag bort lasten från lastplanet innan underhållsarbeten utförs. ...
12 FELSÖKNING Lyftvagn Newton är konstruerad och utprovad för att uppnå optimal driftsäkerhet och livslängd, under förutsättning att rutinunderhållet utförs i enlighet med givna instruktioner. Om det ändå skulle uppstå något problem kan Ni få vägledning vad Ni bör göra enligt felsökningslistan nedan.
14 SKYLTAR Stå ej på eller under lastplanet Artikel nr. 35010-01 Artikel nr. 35008-01 Artikel nr. 35024-01 Varning! Klämrisk Artikel nr. 35002-01 Maskinskylt (individuell) Max. utbredd last Artikel nr. 35004-03 Max. utbredd last Artikel nr. 35004-01...
Página 504
Maskinskylt (individuell) Max. utbredd last Artikel nr. 35013-01 Max. utbredd last Artikel nr. 35014-01 Max. utbredd last Artikel nr. 35004-02 Spola Ej Artikel nr. 35020-01...
öka flexibiliteten i den miljö som lyftvagnen ska användas. (OBS! Gäller ej Newton 50 och Reflex 200). Äldre modeller av Newton och Reflex som ursprungligen inte har QCS koppling monterad kan enkelt kompletteras med en sådan adapter för att möjliggöra användning av olika verktyg.
Página 506
Gaffel i rostfritt stål i kombination med uppfällbart flak av nylon. Gafflarna är anpassade till en GN 1/1 kantin. Lastflakets storlek, Bredd 370 mm, Djup 525 mm, Artikel Kompabilitet Vikt kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
Página 507
Upp och Nedfällbart avrullningsskydd i framkant. Bredd 473 mm, Djup 400 mm. Artikel Kompabilitet Vikt kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
Página 508
Alex - Enkelbom I rostfritt stål. Diameter Ø 50 mm , Ø 70 mm (N 250) Längd 530 Artikel Kompabilitet Vikt kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
Página 509
Yttersta läget är placerat på avståndet 450 mm från fästet. Artikel Kompabilitet Max godsvikt i yttersta läget kg Vikt kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 Liz - Rullvändare Manuell rullvändare i rostfritt stål med expanderfunktion för rullar med invändig kärndiameter 70 eller 76 mm.
Página 510
Mary -Vridverktyg manuellt Manuell rull-/godsvändare i rostfritt stål. Rotation 360 grader, 8 olika lägen. OBS! Rulle/gods med diameter överstigande 400 mm kan kräva att benmedarna på aktuell lyftvagn måste breddas om rullen/godset ska plockas från golvnivå. Max Ø rulle Artikel Kompabilitet Max godvikt i kg...
16 RESERVDELSLISTA – Newton 50 Om någon detalj inte fungerar, kontakta Er leverantör eller Hallins. Endast Hallins original reservdelar ska användas vid utbyte av delar. Garantiåtagandet kan annars upphävas i sin helhet. Hallins lagerför fullt sortiment av reservdelar. Returnering av reservdelar Återsänd inte reservdelar som förslitits genom normal användning eller skadats genom...
Página 512
– Newton 50 Positioner, se nedanstående bild.
16.1 RESERVDELSLISTA Newton 70 Om någon detalj inte fungerar, kontakta Er leverantör eller Hallins. Endast Hallins original reservdelar ska användas vid utbyte av delar. Garantiåtagandet kan annars upphävas i sin helhet. Hallins lagerför fullt sortiment av reservdelar. Returnering av reservdelar Återsänd inte reservdelar som förslitits genom normal användning eller skadats genom...
Página 514
– Newton 70 Positioner, se nedanstående bild.
Página 515
16.2 RESERVDELSLISTA Newton 100 Om någon detalj inte fungerar, kontakta Er leverantör eller Hallins. Endast Hallins original reservdelar ska användas vid utbyte av delar. Garantiåtagandet kan annars upphävas i sin helhet. Hallins lagerför fullt sortiment av reservdelar. Returnering av reservdelar Återsänd inte reservdelar som förslitits genom normal användning eller skadats genom...
