Accutron PIP+ Instrucciones De Uso

Mascarillas nasales
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Instructions for use: PIP+
Attach the new nasal mask as illustrated here. Remove and replace upon completion of procedure.
Mask part numbers:
33015-3, 33015-9, 33015-14, 33015-15, 33015-16, 33016-1, 33016-2, 33016-3, 33016-9, 33016-10, 33016-11,
33016-12, 33016-13, 33016-14, 33016-15, 33016-16, 33017-1, 33017-9, 33017-10, 33017-11, 33017-12, 33017-17
Used in adapter asemblies: 35000, 35100, 35300, 35325, 35350, 35400, 35500, 35600
Used with scavenging circuits: 32007, 32009, 33008, 33010 which includes IFU 28903 explaining how to use mask and circuit in a procedure.
Indications for use:
To be used in nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation systems for delivering to a patient a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen gases
with a maximum nitrous oxide concentration of 70%.
Nasal Masks are single use only and to be used with PIP+
Contraindications for use of nitrous oxide/oxygen inhalation may include:
Some chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
Severe emotional disturbances or drug-related dependencies
First trimester of pregnancy
Treatment with bleomycin sulfate
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency
Severe asthma
Whenever possible, appropriate medical specialists should be consulted before administering analgesic/anxiolytic agents to
patients with significant underlying medical conditions (e.g., severe obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure,
sickle cell disease, acute otitis media, recent tympanic membrane graft, acute severe head injury.
patient history with regard to these health issues.
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Clinical Guidelines: Guidelines on Use of Nitrous Oxide for Pediatric Dental Patients. Pediatr Dent 2009;31(6):148-151. Available at:
"". Accessed February 23, 2010.
To be used only by a professional trained in the use of nitrous oxide, using titration method. Patient should always be closely
monitored during nitrous oxide use. If patient has an adverse reaction, reduce or stop the flow of nitrous oxide as needed.
The O2 flush button can be used to rapidly purge the lines of N2O. If patient does not show signs of quick recovery, remove
nasal hood and treat with pure oxygen from either the O2 resuscitator fitting or an auxiliary oxygen tank using a demand valve,
oxygen assisted manual resuscitator, or equivalent. Call for emergency assistance if rapid response is not achieved.
Do not use this device for the administration of general anesthesia or as part of, or in conjunction with, a general anesthesia
administration system.
Federal (U.S.) law restricts this device to sale by or on order of a dentist or physician.
Crosstex International, Inc., a Cantel Medical Company
1733 W Parkside Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85027 USA
Made in USA
Part No. 28743 / REV C - 06/2020
All product names are trademarks of Crosstex International, Inc., a Cantel Medical Company, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted.
(800) 531-2221
Nasal Masks
Scavenging Circuits.
MT Promedt Consulting GmbH
Altenhofstrasse 80
D-66386 St. Ingbert/Germany
Te. +49 (0) 6894-581020
Fax +49 (0) 6894- 581021
Operator must review
No expiration date required.
Not made with natural latex rubber.
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Accutron PIP+

  • Página 1 Fax +49 (0) 6894- 581021 Made in USA Part No. 28743 / REV C - 06/2020 All product names are trademarks of Crosstex International, Inc., a Cantel Medical Company, its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. (800) 531-2221...
  • Página 2 Made in USA Naturlatexfrei. Fax +49 (0) 6894- 581021 Art.Nr. 28743 / REV C - 06/2020 Sämtliche Produktnamen sind Marken von Crosstex International, Inc., einem Unternehmen von Cantel Medical, seinen Tochterunternehmen oder verbundenen Unternehmen, sofern nicht anders angegeben. (800) 531-2221...
  • Página 3: Indicações De Utilização

    N.º de peça 28743 / REV C - 06/2020 Todos os nomes de produtos são marcas comerciais da Crosstex International Inc., uma empresa da Cantel Medical, das suas afiliadas ou empresas relacionadas, salvo indicação em contrário. (800) 531-2221...
  • Página 4: Contre-Indications

    Fabriqué aux États-Unis Fabriqué sans latex de Réf. 28743/RÉV. C - 06/2020 caoutchouc naturel. Sauf indication contraire, tous les noms de produits sont des marques de Crosstex International, Inc., une entreprise de Cantel Medical, de ses filiales ou sociétés associées. (800) 531-2221...
  • Página 5: Indicaties Voor Gebruik

    Fax +49 (0) 6894- 581021 Gemaakt in de VS. latexrubber. Onderdeelnr. 28743 / REV C - 06/2020 Alle productnamen zijn handelsmerken van Crosstex International, Inc., een Cantel Medical Onderneming, zijn dochterondernemingen of verwante ondernemingen, tenzij anderszins aangegeven. (800) 531-2221...
  • Página 6: Indicaciones De Uso

    N.º de producto 28743 / REV. C - 06/2020 Todos los nombres de producto son marcas registradas de Crosstex International, Inc., una empresa de Cantel Medical, sus filiales o empresas relacionadas, a menos que se indique lo contrario. (800) 531-2221...
  • Página 7 Факс +49 (0) 6894- 581021 Произведено в США Номер по каталогу. 28743 / РЕД. С - 06/2020 Все названия продуктов являются торговыми марками Crosstex International, Inc., компании Cantel Medical, ее дочерних или связанных компаний, если только не указано иначе. (800) 531-2221...
  • Página 8: Indicazioni Per L'uso

    Parte n. 28743 / REV. C - 06/2020 Tutti i nomi dei prodotti sono marchi commerciali di Crosstex International Inc., una società Cantel Medical, delle sue affiliate o delle aziende collegate, se non diversamente indicato. (800) 531-2221...
  • Página 9: Instrukcja Użycia: Maski Nosowe Pip

    Faks +49 (0) 6894- 581021 Produkt nie zawiera lateksu naturalnego. Nr kat. 28743/WER. C — 06/2020 O ile nie podano inaczej, wszystkie nazwy produktów są znakami towarowymi firmy Crosstex International Inc., a Cantel Medical Company, jej spółek zależnych lub firm powiązanych. (800) 531-2221...
  • Página 10: Indicații De Utilizare

    Fax +49 (0) 6894- 581021 Nr. articol 28743/REV C – 06/2020 Toate denumirile de produse sunt mărci comerciale ale Crosstex International, Inc., o companie medicală Cantel, ale afiliaților și companiilor aferente, cu excepția cazului în care este menționat altfel. (800) 531-2221...
  • Página 11 См. Consult Gebrauchs- Consulte as Consulter le Raadpleeg Consulte las Consultare le Patrz instrukcja instructions anweisung instruções de mode d’emploi gebruiksin- instrucciones инструкцию по istruzioni per użycia использованию for use lesen utilização structies de uso l'uso Внимание! Caution Achtung Precaução Avertissement Opgelet Precaución...
  • Página 12 Consultați instrucțiunile de utilizare Atenție Doar de unică folosință Numărul lotului de fabricație Doar pe bază de rețetă ONLY (S.U.A.) Data fabricației yyyy/mm Producător Reprezentant european Aprobat pen- GmbH tru Uniunea Europeană, many organism autorizat 0482 Numărul catalogului Dispozitiv medical Identificator unic al dispozi- tivului...

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