Vacuum Pumping; Leakage Detection - Gree LOMO R32 Manual De Usuario

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Vacuum pumping

Use vacuum pump
1. Remove the valve caps on
the liquid valve and gas
valve and the nut of refri-
gerant charging vent.
2. Connect the charging ho-
se of piezometer to the
refrigerant charging vent
of gas valve and then co-
nnect the other charging
hose to the vacuum pump.
3. Open the piezometer com-
pletely and operate for
10-15min to check if the
pressure of piezometer re-
mains in -0.1MPa.
4. Close the vacuum pump
and maintain this status for
1-2min to check if the pres-
sure of piezometer remains
in -0.1MPa. If the pressure decreases, there may be leakage.
5. Remove the piezometer, open the valve core of liquid valve and gas valve
completely with inner hexagon spanner.
6. Tighten the screw caps of valves and refrigerant charging vent.

Leakage detection

1. With leakage detector:
Check if there is leakage with leakage detector.
2. With soap water:
If leakage detector is not available, please use soap water for leakage detection.
Apply soap water at the suspected position and keep the soap water for more
than 3min. If there are air bubbles coming out of this position, there's a leakage.
Copyright 2018. This translation is property of GREE PRODUCTS SL. All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction without its express authorization is prohibited.
liquid valve
gas valve
refrigerant charging
nut of refrigerant
charging vent
valve cap
vacuum pump
inner hexagon

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