Energy Recommendation
You may use the energy
recommendation button
the start of each treatment.
A press on the
will allow you to detect
the recommended energy
level for your treatment,
according to your skin tone
in the tested area.
When pressing the energy
recommendation button,
it will light up green and
all energy level display
indicators will flicker.
Hold the device on the
desired treatment area and
press the trigger button to
measure your skin tone (no
flash will be released). The
recommended energy level
for the detected skin tone
will be automatically set,
as indicated by the energy
level display.
Failure to determine
suitable energy level
due to lack of contact or
forbidden skin tone (too
dark) is indicated by a
momentary red light on the
status indicator.
Pulse or Glide Mode
You may choose between 2
operational modes, the 'Pulse
mode' or the 'Glide mode':
To test the skin tone in
each treatment area,
place the device on that
area and press the energy
recommendation button.
Pulse mode: Press the
trigger button once to
release a single flash.
Continue to the next spot
and press the trigger
button again to release
another flash. Repeat this
until treatment is complete.
Glide mode: Begin
treatment in Pulse mode.
After three consecutive
flashes without releasing
the trigger button, Glide
mode will be automatically
activated. This mode
will release flashes
continuously, with a 1-3
second pause between
flashes, so there is no
need to hold the trigger
button. The Glide mode will
automatically deactivate
when the device is not in
proper contact with the
skin or if the skin tone is too