Air Noise
(Directive 2006/42/EC, annexe 1, point letter u)
– The continuous equivalent weighted level (A)
of noise pressure at the working place L
– The maximum value of instantaneous weighted noise
pressure C at the working place L
– The level of noise force produced by the machine
is equal to ..................................................................................................................................104,3 dB (A)
Protection of workers against risks of exposure to noise during work
The Cembre drilling machine, model SD-10E, has been designed and constructed according
to EEC directives 80/1107 and 86/188 relating to the protection of workers against risks arising
from exposure to chemical, physical and biological agents during work, with particular regard
to the risk of exposure to noise.
This has enabled a drilling machine to be manufactured for drilling wooden sleepers with re-
duced noise.
The exposure of the workers to noise produced from this equipment depends on the duration
of loading times, the intervals between exposures and the number of holes made within the
space of one working day.
It is also indicated, by way of example, that for a worker who uses the SD-10E drilling machine
properly for making holes of Ø 18 mm in a 15 cm thick wooden sleeper, producing up to 450
holes/day, the daily personal exposure to the noise, due solely to the use of the machine is less
than 77,1 dB (A). Under these conditions, producing 900 holes/day the daily exposure to noise
would be 79,7 dB (A).
Since the noise levels obviously vary according to the many different operating conditions, the
Cembre engineers are available togive further advice on the correct use of the drilling machine.
Risks due to vibration
(Directive 2006/42/EC, annexe 1, point
Verifications made according to the UNI ENV 25349 and UNI EN 28662 – Part 1 Norms, confirm
that the weighted root mean square acceleration value to which the arms are subjected when
using the drilling machine correctly is for each of the biodynamic reference axis respectively:
3,72 m/s
on the X axis
2,35 m/s
on the Y axis
1,84 m/s
on the Z axis
is equal to ........................................................93,1 dB (A)
is lower than ............................................................130 dB (C)