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S I M E S S.xxxx Technical data on the internal label. Dati tecnici sulla etichetta interna. Technische Daten auf der internen Bezeichnung. Données techniques sur l’étiquette interne. Datos técnicos en la etiqueta interna. IPXX MADE IN ITALY XXXX XXXX In case of diffuser damage change it before to switch on the fitting.
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Terminal block not included. Installation may require advice from a qualified person. For wiring, use a terminal complies with EN 60998-2-1 and EN 60998-2-2.The IP rating of the electrical connection must be equal to or greater than the IP rating of the luminaire.
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ANY MODIFICATION TO THIS FITTING IS FORBIDDEN WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION ! The safety of the fitting is guaranteed only respecting the electrical European norms and the mounting instructions in this box; therefore it is important to conserve them. The respect of these instructions is very important for the fitting and the main line life.
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Valaisimelle tarkoitettua lampputehoa ei saa ylittää. Katkaise pääjännite huoltotöiden ajaksi. QUALQUER ALTERAÇÃO NESTE APARELHO, SEM AUTORIZAÇÃO, È INTERDITA ! A segurança das luminárias é garantida somente se as normas eléctricas Europeias forem respeitadas bem como as in- struções de montagem que estão na embalagem. É necessário conservá-las após montagem. A observação das instruções é...
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- Prüfen Sie die Leuchten- und Eingießgehäuse auf Wassereinfall Sämtliche sich in der Leuchte befindenden Komponenten wie Vorschalt- oder Netzgeräte, Unterleg-oder Zahnscheiben dürfen keine Anzeichen von Rost oder Oxidation aufzeigen. Diese Anzeichen signalisieren eindeutig, dass sich Feuchti- gkeit innerhalb der Leuchte befindet. Sollten Komponenten innerhalb der Leuchte defekt oder gebrochen sein, so müssen sie durch Original Ersatzteile fach- gerecht ersetzt werden, bevor die Leuchte in Betrieb gehen kann.
Vi rekommenderar även att kontrollera anslutningen varje gång lampan ersätts eller åtminstone en gång om året eller inom tidsintervallet på det föreskrivna underhållsschemat beroende på typ av installation. ALGEMENE ONDERHOUDSINSTRUCTIES De installatie en de armaturen moeten, ongeacht hun IP-waarde of toepassing, onderhouden worden volgens een regelma- tig onderhoudsprogramma.
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10-20 cm from the connection box. Nel caso in cui SIMES S.p.A. dia il consenso al reso di apparecchi per il controllo, essi dovranno essere resi senza essere smontati (aprire solo l’anello superiore per la rimozione dalla cassaforma, ove necessario).
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Advertencia: no emplear alcohol ni disolventes. SIMES reserves the right to introduce all the technical and structural changes required for the improvement of the product. SIMES si riserva di apportare modifiche tecniche e strutturali necessarie al miglioramen- to del prodotto in qualsiasi momento.
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RAEE - WEEE Directive 2002/96/CE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment - WEEE): information for users The crossed out wheeled bin label that can be found on your product indicates that this product should not be dispo- sed of via the normal household waste stream. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health please separate this product from other waste streams to ensure that it can be recycled in an environmentally sound manner.
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SIMES S.p.A. VIA G. PASTORE 2/4 - 25040 CORTE FRANCA (BS) - ITALY TEL. +39 0309860430 - FAX +39 0309860439 E-mail: [email protected] - http://www.simes.it...