Accutron ClearView Instrucciones De Uso

Mascarillas nasales
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Instructions for use: ClearView
Attach the new nasal mask as illustrated here. Remove and replace upon completion of procedure.
Mask part numbers:
27663, 27679, 33034-9, 33034-10, 33034-14, 33034-16, 33035-9, 33035-10, 33035-12, 33035-14, 33035-16, 33037-9, 33037-10, 33037-11,
33037-12, 33037-17
Used with scavenging circuits: 43003, 43004, 43005, 43006 which includes IFU 28902 explaining how to use mask and circuit in a procedure.
Used in Capnography Bundles: 33034-9-CAP, 33034-10-CAP, 33034-14-CAP, 33034-16-CAP, 33035-9-CAP, 33035-10-CAP, 33035-12-CAP,
33035-14-CAP, 33035-16-CAP, 33037-9-CAP, 33037-10-CAP, 33037-11-CAP, 33037-12-CAP, 33037-17-CAP
Reference 43055-INS included in the bundles for capnography fitting installation instructions
Accessories: 43055
Indications for use:
To be used in nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation systems for delivering to a patient a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen gases
with a maximum nitrous oxide concentration of 70%.
Nasal Masks are single use only and to be used with ClearView
Contraindications for use of nitrous oxide/oxygen inhalation may include:
Some chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
Severe emotional disturbances or drug-related dependencies
First trimester of pregnancy
Treatment with bleomycin sulfate
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency
Severe asthma
Whenever possible, appropriate medical specialists should be consulted before administering analgesic/anxiolytic agents to
patients with significant underlying medical conditions (e.g., severe obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure,
sickle cell disease, acute otitis media, recent tympanic membrane graft, acute severe head injury.
patient history with regard to these health issues.
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Clinical Guidelines: Guidelines on Use of Nitrous Oxide for Pediatric Dental Patients. Pediatr Dent 2009;31(6):148-151. Available at:
"". Accessed February 23, 2010.
To be used only by a professional trained in the use of nitrous oxide, using titration method. Patient should always be closely
monitored during nitrous oxide use. If patient has an adverse reaction, reduce or stop the flow of nitrous oxide as needed.
The O2 flush button can be used to rapidly purge the lines of N2O. If patient does not show signs of quick recovery, remove
nasal hood and treat with pure oxygen from either the O2 resuscitator fitting or an auxiliary oxygen tank using a demand valve,
oxygen assisted manual resuscitator, or equivalent. Call for emergency assistance if rapid response is not achieved.
Do not use this device for the administration of general anesthesia or as part of, or in conjunction with, a general anesthesia
administration system.
Federal (U.S.) law restricts this device to sale by or on order of a dentist or physician.
Accutron, Inc.
1733 W Parkside Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85027 USA
Made in USA
Part No. 28744 / REV. F - 03/2021
All product names are trademarks of Crosstex International, Inc., a Cantel Medical Company, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted.
©2021 Crosstex International, Inc. All rights reserved.
(800) 531-2221
Scavenging Circuits.
MT Promedt Consulting GmbH
Altenhofstrasse 80
D-66386 St. Ingbert/Germany
Te. +49 (0) 6894-581020
Fax +49 (0) 6894- 581021
Nasal Masks
Operator must review
No expiration date required.
Not made with natural latex rubber.
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Accutron ClearView

  • Página 1 To be used in nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation systems for delivering to a patient a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen gases with a maximum nitrous oxide concentration of 70%. ClearView Nasal Masks are single use only and to be used with ClearView Scavenging Circuits. ™...
  • Página 2 Gebrauchsanleitung: Zur Verwendung mit Lachgas-/Sauerstoff-Sedierungssystemen zur Abgabe eines Gemisches aus Lachgas und Sauerstoff mit einer Lachgaskonzentration von maximal 70 % an einen Patienten. ClearView Nasenmasken sind ausschließlich zum Einmalgebrauch vorgesehen und müssen mit den ClearView ™ ™ Scavengersystemen verwendet werden. Gegenanzeigen: Zu den Gegenanzeigen einer Lachgas-/Sauerstoffinhalation gehören:...
  • Página 3: Indicações De Utilização