Página 516
- Newton 100 Positioner, se nedanstående bild.
Página 517
16.3 RESERVDELSLISTA - Newton 150 Om någon detalj inte fungerar, kontakta Er leverantör eller Hallins. Endast Hallins original reservdelar ska användas vid utbyte av delar. Garantiåtagandet kan annars upphävas i sin helhet. Hallins lagerför fullt sortiment av reservdelar. Returnering av reservdelar Återsänd inte reservdelar som förslitits genom normal användning eller skadats genom...
Página 518
– Newton 150 Positioner, se nedanstående bild.
Página 519
16.4 RESERVDELSLISTA - Newton 250 Om någon detalj inte fungerar, kontakta Er leverantör eller Hallins. Endast Hallins original reservdelar ska användas vid utbyte av delar. Garantiåtagandet kan annars upphävas i sin helhet. Hallins lagerför fullt sortiment av reservdelar. Returnering av reservdelar Återsänd inte reservdelar som förslitits genom normal användning eller skadats genom...
Página 520
– Newton 250 Positioner, se nedanstående bild.
Representerad av ___________________________ Företag ___________________________ Adress 1 ___________________________ Adress 2 ___________________________ Adress 3 Tel.: _______________________ Fax.: _______________________ Försäkrar härmed att Lyftvagn Newton 50 - 250 Serie Nr. __________________ Artikel Nr. Newton 50 H17152 Newton 70 H14931 H19862 Newton 100 H14152 H15177...
Página 528
KIERRÄTYSOHJEET ........................ 14 SIGNS ............................15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ......................17 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 .................... 23 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70...................... 25 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 ...................... 27 16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 150 ...................... 29 16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 250 ...................... 31 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM – Newton 70 ................... 33 ...
2 JOHDANTO Onneksi olkoon uuden Newton nostovaunun, hankinnan johdosta. Newton 50, H17152 Newton 70, H14931, H19862 Newton 100, H14152, H15177, H15182 Newton 150, H15185, H15187, H15188 Newton 250, H18594, H19238 Tuote ja sarjanumero käyvät ilmi konekyltistä ja tilausvahvistuksesta. Käyttö ja rakenne ovat suurimmaksi osaksi samat molemmissa konemalleissa, mutta merkittävät erot käyvät...
4 TAKUU NL-09 sopimusehtojen mukaisten takuuehtojen perusteella valmistaja korjaa valmistus- tai materiaalivikojen ohella kaikki viat, jotka ilmenevät kahdentoista (12) kuukauden kuluessa tuotteen luovuttamisesta ostajalle. Tarkempia tietoja on NL-09 sopimusehdoissa. HUOM! Muitakin takuuehtoja voidaan soveltaa. Mahdolliset ehdot mainitaan laitteen tilausvahvistuksessa. Takuun voimassaolo edellyttää, että laitteen kaikki tarkastukset ja kunnossapito tehdään ohjeiden mukaisesti.
Tyypillisiä käyttötarkoituksia ovat esimerkiksi tavaroiden käsittely suurkeittiöissä, tuotteiden purkaminen liikkeissä ja varastoissa, työkalujen siirtäminen sekä käyttö koneiden asennuksissa, huolloissa ja korjauksissa. Tekniset tiedot: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
Página 532
On otettava huomioon, että enimmäiskuorma tarkoittaa kuormaa, joka on asetettu tasaisesti koko kuormatason alalle nostovaunun tavanmukaisessa mallissa. Pistekuormat eivät ole sallittuja. Sallittu kuormitustapa - vakiomallisella lavalla Newton 50 Etäisyys mastosta (D) = enint. 225 mm. Painopisteen (G) korkeus kuormatasosta. (D) = enint. 225 mm.
