Carefully pull the tool out of the opening.
The microphone cover should come out
with the tool. The cover can be removed
from the tool and then disposed of.
Replacing the Microphone Cover
Grasping the tool in one hand, use the blunt,
non-threaded end to put a new microphone
cover on the end of the tool. The microphone
cover is quite small, so the tool works as a
guide to properly and easily replace the cover.
Press the cover into the hole until the tool is
flush with the processor.
Naída CI Q70 Sound Processor User Guide
With the microphone cover on the end
of the tool, hold the Naída CI Q70
in the other hand and carefully align
the end of the tool directly over the
opening to the microphone.
Carefully pull the tool away from the
processor, leaving the microphone cover
correctly seated in the microphone port.