Keep this booklet in a safe place, near the machine, in order to make it easy to refer to.
A coffee perfectly done.
Experience and knowledge is needed to prepare an espresso coffee : with the pods system anyone can prepare a real espresso
The pod is included between two paper sheets, so the remaining powder or other impurities don' t fall down to the cup.
The package of the pod has a modified atmosphere, keeping unchanged the aroma and fragrance of the coffee.
Compared to a traditional ground coffee, the pod system enables you to save even the 15% of coffee powder.
This system is clean, healthy and complies the ambient. The maintenance of the machine is very low.
This machine needs only 2 minutes for the heating, just before the supply, and waste few Watt, instead of the traditional coffee
machines, that need several hours for heating. So you can save up to the 60% of stream!
This coffee - machine can use every type of coffee, and is very simple to use, because doesn' t need accessories, like coffee -