Käytönaikaisen sivuvoiman suuruutta on erittäin hankala arvioida, joten laitteen käytössä on aina noudatettava suurta varovaisuutta. Peruskokoonpanossaan Newton -nostovaunu täyttää SS-EN 3691-5:2009 -nostovaunu- standardin vaatimukset ja siten se on saanut CE-merkinnän. Turvallisen ja tehokkaan käytön varmistamiseksi nostovaunu voidaan varustaa muilla nostolaitteilla kuin vakiomallin mukaisella tasaisella kuormalavalla.
Página 534
Suojakenkiä on käytettävä aina, ja lisäksi suojakäsineitä ja -vaatteita, jos työtehtävät sitä edellyttävät. Newton 70 – 250 -vaunua ohjataan ohjauspaikalta vaunun käsikahvan takaa. Newton 50 -vaunua voidaan ohjata eri paikoilta. Älä koskaan työnnä kämmeniä, käsivarsia tai muita kehonosia tai esineitä nostolaitteeseen kuormalavan ollessa nostettuna.
Página 535
Ole varovainen käsitellessäsi vapaasti heilahtelevaa kuormaa. Nostovaunua ei saa käyttää nosturina esimerkiksi ajoneuvojen nostamiseen. Nostovaunu ei saa joutua suoraan kosketukseen elintarvikkeiden kanssa. Nostovaunua ei saa käyttää räjähdysherkässä ympäristössä. Jos nostovaunua käytetään yleisötiloissa, etenkin paikoissa joissa lapset voivat päästä koneen työalueelle, käyttäjän on ryhdyttävä...
Kun nostovaunulla siirretään tavaroita, kuormatason on oltava aina alimmassa asennossaan. Älä koskaan kuljeta tavaroita kuormatila ylhäälle nostettuna. 7.2 Kuormatason liikuttaminen Kuormalavaa voidaan liikuttaa, kun päävirtakytkin on PÄÄLLÄ-asennossa. Newton 50 -vaunussa virtakatkaisin (POISSA/PÄÄLLÄ) sijaitsee moottoritilan suojuksessa. Ohjauslaite (YLÖS/ALAS) on varustettu kierrejohdolla.
8 AKKU 8.1 Toiminta Akut ovat venttiilisäätöisiä. Näin ollen niitä ei tarvitse huoltaa lisäämällä vettä. Tarvittaessa akuissa oleva venttiili päästää pois ylimääräistä kaasua (hyvin pieniä määriä). Akut ovat kuitenkin niin tiiviitä, että ne voi asettaa kyljelleen tai ylösalaisin, eikä niistä vuoda mitään. Käyttämällä...
VAROITUS! Nostovaunua ei saa missään tapauksessa huuhdella vedellä! IP 41 10 KUNNOSSAPITO Nostovaunun parhaan mahdollisen toiminnan varmistamiseksi on tärkeää, että se huolletaan säännöllisesti seuraavien ohjeiden mukaan. Poista kuorma kuormatasolta ennen kunnossapitotyön aloittamista. Tarkastukset, huollot ja korjaukset saa tehdä vain ammattitaitoinen ja pätevä henkilöstö.
12 VIANMÄÄRITYS Newton -nostovaunu on rakennettu ja testattu parhaan mahdollisen käyttöturvallisuuden ja -iän saavuttamiseksi. Tämä edellyttää kunnossapidon ja rutiinihuoltojen tekemistä annettujen ohjeiden mukaisesti. Jos laitteessa kuitenkin ilmenee ongelma, voitte selvittää sen syytä alla olevan vianmääritysluettelon avulla. Poista kuorma kuormatasolta ennen kunnossapitotyön ja korjausten aloittamista. Tarkastukset, huollot ja korjaukset saa tehdä...
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
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Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
Página 544
Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
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400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
Página 546
Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
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Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 548
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
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– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
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16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
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– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
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16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 554
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
Página 555
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 556
– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
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16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 558
– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
20 EY-YHDENMUKAISUUSVAKUUTUS EY:n konedirektiivin 2006/42/EY ja EMC direktiivi 2004/108/EY. Valmistaja AB Hallins Verkstäder Box 24, 599 21 ÖDESHÖG SVERIGE Puh. +46 144-153 00 Faksi: +46 144-314 00 S-posti: [email protected] Edustaja __________________________ Yritys ___________________________ Osoite 1 ___________________________ Osoite 2 ___________________________ Osoite 3 Puh.
