- Press MENU, then + to access the ProGr menu.
- Press OK-boost to enter this menu.
- Press + or - to select the programme number (from
1 to 9) ; this number is displayed at the bottom of the
- Press OK-boost to validate.
- Press + or - to select programme operating mode ;
Comfort (ConFo), Boost without fan (booSt) or with
fan (FAn), for models with fan only.
- Press OK-boost to validate.
- Press + or - to select the day(s) of programme ac-
tivation or inactivation (StoP); Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday (d1
... d7), from Monday morning to Sunday evening (d1-
d7), from Saturday morning to Sunday evening (d6-
d7), from Monday morning to Friday evening (d1-d5).
- Press OK-boost to validate.
- Press + or - to set the hour of start time for the pro-
gramme's time period
- Press OK-boost to validate.
- Press + or - to set the minutes of the start time in
blocks of 5 minutes.
- Press OK-boost to validate.
- Press + or - to set the duration of the programme's
time period.
. If the duration is set at 0 it deactivates the pro-
gramme's time period. In Comfort mode, the duration
can be set in blocks of 1 hour.
. In Boost mode with fan, the duration can be set from
5 minutes to a maximum of 2 hours.
. The programme cannot run into the next day. The maximum duration can
therefore not exceed midnight (for example, if the start time is 20:30, the
maximum duration displayed is 4 hours and the real maximum duration is 3
hours 30 minutes).
- Press OK-boost to validate.
- Press the MENU button to exit the menu without validating the latest modifications.
Quick start