Busch – All over the World in Industry
Busch Argentina S.R.L.
Santo Domingo 3076
C1293AGN-Capital Federal
Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 11 4302 8183
Fax: +54 11 4301 0896
Busch Australia Pty. Ltd.
30 Lakeside Drive
Broadmeadows, Vic. 3047
Tel: +61 3 93 55 06 00
Fax: +61 3 93 55 06 99
Busch Austria GmbH
Industriepark Nord
2100 Korneuburg
Tel: +43 2262 / 756 65-0
Fax: +43 2262 / 756 65-20
Busch N.V.
Kruinstraat 7
9160 Lokeren
Tel: +32 9 / 348 47 22
Fax: +32 9 / 348 65 35
Busch do Brasil Ltda.
Rod. Edgard Máximo Zambotto, Km 64
13240-000 Jarinu-SP
Tel: +55 11-4016 1400/5277
Fax: +55 11-4016 5399
Busch Vacuum Technics Inc.
1740, Lionel Bertrand
Boisbriand, Québec J7H 1N7
Tel: +1 450 435 6899
Fax: +1 450 430 5132
Busch Chile S. A.
Calle El Roble N° 375-G
Lampa - Santiago
Tel: +56 2 3765136
Fax: +56 2 7387092
Busch Vacuum (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
No.5, Lane 195 Xipu Road
Songjiang Industrial Estate East New Zone
Shanghai 201611 PRC
Tel: +86 (0)21 67600800
Fax: +86 (0)21 67600700
Czech Republic
Busch Vakuum s.r.o.
Pra ákova 10
619 00 Brno-Horní Heršpice
Tel: +420 543 42 48 55
Fax: +420 543 42 48 56
Busch Vakuumteknik A/S
Parallelvej 11
8680 Ry
Tel: +45 87 88 07 77
Fax: +45 87 88 07 88
Busch Vakuumteknik Oy
Sinikellontie 4
01300 Vantaa
Tel: +358 9 774 60 60
Fax: +358 9 774 60 666
KB/KC 0025 F
0870142967 / 111115
Busch France S.A.S.
16, Rue du Bois Chaland
91090 Lisses
Tel: +33 16989 8989
Fax: +33 16989 8958
Dr.-Ing. K. Busch GmbH
Schauinslandstr. 1
79689 Maulburg
Tel: +49 76 22 6 81-0
Fax: +49 76 22 6 81-194
Dr.-Ing. K. Busch GmbH
Niederlassung Nord
Ernst-Abbe-Str. 1-3
25451 Quickborn
Tel: +49 41 06 7 99 67-0
Fax: +49 41 06 7 99 67-77
Dr.-Ing. K. Busch GmbH
Niederlassung West
Nordring 35
64807 Dieburg
Tel: +49 60 71 92 82-0
Fax: +49 60 71 14 71
Dr.-Ing. K. Busch GmbH
Außenstelle Neuenrade
Breslauer Str. 36
58809 Neuenrade
Tel: +49 23 92 50 29 92
Fax: +49 23 92 50 72 11
Dr.-Ing. K. Busch GmbH
Niederlassung Süd-Ost
Gewerbestraße 3
90579 Langenzenn
Tel: +49 91 01 90 25-0
Fax: +49 91 01 90 25-25
Dr.-Ing. K. Busch GmbH
Außenstelle Zella-Mehlis
Am Rain 11
98544 Zella-Mehlis
Tel: +49 36 82 46 92 71
Fax: +49 36 82 46 92 73
Dr.-Ing. K. Busch GmbH
Außenstelle Meitingen-Ostendorf
Grüntenweg 8
86405 Meitingen-Ostendorf
Tel: +49 82 71 426-341
Fax: +49 82 71 426-342
Busch Vacuum Kft.
Bentonit u. 8
1225 Budapest
Tel: +36 1 207 6135
Fax: +36 1 207 6136
Busch Vacuum India Pvt Ltd.
Plot No. 110, Sector 7
PCNTDA, Bhosari
Pune 411026
Tel: +91 206410 2886
Fax: +91 202711 2838
Busch Ireland Ltd.