Página 565
NÁVOD NA POUŽITIE ZDVÍHACÍ STOLÍK 70 - 250 AB Hallins Verkstäder Box 24 SE-599 21 ÖDESHÖG Tel.: +46 144-153 00 Fax: +46 144-314 00 Vydanie: 05 Email: [email protected] Dátum: 23/11/11 Newton 50-250-2Slovakiska...
Página 566
SIGNS ............................15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ......................17 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 .................... 23 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 ..................25 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 .................. 27 ...
2 UVOD Sme radi, že vám môžeme dodať zdvíhací stolík Newton Newton 50, H17152 Newton 70, H14931, H19862 Newton 100, H14152, H15177, H15182 Newton 150, H15185, H15187, H15188 Newton 250, H18594, H19238 Presné číslo dielu a sériové číslo je možné zistiť zo štítku na stroji a z potvrdenej objednávky.
4 ZÁRUKA V súlade s podmienkami záruky v NL-09 a Orgalime S2000 je výrobca povinný odstrániť všetky poruchy, ktoré sa dajú priradiť chybám vo výrobe alebo materiálov, ak k nim dôjde do dvanástich (12) mesiacov odo dňa dodania. Viac sa dozviete v NL-09 a Orgalime S2000. POZNÁMKA! Môžu platiť...
Typické použitie je manipulácia s predmetmi používanými v kuchyniach verejného stravovania, vybaľovanie tovaru v obchodoch a skladoch, výmena nástrojov, montáž, servis a opravy strojov. Technické údaje: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
Página 570
POZNÁMKA! Môžu byť použité aj iné zdvíhacie zariadenia, čo však ovplyvní nosnosť, pozri Kap.15 Príslušenstvo Newton 50 Newton 70/100/150/250 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 50 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 70 - 250 AVSTÅND "D" (mm) AVSTÅND "D" (mm) V súlade s bezpečnostnou normou priemyselných vozidiel SS-EN 3691-5:2009 sú...
Okrem zabudovaných bezpečnostných funkcií môže byť pre zdvíhací vozík a jeho okolie nutné zavedenie dodatočných bezpečnostných opatrení. Potrebné opatrenia prejednajte so zástupcom spoločnosti Hallins alebo pracovníkom povereným bezpečnosťou, inšpektorom bezpečnosti práce a pod. Odporúčame, aby sa na základe smernice o strojoch vypracovala analýza nebezpečenstva pre príslušnú...
Página 572
Zdvíhací vozík sa musí používať takým spôsobom, aby nedošlo k zraneniu osôb alebo vzniku škôd na majetku. Noste ochrannú obuv a ak to vyžaduje pracovná úloha aj ochranné rukavice a ochranný odev. Zdvíhacím vozíkom Newton 70 – 250 manipulujte spoza rukoväte vozíka. Vozík Newton 50 je možné...
Pohon zdvíhacieho vozíka je umiestnený pod ochranným krytom. Môžu ho demontovať len pracovníci, ktorí sú kvalifikovaní na vykonávanie kontroly, údržby a opráv. Pri výmene dielov sa smú používať len originálne náhradné diely spoločnosti Hallins. Ak sa nedodrží táto zásada, záruka bude úplne zrušená.
Nikdy neprapravujte tovar, ak je stôl v zdvihnutej polohe. Manipulácia s ložnou plochou Ak chceme pohybovať so stolom, hlavný vypínač musí byť zapnutý. Na Newton 50 je hlavný vypínač (OFF/ON - VYP./ZAP.) umiestnený na kryte motora. Externá riadiaca jednotka (HORE/DOLU) je vybavená...
(vo veľmi malých množstvách). Napriek tomu sú batérie také tesné, že ich je možné dať na bok alebo prevrátiť bez rizika úniku kvapaliny. Aby ste zabezpečili tesnosť batérie, používajte len originálne batérie spoločnosti Hallins. 8.2 Nabíjanie batérie Aby sa zabezpečila čo možno najdlhšia životnosť...
