ing and installing the lift. Proper installation
is very important. To minimize the chance of
making an error in installation, please read this
manual through carefully before beginning
installation. Check with building owner and/or
an engineer when applicable. The lift should
be located on a relatively level floor 4" thick
and 3,OOOpsi concrete sufficiently cured.
This is a vehicle lift installation/operation
manual and no attempt is made or implied
herein to instruct the user in lifting methods
particular to an individual application. Rather,
the contents of this manual are intended as a
basis for operation and maintenance of the
unit as it stands alone or as it is intended and
anticipated to be used in conjunction with
other equipment.
Proper application of the equipment described
herein is limited to the parameters detailed in
the specifications and the uses set forth in the
descriptive passages.
IMPORTANT: The installation of this lift is
relatively simple and can be accomplished by 2
people in a few hours. The following tools and
equipment are needed;
•12 quarts of Non-Detergent Hydraulic Oil
SAE-1O AW 32 or other good grade.
• Chalk line and 12' tape measure.
• Rotary Hamer Drill with 3/4" Drill Bit. Core
Drill ReBar Cutter recommended.
• 4' Level.
• Sockets and Open Wrench set, 1/2" thru
1-1/2" (1-1/8" for 3/4' Anchors).
• Vise Grips.
1. Identify the components and check for
shortages. If shortages are discovered, contact
us immediately. Save the shipping bolts for use
in the installation.
2. Lift location-check with building owner
and lor an engineer when applicable. The lift
should be located on a relatively level floor 4"
thick and 3,OOOpsi concrete sufficiently cured
with no cracks within 38" and no seams with in
6" of the base plate. Remember any structure
is only as strong as its foundation.
Check for ceiling clearance; lifting height plus
vehicle height if installing the Floor Plate Style
Lift. Check for clearance in the front and rear
of vehicle when on lift.
1. Concrete shall have compression strength of
at least 3,OOOpsi and a minimun thickness of
4" in order to achieve a minimun anchor depth
of 3-1/2". If the top of the anchor exceeds
2" above the floor grade, you DO NOT have
enough depth.
2 Use holes in column base plate as a guide
before drilling the 3/4"diameter holes in the
concrete floor. Make sure the hole distance
from the edge is not less than 6". Hole depth
should be a minimum of 4", it is recommended
to drive through the 4" concrete, unless you
have a high water table.
CAUTION: DO NOT install on asphalt or
other similar unstable surface. Columns are
supported only by anchoring into the floor.
4. Shim each column base until each column
is plumb. If one column has la be elevated to
match the plane of the other colwnn, then
full-size base shim plates should be used (Ref-
erence Shim Kit) torque anchors to 130 ft-Ibs.
Shim thickness MUST NOT exceed 3/8" when
using the 5-1/2" long anchor provided with the
lift. Adjust the column extension plumb.
5. If anchors do not tighten to 130 ft-lbs in-
stallation torque, then replace concrete un-
der each column base with a 4'x4'x6" thick
3,OOOpsi minimum concrete pad keyed under
and flush with the lap of existing floor. Let con-
crete cure before installing lifts and anchors.
Anchors must be at least 6"from edge of the
slab or any seam.
1. Use a concrete hammer and a drill, a solid
drill bit with a carbide tip, the same diameter