A10-11 Howth Junction Business Centre
Kilbarrack, Dublin 5
Tel: +353 1 832 1466
Fax: +353 1 832 1470
Busch Israel Ltd.
1 Mevo Sivan Street
Qiryat Gat 82022, Israel
Tel: +972 (0)8 6810485
Fax +972 (0)8 6810486
Busch Italia S.r.l.
Via Ettore Majorana, 16
20054 Nova Milanese
Tel: +39 0362 370 91
Fax: +39 0362 370 999
Nippon Busch K.K.
1-23-33, Megumigaoka
Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa
Japan 259-1220
Tel: +81 463-50-4000
Fax: +81 463-50-4004
Busch Korea Ltd.
248-2, Ichi-ri, Majang-Myun,
Icheon-si, Kyunggi-Do
Tel: +82 31 321 8114
Fax: +82 31 321 8877
Busch Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
4&6, Jalan Taboh 33/22, Seksyen 33
Shah Alam Technology Park
40400 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: +60 3 5122 2128
Fax +60 3 5122 2108
Busch Vacuum Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.
Tlaquepaque 4865, Los Altos
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon
Mexico 64370
Tel: +52 81 8311-1385
Fax: +52 81 8311-1386
Busch B.V.
Pompmolenlaan 2
3447 GK Woerden
Tel: +31 348-462300
Fax: +31 348-422939
New Zealand
Busch New Zealand Ltd.
Unit D, 41 Arrenway Drive
Albany, Auckland 1330
Tel: +64 9 414 7782
Fax: +64 9 414 7783
Busch Vakuumteknikk AS
Hestehagen 2
1440 Drøbak
Tel: +47 64 98 98 50
Fax: +47 64 93 66 21
Busch Polska Sp. z o.o.
Ul. Chopina 27
87-800 W oc awek
Tel: +48 54 2315400
Fax: +48 54 2327076
Busch lbérica S.A., Sucursal em Portugal
Zona Industrial Norte,
Fracção B, Armazém 2
3750-753 Raso de Travassô - Agueda
Aveiro, Portugal
Tel: +351 234 648 070
Fax: +351 234 648 068
Busch Vacuum Russia OOO
Kotlyakovskaya str., 6/9
115201 Moscow
Tel: +7 495 6486726
Fax: +7 495 6486724
Busch – All over the World in Industry
Busch Vacuum Singapore Pte Ltd
20 Shaw Road
Unit 01-03 Ching Shine Building
Singapore 367956
Tel: +65 6488 0866
Fax: +65 6288 0877
South Africa
Busch Vacuum South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
Tel: +27 11 856 0650/6
Fax: +27 11 856 0625
Busch Ibérica S.A.
Pol. Ind. Coll de la Manya
C/ Jaume Ferran, 6-8
08403 Granollers
Tel: +34 93 861 61 60
Fax: +34 93 840 91 56
Busch Vakuumteknik AB
Bråta Industriområde
435 33 Mölnlycke
Tel: +46 31-338 00 80
Fax: +46 31-338 00 89
Busch AG
Waldweg 22
4312 Magden
Tel: +41 61 / 845 90 90
Fax: +41 61 / 845 90 99
Busch Taiwan Corporation
1F. No. 69, Sec. 3, Beishen Road
Shenkeng Township,
Taipei County 222
Tel: +886 2 2662 0775
Fax: +886 2 2662 0796
Busch Vacuum (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
888/30 Moo19, Soi Yingcharoen,
Bangplee-Tamru Road,
Bangpleeyai, Bangplee,
amutprakarn 10540
Tel: +66 2-382-5428
Fax: +66 2-382-5429
Emlak Kredi Ishani No: 179
34672 Üsküdar-Istanbul
Tel: +90 216 310 0573
Fax: +90 216 343 5126
United Kingdom
Busch (UK) Ltd
Hortonwood 30
Telford Shropshire TF1 7YB
Tel: +44 1952 677 432
Fax: +44 1952 677 423
Busch LLC
516-B Viking Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Tel: +1 757 463-7800
Fax: +1 757 463 7407
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