UPOZORNENIE! Za žiadnych okolností počas čistenia nepripájajte zdvíhací vozík k elektrckému napájaniu. Zdvíhací vozík čistite utieraním jeho vonkajšieho povrchu vlhkou handrou. UPOZORNENIE! Nikdy zdvíhací vozík neoplachujte vodou! IP 41 10 ÚDRŽBA Aby ste prevádzkovali váš zdvíhací vozík najlepším možným spôsobom, je dôležité vykonávať...
11 ZÁZNAMY O POUŽÍVANÍ – SERVIS A ÚDRŽBA TYP A MODEL: ___________________________________________ VÝROBNÉ ČÍSLO: ___________________________________________ DODAL: ___________________________________________ INTERVAL ÚDRŽBY: ___________________________________________ SERVIS A ÚDRŽBA SERVIS A ÚDRŽBA SERVIS A ÚDRŽBA DÁTUM:......... DÁTUM:......... DÁTUM:......... PODPÍSANÝ ...……………………… PODPÍSANÝ ...……………………… PODPÍSANÝ ...……………………… ZISTENIA......... ZISTENIA......... ZISTENIA.........
12 RIEŠENIE PROBLÉMOV Zdvíhací vozík Newton bol skonštruovaný a otestovaný tak, aby dosiahol optimálnu prevádzkovú spoľahlivosť a životnosť za predpokladu, že sa pravidelne vykonáva údržba podľa uvedených pokynov. Ak nechcete, aby došlo k problémom, v nižšie uvedenom zozname riešenia problémov nájdete niektoré pokyny, čo robiť. Pred začatím riešenia problémov a opráv odstráňte náklad zo stola.
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
Página 580
Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
Página 582
Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
Página 583
400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
Página 584
Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
Página 585
Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 586
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
Página 588
– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
Página 589
16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 590
– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
Página 591
16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 592
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
Página 593
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 594
– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
Página 595
16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 596
– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
NAVODILO ZA UPORABO DVIŽNI VOZIČEK 50 - 250 AB Hallins Verkstäder Box 24 SE-599 21 ÖDESHÖG Tel.: +46 144-153 00 Faks: +46 144-314 00 Verzija: 05 E-naslov: [email protected] Datum: 23/11/11 Newton 50-250-2Slovenska...
Página 604
NAVODILA ZA PONOVNO UPORABO ................. 13 SIGNS ............................14 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ......................16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 .................... 22 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70...................... 24 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 ...................... 26 16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 150 ...................... 28 16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 250 ...................... 30 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM – Newton 70 ................... 32 ...
2 UVOD Zelo smo zadovoljni, da vam lahko dobavimo dvižni voziček Newton Newton 50, H17152 Newton 70, H14931, H19862 Newton 100, H14152, H15177, H15182 Newton 150, H15185, H15187, H15188 Newton 250, H18594, H19238 Natančno številko dela in serijsko številko je mogoče razbrati s plošče stroja in potrditve naročila.
Tipična uporaba vključuje upravljanje s predmeti, ki se uporabljajo v industrijskih kuhinjah, razpakiranju blaga v trgovinah in skladiščnih prostorih, zamenjavo orodij, sestavljanje, servis in popravilo strojev. Tehnični podatki: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
Página 607
Oglejte si poglavje 15 - Dodatki. Newton 50 Newton 70/100/150/250 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 50 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 70 - 250 AVSTÅND "D" (mm) AVSTÅND "D" (mm) V skladu s Standardom o varnosti industrijskih vozil, SS-EN 3691-5:2009, so osnovne zahteve za razporeditev obremenitve: ...
Poleg vgrajenih varnostnih značilnosti so lahko potrebni še dodatni varnostni ukrepi na samem dvižnem vozičku ali njegovi okolici. O primernih ukrepih se pogovorite s predstavnikom podjetja Hallins ali z osebo odgovorno za varnost, varnostnim inšpektorjem za industrijo oz. drugo ustrezno osebo.
