Do not treat the same area of skin more than once per hair removal session.
Stop use immediately if you have any discomfort.
9.4 What to expect with Silk'n SatinGlow
For many people, using Silk' n SatinGlow may be their first experience with a light-based
device designed for home use. Silk' n SatinGlow is simple to use, and hair removal sessions
go by quickly. During a Silk' n SatinGlow session it is normal to experience and feel:
A fan noise: The cooling fan in Silk' n SatinGlow makes a noise similar to a hairdryer.
This is normal.
A pop sound with each pulse: When a pulse of HPL™ light is activated, it is
normal to hear a subtle pop sound simultaneously with the flash of light.
Moderate pressure of the treatment surface: This is necessary and helpful
for placement of adjacent pulses of light, and is part of the unique safety feature of
Silk' n SatinGlow.
A sensation of warmth and tingling: During each pulse of light it is normal to
feel a mild sensation of warmth and tingling from the light energy.
Some mild red or pink color: During and just after your Silk' n SatinGlow session
it is not uncommon to see some very mild, pink-like colour of the skin. This is usually
most noticeable around the hairs themselves.
However if you see full redness of the skin, blistering or burns, stop using Silk' n
SatinGlow immediately.