Never use flammable
liquids such as alcohol
(including perfumes,
sanitizers, or other
applications containing
alcohol) or acetone on the
skin one hour before using
the device as it may cause
burning of the skin.
Do not treat the same area
of skin more than once per
treatment, as it may cause
adverse effects.
Do NOT use the device if you:
Have an active implant
such as a pacemaker,
insulin pump or similar
devices, since it may cause
Are pregnant, have a
chance of being pregnant
or are nursing since the
device was not tested
on pregnant or nursing
women and may stimulate
Have skin cancer, areas
at risk of malignancy,
or if you have received
therapy within the past 3
months since the safety
of such usage has not
been established and the
immune system can be
compromised, which can
lead to serious injury.
Suffer from epilepsy, as
using the device could
trigger a seizure.
Have damaged or broken
skin, or a history of Herpes
or Psoriasis outbreaks in the
treatment area since such
usage can result in serious
side effects.
Suffer from keloid scar
formation (growth of extra
scar tissue where the skin
has healed after an injury)
in the treatment area
since such usage has not
been established and
may result in serious skin
If you are taking a
photosensitizing drug or
herbal remedy, consult a
physician before using the
device as the application
may be harmful to the skin.
Are photosensitive or have
other diseases related
to light sensitivity, as
device usage under these
conditions may lead to
serious injury.
Suffer from severe or
decompensated metabolic
conditions, such as