Página 609
Dvižni voziček Newton 70 – 250 upravljajte iz položaja za njegovo ročico. Voziček Newton 50 lahko upravljate iz različnih položajev. Nikoli ne polagajte dlani, rok ali drugih delov telesa ali predmetov na dvižno napravo, kadar je platforma dvignjena.
Página 610
Krmilna enota dvižnega vozička je nameščena pod zaščitnim ohišjem. Odstrani jo lahko le usposobljeno osebje za izvajanje pregledov, servisa in popravil. Uporabljajo se lahko samo originalni Hallins nadomestni deli. Če tega ne upoštevate, lahko garancijske obveznosti postanejo neveljavne.
Predmetov nikoli ne prevažajte z dvignjeno bremensko površino Premikanje nakladalne površine Za upravljanje nakladalne površine mora biti glavno stikalo vklopljeno. Glavno stikalo (vklop/izklop) vozička Newton 50 je na ohišju motorja. Zunanja krmilna naprava (NAVZGOR/NAVZDOL) je pritrjena s spiralnim kablom. Na vozičkih Newton 70 - 250 s krmilno enoto premikate nakladalni prostor navzgor in navzdol.
8 AKUMULATOR 8.1 Funkcija Akumulatorji se regulirajo z ventili. To med drugim pomeni, da vzdrževanje, kot je dolivanje vode, ni potrebno in so akumulatorji opremljene z ventilom, ki sprošča pline (v zelo majhnih količinah), ko je to potrebno. Akumulatorji pa so tako tesnjeni, da jih lahko položite na bok ali glavo, ne da bi tvegali uhajanje.
Zunanjo stran dvižnega vozička obrišite z vlažno krpo. OPOZORILO! Dvižnega vozička nikoli ne spirajte z vodo! IP 41 10 VZDRŽEVANJE Da bo vaš dvižni voziček deloval kar najbolje, je pomembno, da ga redno vzdržujete, kot je opisano spodaj. Pred začetkom vzdrževalnih del odstranite breme z bremenske površine. ...
11 OBRATOVALNA KNJIGA - SERVIS IN VZDRŽEVANJE TIP IN MODEL: ___________________________________________ SERIJSKA ŠTEVILKA: ___________________________________________ DOBAVLJENO: ___________________________________________ SERVISNI INTERVAL: ___________________________________________ SERVIS IN VZDRŽEVANJE SERVIS IN VZDRŽEVANJE SERVIS IN VZDRŽEVANJE DATUM…………..………………….. DATUM…………..……………….. DATUM…………..………………….. PODPIS ……………………………… PODPIS …………………………….. PODPIS ……………………………… OPOMBE:......OPOMBE:......OPOMBE:......…………………………………………...
12 ISKANJE NAPAK Dvižni voziček Newton je oblikovan in preskušen za doseganje optimalne delovne zanesljivosti in servisne življenjske dobe, pod pogojem, da se redno vzdrževanje izvaja v skladu z določenimi navodili. Če se kljub temu pojavijo težave, lahko nekaj navodil o tem kaj narediti, najdete v spodnjem seznamu za odpravo napak.
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
Página 617
Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
Página 619
Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
Página 620
400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
Página 621
Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
Página 622
Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 623
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
Página 625
– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
Página 626
16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 627
– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
Página 628
16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 629
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
Página 630
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 631
– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
Página 632
16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 633
– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.
20 IZJAVA O SKLADNOSTI V skladu z Direktivo o strojih 2006/42/ES in 2004/108/ES Proizvajalec AB Hallins Verkstäder Box 24, SE-599 21 ÖDESHÖG ŠVEDSKA Tel.: +46 144-153 00 Telefaks: +46 144-314 00 E-naslov: [email protected] ki ga zastopa ___________________________ Podjetje ___________________________ Naslov 1...
Página 641
TEKRAR KULLANIM TALİMATLARI .................. 13 SIGNS ............................14 NEWTON ACCESSORIES ......................16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 .................... 22 16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70...................... 24 16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 ...................... 26 16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 150 ...................... 28 16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST ‐ Newton 250 ...................... 30 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM – Newton 70 ................... 32 ...
