You should hear sound from the bar. If you don't, turn up
the volume on the bar using its volume control buttons.
If your bar is connected to your TV, there's a very good chance
your TV speakers are also playing. It's impossible to give specific
instructions on how to turn off the speakers for every TV, but
here's a way to do it that covers many of the TVs out there.
1. On your TV remote control, find a "menu" or "setup" button.
2. Press this button. You should see an on-screen menu.
3. Next, look for an option to control audio functions
and select it.
The setting to turn off your TV's internal speakers should be here.
If you can't turn off your TV internal speakers, don't worry.
Your SurroundBar 6500
will make your TV sound much
better. To enjoy the best performance from your bar, you'll
want it to play louder than your TV. Use the following steps
to adjust the volume balance between your TV and the bar:
1. If necessary, program your bar to respond to the volume
up and down control commands of your TV remote.
YOUR SURROUNDBAR" on page 10.)
2. Turn your TV volume all the way down using the control
buttons on your TV.
3. Then, using the volume keys on your bar, set the volume
to a normal listening level (do not use the remote control).
After you make these adjustments, your SurroundBar 6500 BT
should always be louder than your TV speakers. Then use the
TV remote control to adjust the volume as you normally do.
Polk Customer Service 800-377-7655 (Outside USA & Canada: 410-358-3600)
FINE TuNINg youR SuBwooFER voluME lEvEl
The next thing you'll want to do is adjust the subwoofer
to blend with your bar. This will ensure the system produces
the best sound.
To set the subwoofer's volume, play a variety of source materi-
al—some music, a movie sound track with great special effects,
a movie chapter or a part of a concert in which people are
speaking. Adjust the volume until what you hear sounds
natural to you in your normal viewing location.