    Destina-se a utilização em sistemas de sedação de óxido nitroso/oxigénio para administrar a um paciente uma mistura de óxido nitroso e gases de oxigénio com uma concentração máxima de óxido nitroso de 70%. As Máscaras Nasais ClearView são de utilização única e devem-se utilizar com Circuitos de Tubagem ClearView ™ ™...
  • Página 4: Contre-Indications

    À utiliser avec les systèmes de sédation au protoxyde d’azote/oxygène en vue de l’administration au patient d’un gaz composé de protoxyde d’azote et d’oxygène à une concentration maximale de 70 % de protoxyde d’azote. Les masques nasaux ClearView sont à usage unique et doivent être utilisés avec un circuit d’évacuation ClearView ™ ™...
  • Página 5: Indicaties Voor Gebruik

    Te gebruiken in lachgas-/zuurstofverdovingssystemen om een mengsel van lachgas en zuurstofgassen aan een patiënt toe te dienen met een maximale lachgasconcentratie van 70%. ClearView ™ neusmaskers zijn uitsluitend voor eenmalig gebruik en moeten gebruikt worden met ClearView ™ Scavenging Circuits. Contra-indicaties: Contra-indicaties voor het gebruik van lachgas-/zuurstofinhalatie kunnen zijn: •...
  • Página 6: Indicaciones De Uso

    Indicadas para utilizarlas en sistemas de sedación de óxido nitroso/oxígeno para administrar una mezcla de gases de óxido nitroso y oxígeno con una concentración máxima de óxido nitroso del 70 % a los pacientes. Las mascarillas nasales ClearView son de un solo uso y deben utilizarse con los circuitos de evacuación ClearView ™ ™...
  • Página 7 Для использования вместе с анестезиологическими системами на основе закиси азота/кислорода для подачи пациенту смеси закиси азота и кислорода с максимальной концентрацией закиси азота 70%. Назальные маски ClearView предназначены только для одноразового использования и используются вместе с контурами откачки ClearView ™ ™...
  • Página 8: Indicazioni Per L'uso

    Da utilizzare nei sistemi di sedazione con protossido di azoto/ossigeno, per la somministrazione al paziente di una miscela di gas protossido di azoto e ossigeno alla concentrazione massima di protossido di azoto del 70%. Le maschere nasali ClearView sono monouso e devono essere utilizzate con i circuiti di evacuazione ClearView ™ ™...
  • Página 9: Instrukcja Użycia: Maski Nosowe Clearview

    Instrukcja użycia: Maski nosowe ClearView ™ Założyć nową maskę nosową, jak pokazano na ilustracji. Zdjąć i wymienić ją po zakończeniu procedury. Numery katalogowe masek: 27663, 27679, 33034-9, 33034-10, 33034-14, 33034-16, 33035-9, 33035-10, 33035-12, 33035-14, 33035-16, 33037-9, 33037-10, 33037-11, 33037-12, 33037-17 Stosowane z obwodami oczyszczającymi: 43003, 43004, 43005, 43006, w tym instrukcja użycia 28902 wyjaśniająca, jak stosować...
  • Página 10: Indicații De Utilizare

    A se utiliza la sistemele de sedare cu oxid de azot/oxigen pentru a furniza unui pacient un amestec de oxid de azot și gaze de oxigen cu o concentrație maximă de oxid de azot de 70%. Măștile nazale ClearView sunt doar de unică folosință și de utilizat cu circuitele de purjare ClearView ™ ™...
  • Página 11 См. Consult Gebrauchs- Consulte as Consulter le Raadpleeg Consulte las Consultare le Patrz instrukcja instructions anweisung instruções de mode d’emploi gebruiksin- instrucciones инструкцию по istruzioni per użycia использованию for use lesen utilização structies de uso l'uso Внимание! Caution Achtung Precaução Avertissement Opgelet Precaución...
  • Página 12 Consultați instrucțiunile de utilizare Atenție Doar de unică folosință Numărul lotului de fabricație Doar pe bază de rețetă ONLY (S.U.A.) Data fabricației yyyy/mm Producător Reprezentant european Aprobat pen- tru Uniunea Europeană, organism 0482 autorizat Numărul catalogului Dispozitiv medical Identificator unic al dispozi- tivului Țineți departe de lumina...

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