Página 642
Ürüne özel montaj talimatları temin edilir. Ambalajı açtıktan sonra, uygun şekilde geri dönüşüm sağlanması için ambalaj malzemelerini teslim edin. Makinenin hasarsız olup olmadığını kontrol edin. Tüm hasarı nakliyeciye ve Hallins'e bildirin. Takılacak olan her türlü aksesuar, söz konusu aksesuar ile birlikte verilen talimatlara uygun şekilde takılmalıdır.
Página 643
çukur ya da engel bulunmamalıdır. Standart uygulamalar arasında endüstriyel mutfaklarda kullanılan nesnelerin taşınması, mağazalarda ve depolama alanlarında ürünlerin ambalajlarının açılması, makinelerin montaj, servis ve onarım işlemleri bulunmaktadır. Teknik Veriler: Product: Newton 50 Newton 70 Newton 100 Newton 150 Newton 250 Article No.
Página 644
Yük kapasitesini etkileyen diğer kaldırma cihazları takılabilir. Bkz. 15. Bölüm, Aksesuarlar. Newton 50 Newton 70/100/150/250 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 50 LASTDIAGRAM NEWTON 70 - 250 AVSTÅND "D" (mm) AVSTÅND "D" (mm) SS-EN 3691-5:2009 Endüstriyel Araçlarda Güvenlik Standardına uygun şekilde yük dağılımı temel gereksinimi: ...
Página 645
CE işareti geçerli değildir. Yük arabasında ve çevresinde, dahili güvenlik özelliklerine ek güvenlik önlemleri alınması gerekebilir. Uygun güvenlik önlemleri konusunda Hallins temsilcisi veya güvenlik yetkilisi, endüstriyel güvenlik denetçisi ya da benzerine danışın. İlgili çalışma istasyonu için geçerli olan Makine Yönergesine göre bir tehlike analizinin hazırlanmasını...
Página 646
Newton 70 – 250 yük arabası ile, araba kolunun arkasındaki konumdan manevra yapın. Newton 50, farklı konumlardan çalıştırılabilir. Platform yüksekte iken ellerinizi, kollarınızı ya da vücudunuzun diğer kısımlarını veya başka nesneleri kesinlikle kaldırma cihazına koymayın.
Página 647
çıkarılabilir. Parçalar, yalnızca orijinal Hallins yedek parçaları ile değiştirilmelidir. Buna uyulmaması garanti yükümlülüklerinin ortadan kalmasına neden olabilir. Motor muhafazası ve bazı diğer bileşenler plastiktir. Aleve ya da aşındırıcı kimyasallara maruz bırakılmamalıdırlar.
Página 648
Yük yatağı yükseltilmiş konumda iken kesinlikle malzeme taşımayın. Yük yatağı ile manevra yapma Yük yatağı ile manevra yapılabilmesi için ana şalter AÇIK konumunda olmalıdır. Newton 50'de ana şalter (KAPALI/AÇIK), motor muhafazası üstünde bulunur. Harici kumanda cihazında (YUKARI/AŞAĞI) helezon kablosu bulunur.
Página 649
Ancak aküler son derece sıkı olduğundan herhangi bir kaçak riski söz konusu olmaksızın yan ya da ters çevrilebilirler. Herhangi bir kaçağa neden olmamak için ancak orijinal Hallins aküleri kullanın. 8.2 Akü şarj etme Akülerin kullanım ömrünü mümkün olan en uzun süreye çıkarmak için en az 24...
Página 650
Dış kısmını nemli bir bezle silerek yük arabasını temizleyin. UYARI! Yük arabasını kesinlikle suyla yıkamayın! IP 41 10 BAKIM Yük arabasının mümkün olan en uygun şekilde kullanılabilmesi için bakım işlemlerini, aşağıda anlatılan şekilde düzenli olarak gerçekleştirmeniz gerekmektedir. Temizlik işlemine başlamadan önce yük yatağındaki yükü alın. ...
Página 651
11 İŞLETİM KILAVUZU - SERVİS VE BAKIM TİP VE MODEL: ___________________________________________ SERİ NUMARASI: ___________________________________________ TESLİMAT: ___________________________________________ SERVİS ARALIĞI: ___________________________________________ SERVİS VE BAKIM SERVİS VE BAKIM SERVİS VE BAKIM TARİH ……………………………….. TARİH …………………………….….. TARİH ……………………………….. İMZA ……………………………… İMZA ……………………….….… İMZA ……………………………… GÖZLENENLER:……………………...
12 ARIZA TESPİTİ Newton yük arabası, belirlenen talimatlara uygun şekilde rutin bakım işlemlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi koşuluyla optimum çalışma güvenilirliği ve hizmet ömrü sağlayacak şekilde tasarlanmış ve test edilmiştir. Yine de sorunların söz konusu olması halinde, aşağıdaki arıza tespit listesinde yapılması gerekenleri bulabilirsiniz. Arıza tespit ve onarım işlemlerinden önce yük yatağındaki yükü...
Página 653
14 SIGNS Do not stand on or under the load bed Article no. 35010-01 Article no. 35008-01 Article no. 35024-01 Warning! Risk of crushing Article no. 35002-01 Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35004-03 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-01...
Página 654
Machine plate (individual) Max. spread load Article no. 35013-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35014-01 Max. spread load Article no. 35004-02 Do not spray with water Article no. 35020-01...
Página 655
15 NEWTON ACCESSORIES Important information regarding the lifting tool to lift trucks from Hallins. Selection of another lifting tool? By default, it is usually a plain flat loading platform fitted. All lift trucks of type Newton and Reflex can be fitted with various types of lifting tools. The most common standard lifting tools available can be found in the accessories list.
Página 656
Fork in stainless steel in combination with fold-up bed of nylon. The forks are adapted to a GN 1 / 1 canteen. Loading platform size, width 370 mm, Depth 525 mm, Article Compatibility Weight kg H10020 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Standard H14785 Newton 50, 70, 100, 150 Milky...
Página 657
400 mm. Up and Foldable rollover protection on the front. Width 473 mm Depth 400 mm Article Compatibility Weight kg H16188 Newton 50 10,3 H9450 Newton 70, 100, 150 11,0 H16193 Newton 250 11,3 ...
Página 658
Alex - monoboom In stainless steel. Diameter Ø 50 mm, Ø 70 mm (N 250) Length 530 mm. Article Compatibility Weight kg H27341 Newton 50 H9452 Newton 70, 100, 150 H16189 Newton 250 ...
Página 659
Outermost position is located at a distance of 450 mm from the bracket. Article Compatibility Maximum cargo weight in the Weight kg outermost position kg H16187 Newton 50 H9441 Newton 70, 100, 150 40, 90, 90 ...
Página 660
Mary - Manually Rotate tool Manual freight Tedders in stainless steel. Rotating 360 degrees, 8 different positions. Article Max Ø roller Compatibility Max cargo weight in kg Weight kg H14892 Newton 70, 100, 150 400 mm 65, 100, 120 10,0 Emptying Tools for mixing containers (manually) Hand tools of stainless steel, for the handling of containers to...
16 SPARE PARTS LIST – Newton 50 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full. Hallins stocks a full range of spare parts.
Página 662
– Newton 50 Positions, see picture below.
Página 663
16.1 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 70 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 664
– Newton 70 Positions, see picture below.
Página 665
16.2 SPARE PARTS LIST Newton 100 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 666
' Newton 100 Positions, see picture below.
Página 667
16.3 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 150 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 668
– Newton 150 Positions, see picture below.
Página 669
16.4 SPARE PARTS LIST - Newton 250 If any component is no longer working, contact your supplier or Hallins. Only Hallins original spare parts may be used when replacing parts. Failure to observe this may nullify the warranty obligation in full.
Página 670
– Newton 250 Positions, see picture below.